advocates 发音
英:[ˈædvəkeɪts] 美:[ˈædvəkeɪts]
英: 美:
advocates 中文意思翻译
advocates 短语词组
1、advocates for youth ─── 青年倡导者
2、advocates quiz ─── 倡导者测验
3、advocates obituary ─── 拥护者讣告
4、advocates meaning ─── 主张意义
5、advocates cartersville ─── 卡特斯维尔
advocates 反义词
advocates 常用词组
devil's advocate ─── 故意持相反意见的人;故意唱反调的人
advocates 同义词
solicitor | activist | back | advocator | preach | attorney | pleader | exponent | defend | counsellor | suggest | campaigner | recommend | barrister | prescribe | supporter | promoter | champion | urge | believer | recommend highly | encourage | propose | counselor-at-law | sponsor | uphold | proponent | promote | backer | counsel | counselor |support | sustain | lawyer
advocates 词性/词形变化,advocates变形
名词: advocator |形容词: advocatory |动词现在分词: advocating |动词过去分词: advocated |动词第三人称单数: advocates |动词过去式: advocated |
advocates 相似词语短语
1、advocators ─── n.提倡者,拥护者
2、allocates ─── 分配;分派
3、advocator ─── n.提倡者,拥护者
4、advocaats ─── n.荷兰产蛋酒(一种蛋,糖,白兰地及香料混合制成的饮料)
5、advocacies ─── n.主张;拥护;辩护
6、evocates ─── 问题
7、advocate ─── v.提倡,拥护;为……辩护;n.拥护者;辩护者;辩护律师,出庭律师;律师;为(某团体)谋利益者
8、invocates ─── v.祈求;援引;引起(等于invoke)
9、advocated ─── v.提倡,拥护;为……辩护;n.拥护者;辩护者;辩护律师,出庭律师;律师;为(某团体)谋利益者
advocates 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Industry advocates warn that curbing car use could hurt one of China's pillar industries. ─── 为汽车产业辩护的人警告说,限制汽车使用会损害中国的一大支柱产业。
2、Privacy advocates say it is overly intrusive, and forced Intel to let users and PC makers turn off the serial ID. ─── 一些维护隐私的人士说,这样做过分干涉了个人隐私,并迫使英特尔公司把用户与电脑公司的系列编号关闭。
3、Many of his advocates paraded in the street yesterday to show their support. ─── 他的许多支持者昨天上街游行,以示对他的支持。
4、Moral relativism advocates unlimited access to all information and denies any principles of right and wrong. ─── 伦理相对主义主张人们对于所有的信息都有获取权,不存在对错之分。
5、He advocates painstakingly that buys down this base. ─── 他极力主张买下这块地基。
6、Some immigration advocates worry that the visas won't be much help. ─── 一些移民律师担心这种签证还不能解决问题。
7、If it had slowed the spread of HIV, moral advocates might have had a point. ─── 如果它能减缓艾滋病病毒的传播,卫道士可能得到一个理由。
8、The socialist policies he advocates would mean a major reform of the Common Market. ─── 他主张的社会主义政策意味着对西欧共同市场的重大改革。
9、The "route everywhere" philosophy advocates the use of devices that perform full packet-by-packet routing functions. ─── “到处用路由”的原理提倡采用能完成全部一个包一个包路由功能的设备。
10、"Privacy advocates resisted that pessimistic assessment at the time. ─── "当时,隐私权的拥护者们反对这种悲观的评价。
11、TOM - TOM is a compiled object-oriented programming language that advocates unplanned reuse of code. ─── TOM是一个可编译的、面向对象的编程语言,支持代码的无计划的重用。
12、Gun advocates are daring to say that if Virginia Tech allowed concealed weapons, someone might have stopped the rampaging killer. ─── 但支持持枪的人就是敢说,如果VT允许人隐蔽的持枪的话,就可能会有人出来阻止这个狂暴的杀人狂。
13、SUNFLOWER advocates standardized operation and well-planned management. At present, the revolution is still going on. ─── 向日葵崇尚规范化运做,计划性管理,目前革命还在更深度地进行。
14、China is one advocates the nonaligned movement the country. ─── 中国是一个主张不结盟运动的国家。
15、China advocates prevention of the proliferation of nuclear weapons. ─── 中国主张防止核武器扩散。
16、This grand is designed specially for advocates of classicism. ─── 三角钢琴产品当中的这一款是专为崇尚经典风格的顾客所设计。
17、Antinuclear advocates said the incident shows the dangers of such vessels. ─── 反核人士称,这次事件显示了此类潜艇的危险性。
18、The HND program advocates diverse forms of assessment. ─── HND项目推崇多样性的评测方式。
19、Brush the number of advocates, "sooner or later, Brush, mouthwash after meals. ─── 刷牙次数提倡“早晚刷牙,饭后漱口”。
20、One who advocates the rights of homosexuals should not be surprised by the belligerent stance of opposition forces. ─── 主张同性恋者的权利的人对反对力量的好战姿态不应感到奇怪。
21、A social environment that advocates gender equality. ─── 倡导性别平等。
22、What the ancient Greece person advocates is talent elitist's ability. ─── 古希腊人崇尚的是天赋杰出者的能力。
23、Some of the large firms are developing departments of solicitor advocates. ─── 一些大公司在筹备各自的律师部门。
24、Everything it advocates and does is for the benefit of the people. ─── 凡是于人民有利的事情,无不尽力提倡与实行。
25、Public-health advocates have long urged China to aggressively raise cigarette taxes in order to push up prices. ─── 公共卫生维权人士早就敦促中国大幅上调烟草税,以便推高价格。
26、The maxim also advocates a spirit of aspiration in excelling oneself to achieve higher targets. ─── “志博云天”激励我们,追求卓越,永攀高峰,努力超越自我,不断向更高更远的目标奋进。
27、The advocates also didn't believe "alleged"is applicable in such cases. ─── 声援者同时认为“宣称”在这些案件中并不合适。
28、Advocates also cite formidable cultural barriers that prevent women from testifying against their husbands. ─── 倡导者们还提出了一些妨碍这些妇女作不利于她们丈夫的证词的棘手的文化障碍问题。
29、Aristotle's Poetics advocates the "dramatic unities'', the unities of action, place and time. ─── 亚里士多德在《诗学》一书中提倡“戏剧的统一性”,即事件、事件发生的时间和地点的统一。
30、So,the aim that Japan advocates the East Asian Community is to restrain Chinese increasing forces in the region. ─── 因此,日本倡导建立“东亚共同体”的目的是为了抑制我国在该地区日益扩大的影响力。
31、Pollan advocates a return to the local and the basic, even at the risk of elitism. ─── 博兰先生主张恢复地方和基本的,即使是在危险中的执政。
32、He is recognised as one of the leading advocates for governmental reform. ─── 他被视作政府改革的主要提倡者之一。
33、Approaching this casually could cheapen the very institution same-sex advocates appear to idolise. ─── 如果随意地对待,那么同性婚姻的倡导者所追求的理想制度就不值钱了。
34、Indeed, Hewitt advocates a holistic approach to all workforce programs rather than a piecemeal approach. ─── 因此我们在附录中也包括了有关这两方面的建议。
35、HIF urges our members in the community to unite and take action together in order to advocates PEACE in Hong Kong. ─── 因此,HIF呼吁社会各界朋友们站出来,成为香港的和平宣导者。
36、has dawned among the most fervent advocates of financial analysis and collective investor wisdom: markets are not always rational. ─── 金融分析和投资者集体智慧的最热心倡导者如今有了新的认识:市场并不总是理性的。
37、Science advocates academic democracy and freedom, but Evolutionism is above suspicion. Evolutionism, just a theory, is described as a fact. ─── 三是不容置疑的缺憾:科学主张学术民主和争鸣自由,进化论却不容人们质疑;
38、In criminal litigation, the advocates' personal rights are the foundation of other rights. ─── 在刑事诉讼中,辩护律师人身权是律师一切权利的基础。
39、He advocates reforming the prison system. ─── 他主张改良监狱制度。
40、On gay rights he still advocates tolerance, but he is stridently opposed to gay marriage. ─── 在同性恋的权利方面,他依然提倡宽容对待,但是他极为反对同性恋婚姻。
41、They are advocates of free trade. ─── 他们是自由贸易的倡导者。
42、It's easy to understand why bike advocates aren't satisfied with ambitious plans. ─── 因此对于为什么自行车的拥护者对这些雄心勃勃的计划并不满意也就不难理解了。
43、Advocates within the enterprise also must sell the SOA vision internally and move toward a standards-based direction. ─── 企业内部的提倡者同时也必须在内部出售SOA构想,然后向基于标准规范的方向前进。
44、Favoring economic development and sympathizing with "antigrowth" advocates need not be mutually exclusive, however. ─── 不过,赞成经济发展与同情“反增长”理论并不一定相互排斥。
45、It is considered an important test case by both advocates and opponents of gun control. ─── 这在枪支管制的支持者和反对者双方看来都是一个重要的判例案件。
46、Advocates predict the panels will increasingly pop up in once unused spaces like this. ─── 支持者预测在一些未开发的使用的空间太阳能电池板会日益流行起来。
47、But child welfare advocates say that those motivated by money are weeded out by evaluation and training that lasts several weeks. ─── 儿童福利拥护者们说,那些仅仅为了金钱的人在持续几周的训练和评估中就被淘汰了。
48、One who advocates or attempts to stir up war. ─── 好战份子大肆宣传或欲鼓动起战争的人
49、State Socialism advocates state control of industry. ─── 国家社会主义主张工业应由国家管理.
50、Computer-education advocates forsake this optimistic notionfor a pessimism that betrays their otherwise cheery outlook. ─── 倡导计算机教育的人抛弃了这一乐观理念,取而代之的是与他们乐观外表相悖的悲观论调。
51、Pseudoscience: Nonscientific theories that are claimed to be scientific by their advocates. ─── 伪科学:不是科学的理论被其鼓吹者称为科学理论。
52、Yet a couple of centuries later, Copernican advocates seemed harmless. ─── 但几个世纪后,哥白尼的拥护者显然不会受到伤害。
53、One who advocates a moderate or conservative approach, action, or policy, as in a political or governmental organization. ─── 保守派,少数派在政治或政府组织中宣扬中间或保守的路线、行动或政策的人
54、Antidumping advocates hail the law as a bulwark against unfair trade practices abroad. ─── 反倾销法律的拥护者认为它是阻止国外不公正贸易行为的壁垒。
55、In clinging to these small issues you are the Maid 's best advocates. ─── 你们对这些小事纠缠不休,正好变成了少女最得力的辩护人。
56、He advocates reducing military spending. ─── 他主张削减军费开支。
57、His research was greeted with scepticism by advocates for children, who thought it was based on faulty data. ─── 他的研究遭到儿童权益拥护者们的怀疑,他们认为那是基于错误数据得出的。
58、I highly appreciate the Piagetian constructive-developmental framework he advocates in his theory. ─── 但怎样做到这三点,我请教了塔夫兹大学的教授们。
59、Both have hidden costs in infrastructure and energy use that are usually glossed over by their advocates. ─── 两者在基础建设和能源耗用上的潜在成本,经常被他们的拥护者掩饰忽略。
60、China advocates prevention of the proliferation of nuclear weapons as part of the process of eliminating such weapons. ─── 在实现消除核武器目标的过程中,中国主张防止核武器扩散。
61、China always advocates dialogue and opposes confrontation in the field of human rights. ─── 中国在人权问题上一贯主张对话,反对对抗。
62、Kremer advocates constructing a kind of artificial market for a vaccine. ─── 克利梅则提倡为疫苗建立一种人造市场。
63、Eagle Electric advocates that quality is the cardinal principle. ─── 一直以“质量才是硬道理”作为灵鹰电器公司的经营理念。
64、Gay marriage advocates are celebrating their victory in Connecticut today. ─── 同性恋婚姻倡导者们今天在康涅狄格州庆祝胜利。
65、He advocates making immediate drastic changes, but I think this idea is too radical. ─── 他主张马上来个彻底改变,我觉得这意见太激进了。
66、Advocates vociferously support one position or the other . ─── 另一些人认为它只是强迫一个人证明他/她比别人更优秀。
67、Chinese medicine advocates curing a disease from the inside and outside of the patient. ─── 中医讲究内外兼施的治病方法。
68、He advocates that Britain shall join the alliance . ─── 他主张不列颠加盟。
69、Mr. Williams is a conservative who advocates fewer government controls on business. ─── 威廉斯先生是一位提倡减少政府对商业的控制的保守人士。
70、The opposition party advocates an immediate reduction in reception costs. ─── 反对党主张立即削减接待费用。
71、If the bill becomes law, it will be a victory for gun control advocates. ─── 如果议案成为法律,这将是提倡控制枪支者的胜利。
72、Academics and advocates debate the true cost of wind and solar power. ─── 围绕风能与太阳能的实际成本,学术派与提倡派争论不休。
73、Whether advocates and orators had liberty to plead in causes manifestly known to be unjust, vexatious, or oppressive? ─── 如果判案明显不公平,故意与人为难,或者欺压一方,辩护人和原告有没有申明抗辩的自由?
74、He advocates decoding the full DNA of carefully selected patients. ─── 他提倡破译经过仔细挑选的病人的全部DNA。
75、Figures on the decline in world trade are horrible for anybody except anti-globalisation advocates of autarky. ─── 世界贸易下降的数据对任何人都是可怕的,当然反对全球化倡导自给自足的人除外。
76、But some advocates for gay rights hold out a slim hope that the matter may eventually come before the United States Supreme Court. ─── 但是一些主张同性恋权利伸出纤细的希望此事可能最终到来之前,美国最高法院。
77、The State advocates for individual workers to engage in savings insurance. ─── 国家提倡劳动者个人进行储蓄性保险。
78、The opposition party advocates an immediate reduction in transport costs. ─── 反对党主张立即削减运输费用。
79、Advocates a windfall profits tax on oil companies. ─── 主张对石油公司实行高额税收政策。
80、It advocates to unify material consumption and spirit live. ─── 主张物质消费与精神生活相统一;
81、"On War" advocates the total war. ─── 《战争论》主张总体战争。
82、One who advocates or practices utilitarianism. ─── 功利主义者提但或实行实用主义的人
83、Buddhism advocates that people should be wise, value the life, be merciful, and be helpful for others. ─── 佛家以明辨善恶、勘破正邪、珍惜人生、热爱生命、广行慈悲、泽被生灵为其所大力宣扬的主要内容。
84、He advocates building more schools. ─── 他主张多建几所学校。
85、Meanwhile, members of the California Potbellied Pig Association and other animal advocates contacted officials. ─── 另外,加州宠物猪协会与其他爱护动物人士,也在同时间与官员进行交涉。
86、You are idealistic advocates and attaches great importance to science and the truth of the universe. ─── 你是理想主义的倡导者,十分重视科学和宇宙的真理。
87、Luld cs loathes expressionism and modernist art, but advocates realism. ─── 他憎恶表现主义和现代派艺术,提倡现实主义。
88、Physical education advocates made a plea: Why not dedicate the time to physical instruction? ─── 体育倡导者们提出了一个请求: 为什么不把这一时间用在体育训练上?
89、Advocates for abused children and spouses. ─── 受虐待儿童及配偶的辩护人
The Goodness for Life的中文翻译 The Goodness for Life 生命的美好 双语例句
1 For the goodness of life grows more and more magnificent each time it is given away. 因为生命的美好会在每次给予之间变得越来越壮观。
2 The humanistic education concept shows respect for individual life value, advocates the goodness of humanity and stresses the development of individual potential. 人本化教育理念尊重个体的生命价值,提倡人性向善,关注个体内在潜能的发掘。
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