apocryphal 发音
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apocryphal 反义词
apocryphal 同义词
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副词: apocryphally |
apocryphal 相似词语短语
1、apocalyptical ─── adj.天启的,启示论的
2、apocryphalness ─── 伪经
3、apocryphon ─── 伪音
4、apocryphally ─── 伪造地
5、apographs ─── n.誊本;[图情]影写本
6、apophysial ─── 突起的
7、apocrypha ─── n.作者(或真实性、权威性)可疑的著作;旁经
8、apophyseal ─── adj.骨突的
9、apograph ─── n.誊本;[图情]影写本
apocryphal 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、There are references to Her in the book of Proverbs, and in the apocryphal books of Sirach and the Wisdom of Solomon (accepted by Catholics and Orthodox, found in the Greek Septuagint of the early Church). ─── 箴言提到她,还有次经《西拉书》和《所罗门的智慧》也提到(为天主教和东正教会所接受,是基于早期教会的《旧约圣经》的希腊文译本)。
2、4.she said in an apocryphal aside. ─── 4.她说,在一个猜测在一边。
3、Dr.Morgan, who tested the method in research studies, said he was inspired by a story, reported by an anthropologist that, he suspects, is apocryphal. ─── 在研究中测试这种方法的摩根说,他是受一位人类学家所报告的一则故事启发,但他怀疑它可能是虚构杜撰的。
4、Although the part about Andrew Jackson is almost certainly apocryphal. ─── 虽然其中关于安德鲁·克逊的部分是不足凭信的。
5、The Scriptures and other apocryphal works were passed down either by word of mouth and through song, and much later in works of art that did much to instruct the believer. ─── 经文和其他伪经作品或者是通过口头和唱颂,更加后期的是通过艺术作品来流传下来,对信仰者有很大的指引。
6、those in favor of apocryphal history ─── 古史辨派
7、’ There is no record of the context of this admonition, and the quotation itself may be accurate or even apocryphal. ─── 拿破仑是在什么场合发出这一警告的,没有记载可查,引用的话本身可能并不准确,甚至有可能是伪造的。
8、Which would partially be apocryphal but I know he was very private about it. ─── 部分音效可能会被假冒,但是在此方面他想保持隐私。
9、apocryphal book ─── 真伪可疑的、著者不明的图书
10、apocryphal adj. ─── 经外书的;伪造的
11、2. Most of the story about his private life was probably apocryphal. ─── 有关他私生活的事可能大部分都是虚构的。
12、of the stories about him are apocryphal. ─── 关于他的传闻多属虚构。
13、Stories about unwitting punters rubbing an itchy nose only to discover that the V had bought an unwanted chamber pot ate apocryphal. ─── 有个故事说,有些无心的随意下赌注的人们擦着发痒的鼻子拿不定主意,而结果却发现自己买了一把没有人要的便壶; 这故事显然是杜撰的。
14、It's considered New Testament apocryphal writings. ─── 它被认为是新约次经。
15、The Jewish historian Eupolemus, who wrote about 157 BC, included copies of apocryphal letters exchanged between Solomon and the kings of Egypt and Tyre. ─── 犹太历史学家欧波来姆斯,大约在公元前157年写了一些著作,包括了一些所罗门与埃及和提尔诸位国王之间的伪造信件。
16、6. One apocryphal tale centred onIndian workers who had been given the job of keying the results of thelatest British census into a database. ─── 这里有个道听途说的故事,主人公是位印度职员,他需要将最近一次英国人口普查的统计结果输入电脑数据库。
17、There's an apocryphal tale that does the rounds, for example, of the former Soviet Union, in the 1970s, supplying SNOW PLOUGHS to tropical Guinea. ─── 有一个虚构的故事很能说明问题。
18、There are tales, perhaps apocryphal, of whole communities where the men have gone west, leaving their wives and children behind. ─── 也有很多有关男子都去了西部、而将妻子和子女留下的的居民区的故事(也许是编造的)流传开来。
19、As you can see from this brief sampling of apocryphal scriptures, the books that were left out of the fourth century Bible tended to promote personal spiritual experience and contemplation. ─── 从上面有关经外经的简短介绍中可知,被排除在第四世纪圣经之外的经典,多数提倡个人灵修体验以及打坐冥想。
20、The story is apocryphal, but it captures the tough love expected from central bankers as lenders of last resort. ─── 故事是虚构的,但是真实表达了作为万不得已的央行官员们的强烈喜好。
21、This is almost surely apocryphal because anyone who knew Rand's work would know how much she disliked religion in almost any form. ─── 几乎可以肯定,这句话是杜撰的,因为读过兰德作品的每个人都知道,她非常厌恶任何形式的宗教。
22、There's a wonderful, perhaps apocryphal story that people tell about Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the brilliant, prickly, and iconoclastic late senator from New York. ─── 我听到一个有关丹尼尔.帕特里克.莫伊尼汉(DanielPatrickMoynihan)的有趣的、或者说是谣传的故事,这位已故的纽约州参议员是一位杰出的、性格鲜明的、敢于打破旧规矩的政客。
23、Stories about unwitting punters rubbing an itchy nose only to discover that the V had bought an unwanted chamber pot ate apocryphal ─── 有个故事说,有些无心的随意下赌注的人们擦着发痒的鼻子拿不定主意,而结果却发现自己买了一把没有人要的便壶;这故事显然是杜撰的。
24、Although the part about Andrew Jackson is almost certainly apocryphal. ─── 虽然其中关于安德鲁·杰克逊的部分是不足凭信的。
25、The tale may be apocryphal, but its underlying moral has continuing relevance today. ─── 这则故事有点难以置信,但其中蕴含的教益至今有用。
26、In existence are hundreds of apocryphal books representing all three categories. ─── 目前有数百部经外书存在,分别属于这三种类。
27、An empty cupboard is no better than an empty cup, she said in an apocryphal aside. ─── 她似乎在说,一个空的橱柜和空的杯子一样毫无价值。
28、His hopes rested, in part, on an article he read somewhere, which very well might be apocryphal but nevertheless allowed him to dream. ─── 他的这种感觉部分来自于一篇他在某个地方看到的一篇文章,也不知道是谁写的,但是尽管如此至少给了他梦想的希望。
29、So I started to collect apocryphal writings once considered to be scripture. ─── 所以我开始收集曾被视为经典的经外书。
30、apocryphal story ─── 虚构的故事
31、2.The apocryphal story of Columbus and the egg is very interesting. ─── 哥伦布竖蛋这个真伪不明的故事十分有趣。
32、apocryphal differentiation science ─── 辨伪学
33、One apocryphal tale centred on Indian workers who had been given the job of keying the results of the latest British census into a database. ─── 这里有个道听途说的故事,主人公是位印度职员,他需要将最近一次英国人口普查的统计结果输入电脑数据库。
34、These are apocryphal advertisments in order to racket from customers. ─── 那些都是欺骗顾客花钱的虚假广告。
35、An empty cupboard is no better than an empty cup, she said in an apocryphal aside. ─── 她假装不经意地说:一个空橱子和一个空杯子一样没什么不同。
36、There is an apocryphal story often told about the origin of the disquiet in the Delta. ─── 三角洲地区一直流传着一个关于焦虑起源的虚假故事。
37、Apocryphal tales gallop across the country with lightning speed. ─── 不真实的谣言以闪电般的速度在这个国家飞速传播。
38、apocryphal a. ─── 真伪可疑的;
39、Many are real, and given the creative range of human imagination, some are apocryphal. ─── 这些记录许多是真实的并基于人类的想像做了创造性发挥,有些则是假冒的。
40、The apocryphal book which bears his name indicates that he was in Babylon at the time of Jerusalem's fall; ─── 伪经上有他的名,提到当耶路撒冷陷落时他在巴比伦;
41、Most of the story about his private life is probably apocryphal ─── 有关他私生活的事可能大部分都是虚构的
42、PROF.: Yes. Dr. James goes on to say that these apocryphal materials, quote, ─── 对。詹姆士博士还说这些冒名顶替的书籍中所“记录的都是作者的幻想,
43、Apocryphal, surely, but it summed up the hype during Japan's property bubble in the late 1980s. ─── 当然,这只是传言,但却也帮着把日本80年代末的房地产泡沫越吹越大。
44、Most of the stories about him are apocryphal. ─── 关于他的传闻多属虚构。
45、No evidence of incorporation of apocryphal materials. ─── 没有引用旁经的迹象。
46、Urban legend is a form of modern folklore consisting of apocryphal stories believed by their tellers to be true. ─── 都市流言是现代民间传说的一种,那些虚假故事被它们的讲述者演绎得可以以假乱真。
47、The Old Testament Apocryphal Literature ─── 旧约的伪经文献
48、1. Most of the stories about his private life are probably apocryphal. ─── 有关他私生活的事可能大部分都是虚构的.
49、It sounds like an apocryphal story, but Nigel Woodward, London-based director of financial services at Intel, insists it is true. ─── 这听起来像是个瞎编的故事,但在伦敦工作的英特尔金融服务部门主管奈杰尔•伍德沃德(NigelWoodward)坚持说,这是真的。
50、VOICE: And when were the apocryphal gospels written? ─── 那这些假冒的福音是什么时候写的呢?
51、5. The Einstein quotation is almost certainly apocryphal, but the sentiment has an element of truth. ─── 上述爱因斯坦的引言当然不足为信,但它的意思却含有真理的成分。
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