twigs 发音
英:[twɪɡz] 美:[twɪɡz]
英: 美:
twigs 中文意思翻译
常见释义: 细枝
twigs 词性/词形变化,twigs变形
动词过去分词: twigged |动词第三人称单数: twigs |动词过去式: twigged |动词现在分词: twigging |
twigs 短语词组
1、twigs kennewick ─── 小枝肯尼维克
2、twigs terrarium ─── 细枝玻璃瓶
3、twigs crackers ─── 小枝饼干
4、twigs define ─── 细枝定义
5、twigs 99223 ─── 小枝99223
6、twigs play ─── 树枝在玩耍
7、brooms made of twigs ─── 树枝做的扫帚
8、magdalene fka twigs magdalene fka ─── 树枝
9、fka twigs fka ─── 小枝
10、twines and twigs ─── 细绳
11、twisted twigs ─── 扭曲的树枝
12、twigs hilldale ─── 小枝山
13、home with you fka twigs ─── 带着你回家fka细枝
twigs 常用词组
cassia twig ─── 桂枝
twigs 相似词语短语
1、taigs ─── n.(爱尔兰)天主教徒(贬义)
2、tigs ─── n.轻拍,触摸;捉人(儿童游戏)(同tag);v.触摸,轻碰;戏弄;(在捉人游戏中)用手触碰而抓获(同tag)
3、twig ─── n.小枝,嫩枝,末梢;血管小支;v.(非正式)顿悟;(古)察觉
4、swigs ─── v.大口喝;畅饮,痛饮;n.一大口;痛饮;畅饮
5、thigs ─── 东西
6、twins ─── n.双生子,双胞胎(twin的复数)
7、twits ─── n.挖苦;嘲笑;vt.嘲笑;责难;愚弄
8、wigs ─── n.[轻]假发(wig的复数)
9、trigs ─── adj.外表整洁的;古板的;强有力的;v.(使)外表整洁;堵塞;n.(非正式)三角学;楔子
twigs 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The ground was covered by straws and twigs, which kept the floor less slippery and clear of foot prints. ─── 地面被稻草和枯枝覆盖着,它们使地面变得不那么滑并且使脚印在上面不留痕迹。
2、All they have to do is sit at home and wait for you to gather the twigs. ─── 他们只要在家里坐着,等你收集好小树枝回去。
3、It sounded like someone just snapped a twig right behind me. ─── 好象是有人在我背后折断了一根小树枝。”
4、Some birds build nests of twigs. ─── 一些鸟用树枝筑巢。
5、This time I am sure that was the sound of a twig being broken off. ─── “这次我确定是小树枝被折断的声音。”
6、When he hunts duck, he hides behind a blind of twigs and leaves. ─── 他打野鸭时,总是藏身在用树枝和树叶做成的隐蔽处。
7、Corythosaurus was a plant eater. It ate pine needles, seeds, fruit, twigs and magnolia leaves. ─── 冠龙是草食动物。它吃很多种植物,比如松树叶,种子,水果,嫩树枝,还有木兰叶。
8、With the arrival of winter in the Kashmir valley, people are beginning to stock up on traditional fire pots made of clay and twigs. ─── 当冬日降临喀什米尔的山谷,人们开始采买黏土和树枝做的传统火炉。
9、But the twigs stirred and plentifully showered dew that made me wet. ─── 但这嫩枝摇晃著,丰沛地洒下了露水,淋湿了我全身。
10、Only dicotyledonous flowering woody plants and most gymnosperms have true twigs;monocotyledons and tree ferns do not. ─── 只有双子叶的木本开花植物和大部分的裸子植物才有真正的小枝,而单子叶植物和树蕨类植物则没有。
11、Scar left on a twig by the vascular bundles when a leaf falls. ─── 叶脱落时维管束遗留在枝上的巴痕。
12、Our unit concentrated in the forest and for a few days we had slept on the fir-twigs by the campfire. ─── 我们的单位集中在森林中,我们已经在围在冷杉枝点燃的篝火旁度过了好几个夜晚。
13、The twelve twins twirled twelve twigs. ─── 12对双胞胎快速转动着12跟树枝。
14、Twigs ?terete, pubescent, later glabrescent and cinereous. ─── 小枝圆柱状,青春期,后脱落的和灰色。
15、Twigs, petioles, and leaf blade abaxially pubescent at base; rachis of inflorescences tomentellate. ─── 小枝,叶柄和叶片背面基部被短柔毛;花序轴短绒毛。
16、And thousands of twigs droop like silk ribbons. ─── 万条垂下绿丝绦。
17、Every morning he went out importantly with a basket to pick up twigs and chips to start the fires with. ─── 他每天早晨起来,就要象煞有介事地拿着一只篮子到外边去捡树枝木片,以备生炉子引火用。
18、The snap of a twig broke the silence. ─── 一根树枝突然折断打破了寂静。
19、It indicated:the muturation feeding of monochamus alternatus adults was mainly on one-year-old twigs. ─── 室内测定雌成虫取食1年生树枝面积占总面积的36.58%,雄成虫占38.99%:林间测定占26.34%。
20、Twigs terete, densely rust-colored hirsute. ─── 小枝圆柱状,密被锈色具长硬毛。
21、A four-inch twig buzzes overhead and thuds onto a nearby branch. ─── 一根四英寸长的“细枝”在高处嗡嗡作响,砰的一下撞上了旁边的树枝。
22、The twigs hereof are physic. ─── 其嫩枝是药材。
23、Twigs terete, densely brown hispid. ─── 小枝圆柱状,密被棕色。
24、They used dry twigs to start the fire. ─── 他们用乾燥的细树枝来引火.
25、The hour came when he was to give his answer, and he brought the three twigs and the goblet before the king. ─── 他解开这秘密的期限到了,他带着那三根树枝和那只金?,来到国王面前。
26、He snapped a twig off a bush. ─── 他啪地从灌木上折下一小枝。
27、They had to go to look for firewood and for small twigs. ─── 他们得去找木材和小树枝。
28、They eat leaves, twigs, bark, grass and fruits. ─── 它们吃树叶、嫩枝、树皮、青草和水果。
29、Fly over mountains and rivers before I stop at a twig in front of your window. ─── 可以飞越万水千山,停在你窗前的树梢。
30、The rugged forest is crowded with large fir trees and tall lodgepole pines,but they all look like puny twigs compared to the giant sequoia. ─── 在这片地势起伏的森林中,高大的冷杉和美国黑松随处可见,但与巨大的红杉相比,它们看起来都如小枝小条一般。
31、hare actually has abundant food in the small twigs it finds. ─── 事实上,野兔在它找到的小树枝里有大量的食物。
32、The soldier reached out and snapped off one of the twigs with a leaf on the end of it for a souvenir. ─── 士兵伸出手啪的一声折断尾端有片金叶的小树枝作为纪念。
33、Just like a gentle breeze wandering among the twigs of trees. ─── 像柔和的微风,漫游在树枝之间。
34、She was staring at the pewter oil lamp whose stem was festooned with cedar twigs and clusters of peanuts. ─── 她呆呆地望着灯盘上缠了柏枝和长生果的锡灯盏出神。
35、He made her a toy horse, using just some straw and bamboo twigs. ─── 他只用来些稻草和竹枝就给她做成了一只玩具马。
36、Some birds perched on some twigs . ─── 一些鸟停在一些小树枝上。
37、Moving almost silently among the dead leaves and dry twigs, he made his way toward the edge of the woods. ─── 在满地的落叶和枯枝上走着,几乎没有任何声音,Stefan向森林边上走去。
38、The soldiers camouflaged themselves with leaves and twigs. ─── 士兵用树枝和树叶来伪装自己。
39、Branches and twigs terete; flowers pale yellow. ─── 分枝和小枝圆柱状;花浅黄。
40、In their pupa stage, they resemble broken twigs. ─── 在蛹的阶段,它们象断开的小枝条。
41、North American elm having twigs and young branches with prominent corky projections. ─── 产于北美洲,细枝和幼小分枝上有引人注目的软木突起。
42、He bound the twigs into faggots. ─── 他把树枝捆成束
43、Twigs elongate, flexuous, terete, ca. 3 mm in diam. ─── 小枝拉长,曲折,圆柱状,直径约3毫米。
44、Change of organic matter in oak (Quercus liaotungensis Koidz.) twigs. ─── 北京:高等教育出版社,218-236。
45、He broke off a twig from a willow tree and used it to shoo the flies away. ─── 他折了一根柳树枝来驱赶苍蝇。
46、Twigs, petioles, inflorescence rachis, and pedicels glandular hirsute. ─── 小枝,叶柄,花序轴和花梗具腺的具粗毛。
47、The soldiers camouflaged themselves with leaves and twigs. ─── 士兵用树枝和树叶来伪装自己。
48、Eleven compounds were isolated from the twigs and leaves of Rourea microphylla (Ho- ok.et Arn) Planch. ─── 从红叶藤[Rourea microphylla(Hook.et Arn)Plan ch.]
49、Do I need to make a tourniquet out of a hotdog bun and a twig? ─── |我该用热狗面包 跟树枝帮你做止血带吗?
50、A single twig breaks, but the bundle of twigs is strong. ─── 一根筷子容易折断,一捆筷子难折断。
51、A thin supple rod, twig, or stick. ─── 嫩枝细而易弯曲的杆、枝或棍
52、The hummingbird perches on a twig of the hawthorn. ─── 小蜂鸟栖在山楂树枝上.
53、Do you put down and break off twigs or flowers in a public garden? ─── 你在公园里攀折过树枝或花朵吗?
54、Twelve twins twirled twelve twigs twelve times. ─── 12个孪生子12次捻转12根小树枝。
55、Open its eyes and could only see out of the window if the wind shake shake dry twigs Bai Ye, that I choose to remember her eyes closed. ─── 倘若睁眼只能看见窗外寒风抖摇枯枝败叶,那我选择闭眼回忆她。
56、He cropped off the top of his young twigs, and carried it into a land of traffick;he set it in a city of merchants. ─── 它啄断树顶的嫩枝,把它带到贸易之地,栽种在商人的城里。
57、Another tentacle whipped over and began to pull legs off the lizard, as coldly as it had pulled twigs off the bush. ─── 与此同时,另一条触须也闪电出击,将蜥蜴的几条腿完全扯离了它的身体,就如同它折断树枝那般清脆。
58、Just as he reached the center of the thicket the dried twigs cracked again. ─── 刚到了树丛深处,枯枝折裂声又响起。
59、Neem twigs are used for brushing teeth in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. ─── 在印度、孟加拉国及巴基斯坦,苦楝嫩枝可以用来刷牙。
60、Some birds build nests out of twigs . ─── 一些鸟用小枝筑巢。
61、Twelve twins twirled twelve twigs. ─── 十二对双胞胎转动着十二根树枝。
62、The slender willow twigs were swaying gently in the spring breeze. ─── 小河边只有几株稀落的柳树。
63、Twigs terete, ca. 1 mm in diam., with sparse orbicular lenticels. ─── 小枝圆柱状,直径约1毫米,具稀的圆形皮孔。
64、He twisted a twig and broke it. ─── 他扭断了一根细树枝。
65、Twigs terete, ca. 1 mm in diam., densely brown hispidulous. ─── 小枝圆柱状,直径约1毫米,密被,棕色具短硬毛。
66、She inspected the tree and found that there was indeed a twig broken off. ─── 她检视那棵树,发现的确有一根小树枝被折断了。
67、She heard a twig snap. ─── 她听到一根细树枝的断裂声。
68、She moved her clumsy shoe a few centimetres and deliberately crushed a twig. ─── 她把她的笨重的鞋子移动几毫米,有意踩断了一根小树枝。
69、He broke off the twig with a snap. ─── 他啪地一声把那根树枝折断了。
70、The sound of the twig snapping caught the attention of the youngest princess. ─── 小树枝折断的声音引起了小公主的注意。
71、He heard the snap of a twig broken under foot. ─── 他听见小树枝在脚下被踩断的劈啪声。
72、I really like this photo, as the twigs of moss seem to be embracing, as if they were trying to get warm ─── 我真的很喜欢这张照片,因为苔藓的幼茎似乎呈拥抱状,仿佛他们试图拥抱取暖。
73、The scar remaining on a twig after a leaf falls. ─── 叶脱落后留在枝上的痕迹。
74、Twigs somewhat compressed, glabrous and pink when young, interpetiolar scars not always continuous. ─── 小枝有点的压扁,幼时无毛和粉红色,叶柄间的痕不总是连续。
75、He made a fire with dry twigs. ─── 他用乾树枝生火。
76、Twigs and leaves glabrous. Filaments with varied hairs. Ovary sericeous. ─── 小枝和叶无毛。花丝具变化的毛;子房被绢毛。
77、He gathered up the twigs and cast them into the fire. ─── 他捡起树枝,并把他们扔进了火里。
78、He heard the sharp crack of a twig. ─── 他听到树枝清脆的断裂声。
79、Under the hoarfrost the slightest twig of birches is white. ─── 在霜下桦树的最轻微的枝是白色的。
80、Twigs are critically important in identification of trees, shrubs and vines, especially in wintertime. ─── 小枝在鉴别树木、灌木和藤本的种类时相当的重要,尤其是在冬季。
81、Looking forward to bare twig, a slight wind, the proud in the display. ─── 仰望着光秃的枝杈,微微随风,在显示着高傲。
82、A tree or shrub having such twigs. ─── 具有这种枝条的树或灌木
83、Young twigs and buds reddish brown pubescent. ─── 嫩枝及芽有红褐色短毛。
84、The other day I heard a twig snap in it. ─── 不久前的一天,我听见园内一根小树枝啦地响了一声。
85、The antlers of stags give off short tines like twigs. ─── 公鹿的角生小树枝般的短叉。
86、Twigs densely puberulous, glabrescent. ─── 小枝密被微柔毛,后脱落。
87、They use mud,grass and twigs to make this shape. ─── 他们用泥巴,草和细枝做成这种形状。
88、It was quite at home, as if it were perching on a twig. ─── 它看起来很自在,就好像是栖息在一根树枝上一样。
89、The mated female scales pass the winter on twigs and small branches of the host, Ligustrum obtusfolium. ─── 4月中旬雌虫开始活动,5月上旬至5月下旬为卵期,6月上旬卵开始孵化。
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