Justinian 中文意思翻译
Justinian 短语词组
1、the code of justinian ─── 查士丁尼密码
2、Justinian's Second Persian War ─── 查士丁尼第二次波斯战争
3、Justinian I un. ─── 贾斯丁尼安一世 [网络] 查士丁尼一世;罗马皇帝优士丁尼一世;皇帝查士丁尼一世
4、code Justinian ─── [法] 查士丁尼法典
5、Justinian the Great ─── [网络] 查士丁尼大帝;利安大帝;查士丁尼一世
6、Justinian's First Persian War ─── 查士丁尼第一次波斯战争
7、Justinian code ─── [网络] 查士丁尼法典;优帝法典;游斯提念法典
8、Tiberius (son of Justinian II) ─── 提比利乌斯(查士丁尼二世之子)
Justinian 相似词语短语
1、justiciars ─── n.最高司法官;高等法院法官
2、Augustinian ─── adj.圣奥古斯丁(学说)的;奥古斯丁会的;n.奥古斯丁修会会士;圣奥古斯丁学说的信奉者
3、Lusitanian ─── n.[地质]卢西坦统;卢西塔尼亚人
4、Augustinians ─── 会士
5、justiciary ─── n.高等法院法官;司法官;adj.司法上的
6、justiciar ─── n.最高司法官;高等法院法官
7、Houstonian ─── n.休斯顿(美国得克萨斯州港市)(Houston的变形)
8、Justinian I ─── 查士丁尼一世
9、Bostonian ─── adj.波士顿的;n.波士顿人;n.(Bostonian)(美)博斯托尼安(人名)
Justinian 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、" Justinian was a Byzantine emperor. ─── 查士丁尼是拜占廷的一位皇帝。
2、Justinian the Great [Rome, 483-565] ─── 查士丁尼大帝[罗马]
3、In medieval Italy, students of law would hire a teacher to teach them Roman Law, especially Justinian's Code Corpus Juris. ─── 在中世纪的意大利,学习法律的学生会雇佣老师来教他们罗马法,特别是查士丁尼的法典-----《法令大全》。
4、During the Samaritan revolt of 529, Bethlehem was sacked and its walls and the Church of the Nativity destroyed, but they were soon rebuilt on the orders of the Emperor Justinian. ─── 在公元529年撒马利亚人反抗期间,伯利恒被洗劫,它的城墙和耶稣出生地的教堂被毁,但它们在君士坦丁皇帝的命令下很快得到了重建。
5、Economy And Society In The Age Of Justinian ─── 贾斯廷时期的经济与社会
6、Roman legal records began in the 5th century BC, but the first formal codification was ordered by Justinian I in the 6th century AD. ─── 罗马人的法律记载始于西元前5世纪,但是第一部正式的法典则是由查士丁尼一世在西元6世纪下令编纂的。
7、"Justinian Plague" recorded by Procupius, the Byzantine famous writer during the 6th century, has been identified with bubonic plague recent years. ─── 6世纪拜占廷作家普罗柯比关于“查士丁尼瘟疫”的史料长期没有得到学术界应有的注意,相关研究的结论也大不相同。
8、He held power in Italy until removed by Justinian's successor (567). ─── 他在义大利掌权,直到567年被查士丁尼的继承人撤离。
9、Crpus Juris Civilis was a code on Roman law compiled by Justinian in Byzantine in the6 th century. ─── 民法大全》是公元6世纪东罗马皇帝查士丁尼主持编纂的一部法典。
10、In the East the Persians, who had been bribed into peace during Justinian's reign, now set out under their ambitious king of kings, Chosroes II, to eliminate altogether the East Roman Empire。 ─── 在东部,查士丁尼统治时期,波斯人因受贿曾与拜占廷媾和;现在,他们在野心勃勃的大皇帝科斯罗埃斯二世的率领下,开始全面消灭东罗马帝国。
11、While serving in the bodyguard of Emperor Justinian I, he was appointed (c. 525) to command in the eastern armies, and he defeated the Persians in the Battle of Dara (530). ─── 原为皇帝查士丁尼一世的贴身侍卫,西元525年左右被任命为东部军队指挥,530年在达拉战役打败波斯人。
12、Justinian I. 527-565. AV Light Weight Solidus of 20 Siliquae (3.73 g, 6h). ─── 一般1苏勒德斯=24斯力克,但是还有一种比较轻的苏勒德斯,价值20或21斯力克,重3.7到3.8克
13、Justinian Ⅰ ─── 查士丁尼,东罗马帝国皇帝(527-565)
14、Justinian MARINA ─── 朱斯蒂尼安(马里纳)
15、According to story by Procopius, Byzantine emperor Justinian obtained the first silkworm eggs in 552 CE. ─── 根据普罗科匹厄斯的故事,拜占庭皇帝查士丁尼在公元552年得到了首批蚕卵。
16、Tung is a justinian of The Justin University of HK. ─── 肥东是香港侧田大学的侧田学家。
17、Epidemics are described in historical accounts as early as 430 BC and one of the earliest record is Justinian's Plague. ─── 对于传染病最早的历史记载是在公元前430年,最早记载的病例之一是贾斯蒂尼安瘟疫。
18、Research Angles and Historical Materials--A Case Study of "Justinian Plague" ─── 研究视角与史料--“查士丁尼瘟疫”研究
19、Justinian Code ─── 查士丁尼法典
20、The present structure, which is entirely fireproof, was built in 532?7 by Emperor Justinian from designs of his imperial architects Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus. ─── 现代的建筑,完全地防火,532年由东罗马皇帝尢斯提连建造,由他的皇室建筑师来设计。
21、18.The Byzantine Emperor Justinian made brilliant achievements in the domestic and foreign things, but his religion policy ended in defeat. ─── 拜占廷皇帝查士丁尼在内政外交方面功绩卓著,但他的宗教政策却以失败告终。
22、Justinian I ─── 查士丁尼一世
23、Justinian had abolished the Academy at Athens in 529, Alexandria had been overrun by the Arabs in 642. ─── 529年,查士丁尼废除了雅典的学院; 642年,亚历山大被阿拉伯入侵占。
24、a digest of Roman civil law,compiled for the emperor Justinian in the sixth century A.D. and part of the Corpus Juris Civilis ─── 罗马公民法汇编,公元6世纪为罗马皇帝贾斯蒂尼安编辑,是《国法大全》的一部分
25、In Justinian, the players secretly influence the emperor's counselors, so that the counselors will serve the player's cause when Justinian makes important decisions. ─── 欢迎来信投稿此游戏的叙述短文做为产品简介,若经采用将提供红利点数,以兹奖励与感谢!若您对此游戏有丰富的心得,也请不吝提出评论或投稿天鹅桌游报,谢谢!
26、This saying refers to Justinian, a mysterious and magnificent figure in history. ─── 这句话说的是查士丁尼,历史上神秘又著名的人物。
27、A digest of Roman civil law, compiled for the emperor Justinian in the sixth century a.d. and part of the Corpus Juris Civilis. ─── 罗马法典罗马公民法汇编,是在公元6世纪为罗马皇帝贾斯蒂尼安编辑的,是《国法大全》的一部分
28、Justinian's First Persian War ─── 查士丁尼第一次波斯战争(公元524-532)
29、Constantine the Great knew no Greek and Justinian's accent was bad. ─── 君士坦丁大帝也的确不懂希腊语,查士丁尼的希腊语音调不正。
30、Justinian introduced a new syllabus ─── 查士丁尼采纳了一份新的教学大纲。
31、Justinian himself was one of the few infected by the plague who, in the end, survived. ─── 查士丁尼也在这次瘟疫中受到了传染,但最后却幸存了下来。
32、Still loyal to Justinian, he was recalled in 559 to repel Hun invaders. ─── 贝利萨留对查士丁尼仍忠心耿耿,559年再次被起用,驱逐入侵的匈奴人。
33、Byzantine general under Emperor Justinian I who led campaigns against the barbarians in North Africa and Italy ─── 贝里萨留斯查士丁尼一世大帝部下的拜占庭将军,他率领了反击北部非洲野蛮人和意大利的战役
34、The law of ancient Rome as embodied in the Justinian code, especially that which applied to private citizens. ─── 古罗马法律,陈述在《查士丁尼法典》中,尤指应用于私人的。
35、Research Angles and Historical Materials--A Case Study of "Justinian Plague" ─── 研究视角与史料--"查士丁尼瘟疫"研究
36、Scientists now think that Justinian's Plague was actually a disease called bubonic plague. ─── 现在科学家们认为贾斯蒂尼安瘟疫实际上是一种叫做淋巴腺鼠疫的疾
37、Justinian introduced a new syllabus. ─── 查士丁尼采纳了一份新的教学大纲。
38、code Justinian ─── [法] 查士丁尼法典
39、See S.P.Scott, A.M., The Civil Law, Vol. 3, VI The Enactments of Justinian The Digest of Pandects, electronic version, available at http://www.constitution.org/sps/sps03_j2-03.htm. ─── 事实上,在民法通则制定之前,中国学术界对法人本质的讨论,主要是集中在刑法学界,而不是民法学界。
40、Heresy was a crime against the state. Roman law in the Code of Justinian made it a capital offense. ─── 异端学说是一种反国家的罪行,它在罗马法《查士丁尼法典》中被定为死罪。
41、3 Scientists now think that Justinian's Plague was actually a disease called bubonic plague. ─── 现在科学家们认为贾斯蒂尼安瘟疫实际上是一种叫做淋巴腺鼠疫的疾病。
42、Emperor Justinian bribed two Persian monks who hadlived in China to return there and bring back silkworm eggs bysecreting them in hollow bamboo canes. ─── 查士丁尼皇帝贿赂了两个曾在中国居住的波斯僧侣,让他们返回中国,然后偷偷地在空心的竹手杖里带一些蚕卵回来。
43、Procopius'accurately and vividly recorded a series wars of Justinian such as the Persian war, the Vandal war, the Gothic war, the Moorish war and so on. ─── 普罗柯比所著的《战记》共分8 卷,作者以大量的笔墨生动翔实地记载了查士丁尼时代的波斯战争、汪达尔战争、哥特战争、摩尔人战争等一系列大规模的战争情况。
44、Determined to regain former Roman provinces lost to barbarian invaders, Justinian conquered the Vandals in northern Africa (534) and defeated the Ostrogoths in Italy (540). ─── 致力夺回在蛮族入侵时失去的罗马各省,他征服了汪达尔人的北非(534)并击败义大利的东哥德人(540)。
45、It happened about 500-550 AD as Roman Emperor Justinian was attempting to rebuild and acquire more land for the Roman Empire. ─── 它发生于大约公元500?550年,当时罗马帝国的皇帝贾斯蒂尼安正试图重建罗马帝国、获取更多的土地。
46、Justinian's Second Persian War ─── 查士丁尼第二次波斯战争(公元539-562)
47、The Byzantine emperor Justinian issued an edict against the Manichaeans, and Saint Augustine, who for 9 years had been a Manichee, wrote and spoke against this heresy, as well as described his own experience in his Confessions. ─── 拜占庭帝国君主查斯丁尼颁布发令,反对摩尼教,圣奥古斯丁,有九年时间是摩尼教徒,口头和书面上反对这种异端,他的《忏悔录》也描写了自己的经历。
48、Byzantine general under Justinian I. ─── 查士丁尼一世时期的拜占庭将军。
49、The first strain appeared in the sixth century during the reign of the Byzantine emperor Justinian. ─── 第一波大瘟疫出现在公元6世纪拜占庭帝国君主查士丁尼(ByzantineemperorJustinian)统治时期。
50、Justinian transferred some vicarial powers to the governors. ─── 查士丁尼把一些代理权力移交给总督。
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