prostrated 发音
英:[prɒˈstreɪtɪd] 美:[ˈprɑːstreɪtɪd]
英: 美:
prostrated 中文意思翻译
prostrated 词性/词形变化,prostrated变形
名词: prostrator |动词过去分词: prostrated |动词现在分词: prostrating |动词第三人称单数: prostrates |动词过去式: prostrated |
prostrated 短语词组
1、prostrated resignation ─── 卑躬屈膝
prostrated 相似词语短语
1、prostates ─── n.前列腺;adj.前列腺的
2、rostrate ─── adj.有喙的;有喙状突起的
3、prostrate ─── adj.俯卧的;拜倒的;降伏的;沮丧的;vt.使…屈服;将…弄倒;使…俯伏
4、erostrate ─── adj.缺嘴的;无喙的
5、rostrated ─── adj.有喙状突起的;有喙状装饰的
6、prostrates ─── adj.俯卧的;拜倒的;降伏的;沮丧的;vt.使…屈服;将…弄倒;使…俯伏
7、frustrated ─── adj.懊恼的,沮丧的;无效的,没有得到满足的;失意的,不得志的;(性欲)被抑制的;v.挫败;阻挠(frustrate的过去式和过去分词)
8、prorated ─── v.按比例分配,摊派(prorate的过去式和过去分词)
9、prostate ─── n.前列腺;adj.前列腺的
prostrated 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、we have prostrated ourselves before the throne,and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and Parliament. ─── 我们曾经匍匐在王权的宝座下,哀求它从中阻止内阁和国会的专横统治。
2、M. arrived early in the morning and found the Master talking smilingly to Bhavanath, Rakhal, and Kalikrishna. M. prostrated himself before him. ─── 很早就赶到,发现师父正在微笑地与博伽梵纳特、罗哈尔和卡利克里希纳交谈。M在他面前变得沮丧起来。
3、He was prostrated by the heat. ─── 他热得昏倒了。
4、That year, I prostrated to embrace the dirt along my pilgrimage, not for worshiping the Buddha but a touch of your warmth. ─── 那一年,我磕长头拥抱尘土,不为朝佛,只为贴近你的温暖;
5、For months he was prostrated with grief. ─── 他好几个月都悲痛不已。
6、The man reportedly told neighbors that he had been denied benefits even though he had prostrated himself be-fore a city official. ─── 这名男子据说曾告诉邻居,虽然他全身拜倒、匍匐在地,向一名市府官员求情,福利金仍被删除。
7、She prostrated herself with frustration. ─── 因受挫她平伏于地上。
8、When he prostrated himself, they, too, prostrated themselves. ─── 他鞠躬、站立、叩头时,他俩亦步亦趋.
9、In the morning he went to the Kali temple with Sri Ramakrishna and prostrated himself before the image of the Mother. ─── 他第二天早上与室利罗摩克里希纳一同进入卡利神庙,臣服在母亲的神像面前。
10、By right of " belle " add " hacker " dual appeal, large quantities of vermicelli made from bean starch are prostrated in its pomegranate skirt falls. ─── 凭借“美女”加“黑客”的双重吸引力,大批粉丝拜倒在其石榴裙下。
11、As your correspondent spoke to a monk in the backroom of a monastery, a teenage boy rushed in and prostrated himself before him. ─── 像你们的记者在一座寺庙的后屋对一个和尚说的一样,一个十多岁的小男孩冲进来趴在他后面。
12、She was prostrated when he died. ─── 他死了,她陷入极度的悲痛之中。
13、When We said to the angels, "Prostrate yourselves to Adam", they prostrated themselves, but not Iblis: he refused. ─── 当时我对众天神说:“你们当向阿丹叩头。”他们就叩头,但易卜劣厮除外。
14、She was prostrated when he died. ─── 他死了,她陷入极度的悲痛之中。
15、The poor girl was prostrated and a doctor confined her to bed. ─── 这可怜的女孩很虚弱,医生嘱咐她卧床休息。
16、3. That evening the unbeliever went to the temple and prostrated himself before the altar and prayed the gods to forgive his wayward past. ─── 那天晚上,否认神的学者去了寺庙,拜倒在祭坛前,恳求神宽恕他以前的任性。收藏指正
17、The gale prostrated many trees . ─── 疾风吹倒了许多树。
18、They prostrated themselves before the altar. ─── 他们拜倒在祭坛前。
19、One night a feast was held in the palace, and there came a man and prostrated himself before the prince, and all the feasters looked upon him; ─── 一天晚上,皇宫里正举行一场盛宴,一个男人闯了进来,跪倒在王子面前,所有的客人都看着他。
20、When Saul looked behind him, David bowed down and prostrated himself with his face to the ground. ─── 扫罗回头观看,大卫就屈身,脸伏于地下拜。
21、That evening the unbeliever went to the temple and prostrated himself before the altar and prayed the gods to forgive his wayward past. ─── 那天晚上,否认神的学者去了寺庙,拜倒在祭坛前,恳求神宽恕他以前的任性。
22、As David came to Ornan, Ornan looked and saw David, and went out from the threshing floor and prostrated himself before David with his face to the ground. ─── 大卫到了阿珥楠那里,阿珥楠看见大卫,就从禾场上出去,脸伏于地,向他下拜。
23、a shameless renegade who prostrated himself before the enemy ─── 跪倒在敌人脚下的可耻叛徒
24、The trees were prostrated by the gales yesterday. ─── 昨天大风刮倒了树木。
25、29 As the holocaust was completed, the king and all who were with him knelt and prostrated themselves. ─── 献完了祭,君王和所有同他在场的人,都屈膝跪拜。
26、An army is crossing the frontier, an anxious and weird atmosphere ,make one prostrated with fear. ─── 大军缓缓压境,悬疑诡谲的气氛,令人胆颤心惊。
27、Then Saul knew it was Samuel, and he bowed down and prostrated himself with his face to the ground. ─── 扫罗知道是撒母耳、就屈身、脸伏于地下拜。
28、Bimodal she prostrated herself in front of the hill like a thoroughbred camels, which are like Jiuhu, known Jiuhu Hill. ─── 眼前的这座山很想一匹双峰伏地骆驼,又因为它很象酒壶,所以又叫酒壶山。
29、So the man bowed down and prostrated to the Lord. He said,'Blessed is the Lord the God of my master Abraham, who has mot failed to keep faith and truth with my master; for I have been guided by the Lord to the house of my master's kinsman.' ─── 老管家向天主弯身下拜说:“感谢我的主人亚伯拉罕的上帝,天主你没有忘记以诚信待我主人,是天主引导我来到我主人的兄弟家里。”
30、He was expecting to find her prostrated by the tragedy. ─── 他以为这场悲剧会使她一蹶不振。
31、The news went around in the morning that the old couple were rather seriously ill--prostrated by the exhausting excitement growing out of their great windfall, the congratulations, and the late hours, the doctor said. ─── 第二天早上消息传开,说这对老夫妻病得很厉害--大夫说,他们是因为得了那笔外财过于激动,再加上恭喜的人太多,贪了点夜,积劳成疾了。
32、He was expecting to find her prostrated by the tragedy. ─── 他以为这场悲剧会使她一蹶不振。
33、When She began chanting Amitabha Buddha, the boys immediately put down the cassette player, folded their hands, bowed toward the machine and prostrated many times! ─── 当师父开始唱阿弥陀佛,两兄弟马上放下录音机,双手合十,一再地向录音机顶礼。
34、She prostrated herself with frustration. ─── 因受挫她平伏于地上。
35、while others prostrated themselves on the ground. They sounded the trumpets and cried aloud to Heaven. ─── 号角一响,他们便向天哀号。
36、Mephibosheth, the son of Jonathan the son of Saul, came to David and fell on his face and prostrated himself.And David said, "Mephibosheth." And he said, "Here is your servant!" ─── 撒下9:6扫罗的孙子约拿单的儿子米非波设来见大卫、伏地叩拜.大卫说、米非波设.米非波设说、仆人在此。
37、She was prostrated with fear at seeing him. ─── 她一见他就胆颤心惊。
38、The prostrated men sat in the grass. ─── 沮丧的他坐在地上目光呆滞。
39、In 1945 China emerged from the war nominally a great military power but was actually a nation economically prostrated and on the verge of all-out civil war. ─── 1945年,中国名义上是一个军事大国,但实际上不过是一个不但经济濒临崩溃还处于全面内战爆发边缘的国家。
40、Again he prostrated himself and said, "What is your servant, that you should regard a dead dog like me?" ─── 撒下9:8米非波设又叩拜说、仆人算甚麽、不过如死狗一般、竟蒙王这样眷顾。
41、Emperor Uncle prostrated himself on the ground and said, “I am guilty, Your Majesty. I beg for your mercy.” ─── 皇太叔跪伏在地,说道:“乱臣向陛下请罪,求陛下哀怜。”
42、we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and parliament. ─── 我们也曾在英王宝座前俯伏屈膝,哀求英王逮住内阁和国会的魔掌。
43、So when Joab came to the king and told him, he called for Absalom.Thus he came to the king and prostrated himself on his face to the ground before the king, and the king kissed Absalom. ─── 撒下14:33于是约押去见王、将这话奏告王.王便叫押沙龙来.押沙龙来见王、在王面前俯伏于地.王就与押沙龙亲嘴。
44、For months he was prostrated with grief. ─── 他好几个月都悲痛不已。
45、He was prostrated by illness. ─── 他因生病极为虚弱。
46、The prostrated Blue Mask King and his followings finally forge the Holy Tree through hardly efforts. ─── 被降伏的蓝面王率领部下经过艰辛的努力终于锻造出了通天神树。
47、He was prostrated by the loss of his wife ─── 他因丧妻而忧郁。
48、" Then they bowed down and prostrated themselves before the LORD, their faces to the ground. ─── "以后跪下,伏首至地,钦崇上主。
49、The competitors were prostrated by the heat. ─── 竞赛者们由于天气炎热而力不从心。
50、be prostrated by the heat ─── 热得昏倒
51、The wretched slaves prostrated themselves before their master. ─── 可怜的奴隶们拜倒在他们的主人面前。
52、They prostrated themselves before the emperor. ─── 他们拜倒在皇帝的面前。
53、We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and Parliament. ─── 可是,我们的请愿受到蔑视,我们的抗议反而招致更多的镇压和侮辱,我们的哀求被置之不理。
54、They prostrated themselves before the king. ─── 他们拜倒在国王的脚下。
55、The typhoon prostrated hundreds of trees ─── 台风吹倒了数百棵树。
56、slaves prostrated themselves before their master. ─── 可怜的奴隶们拜倒在他们的主人面前。
57、They prostrated themselves before their king. ─── 他们向他们的国王跪拜行礼。
58、The typhoon prostrated numerous young trees. ─── 台风吹倒了无数棵小树苗。
59、And when Saul looked behind him, David bowed with his face to the ground and prostrated himself. ─── 扫罗回头观看、大卫就屈身脸伏于地下拜。
60、The pilgrims prostrated themselves before the altar. ─── 朝圣者都匍伏在圣坛前。
61、He prostrated himself before rank and wealth. ─── 他拜倒在地位和财富面前。
62、The slaves prostrated themselves at their master's feet. ─── 奴隶们拜倒在主子的脚下.
63、The old man prostrated himself before the altar. ─── 那个老人平伏 [跪拜] 在祭坛前。
64、He helped the girl up, then he himself prostrated and kowtowed to her. ─── 他把貂蝉领到亭内,跪在地上给貂蝉叩头。
65、Those who formerly prostrated themselves before the power of the gentry now bow before the power of the peasants. ─── 从前拜倒在绅士权力下面的人,现在却拜倒在农民权力之下。
66、They prostrated themselves before the altar ─── 他们平伏在祭坛前。
67、Then Bathsheba bowed with her face to the ground, and prostrated herself before the king and said, "May my lord King David live forever." ─── 王上1:32大卫王又吩咐说、将祭司撒督、先知拿单、耶何耶大的儿子比拿雅召来、他们就都来到王面前。
68、The competitors were prostrated by the heat ─── 竞赛者们由於天气炎热而力不从心.
事实上,这部影片的英文名是《Days of being wild》,有翻译为“漂在天空的日子”倒是很切合“没有脚的鸟”的寓言。
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