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08-09 投稿


aegilops 发音


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aegilops 中文意思翻译



aegilops 短语词组

1、aegilops bicornis ─── 二角山羊草

2、aegilops speltoides ─── 山羊草

3、aegilops squarrosa ─── 方山羊草

4、aegilops ovata ─── 蛋黄

5、aegilops tauschii as ─── 陶氏山羊草

6、aegilops markgrafii ─── 示例地图

7、aegilops spp ─── 山羊草属

8、aegilops neglecta ─── 忽略山羊草

9、aegilops meaning ─── 山羊草的意思

10、aegilops sharonensis ─── 山羊草

11、aegilops def ─── 山羊草

12、genus Aegilops ─── [网络] 山羊草属

13、aegilops tauschii ─── 山羊草

aegilops 相似词语短语

1、megalops ─── n.大眼幼体时期

2、galops ─── n.快步舞;快步舞曲;vi.跳快步舞

3、aegis ─── n.保护;庇护;支持;赞助

4、elops ─── 私奔

5、anviltops ─── 铁砧

6、develops ─── 发展

7、Pelops ─── n.珀罗普斯(Tantalus之子)

8、begilds ─── 形象

9、megaflops ─── 兆伏

aegilops 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Aegilops cytoplasm ─── 异源细胞质

2、Aegilops triuncialis ─── n. 三芒山羊草

3、Aegilops ventricosa ─── n. 偏凸山羊草

4、Keywords Triticum aestivum;Haynaldia villosa;chromosome 3C of Aegilops triuncialis;chromosome aberration; ─── 普通小麦;簇毛麦;离果山羊草染色体3C;染色体结构变异;

5、Development of the Fertility Restoration System with Non-1B/IR CMS Wheat Lines with Aegilops bicornis Cytoplasm ─── 二角型非1B/1R小麦CMS不育恢复体系的建立

6、Aegilops bicornis ─── 二角山羊草

7、The cytogenetical studies of fertility restoration of male sterile wheat with Aegilops kotschyi cytoplasm ─── 粘型小麦不育系育性恢复性的细胞遗传学研究

8、Aegilops triaristata ─── n. 短穗山羊草


10、Cytological Identification of a Wheat-Aegilops. Ventricoca Material Resistance to Wheat Powdery Mildew ─── 小麦抗白粉病材料的细胞学鉴定

11、So Aegilops tauschii is a valuable source of genes for the modern common commercial wheat development. ─── 本文综述近20年来国内外对节节麦遗传评价、研究应用等方面的进展。

12、Gliadin polymorphism of Aegilops species ─── 山羊草属植物醇溶蛋白的遗传多样性分析

13、Aegilops kotschyi ─── 粘果山羊草

14、Sequence analysis of LMW-GS genes from Aegilops tauschii containing HMW glutenin subunits 5+12 with good quality ─── 具有5+12优质亚基节节麦的低分子量谷蛋白基因序列分析

15、Genetic Expression of Stripe Rust Resistance from Several Aegilops species in Wheat Background ─── 几个山羊草属物种抗条锈性在栽培小麦遗传背景中的表达

16、Research on the Isolation of Mutated Major Gene Controlling Wheat Grain Hardness from Aegilops ─── 从山羊草中分离小麦籽粒硬度主效基因突变体的研究

17、The Influence of Aegilops tauschii Cytoplasm to the Drought Resistence of Wheat ─── 粗山羊草的细胞质对小麦抗旱性的影响

18、The dried acorn cups of an oak tree (Quercus aegilops) of the eastern Mediterranean, used chiefly in tanning and dyeing. ─── 橡碗生于地中海东部的(大鳞栎栎属)橡树的干橡果壳斗,主要用于制革和染料。

19、Allelic Composition of the HMW Glutenin Subunits in Aegilops tauschii ─── 粗山羊草高分子量谷蛋白亚基组成分析

20、Cytological studies on pollen abortion of male sterile lines with Aegilops bicornis cytoplasm in wheat ─── 二角型小麦雄性不育系花粉败育的细胞学研究

21、Aegilops tauschii is D genome donor of common wheat, and the useful genes of Ae. ─── 节节麦是六倍体普通小麦的祖先种之一,D染色体组的供体种;

22、The results showed that mesosulfuron can control Aegilops tauschii Coss. before three leave stage. ─── 结果表明,甲基二磺隆在节节麦3叶期前用药,推荐剂量下防效80%左右。

23、Cloning and Expression of Pinb Gene in Aegilops bicornis ─── 二角山羊草Pinb基因的克隆与表达分析

24、Sequence Analysis of a Hotspot Region in the Chloroplast Genome of T. Aestivum and Aegilops Species ─── 普通小麦与山羊草叶绿体基因组长度热点突变区的核苷酸序列分析

25、The results showed that the hybrid between Aegilops ventricosa L. and A. magna was a real hybrid. ─── 通过本研究初步证明了野生大燕麦和偏凸山羊草杂种的真实性。

26、The high molecular weight glutenin subunit (HMW GS) compositions of 18 species from the Polyeides, Cylindropyrum, Sitoopsis and Vertebrata section of the Aegilops genus were studied using SDS PAGE. ─── 利用SDS PAGE技术对山羊草属 1 8个种的 4 6份材料进行高分子谷蛋白亚基电泳分析 .

27、some species of the genus Aegilops ─── 山羊草属的某些物种

28、Study on Genetic Diversity of Triticum Aestivum and Aegilops tauschii. ─── 山羊草及普通小麦遗传多样性的研究。

29、The results would provide useful information for exploiting desired traits in Aegilops tauschii. ─── 研究表明,85份节节麦材料遗传多样性较高,为节节麦的有效利用提供了依据。

30、Aegilops species with D genome are the secondary gene pool of hexaploid common wheat for exploiting desired genes of wild species and enhancing the genetic diversity of commercial wheat varieties. ─── 具有D染色体组的山羊草属种是六倍体普通小麦的二级基因源,蕴藏着丰富的抗性基因和遗传变异丰富,可供现代小麦改良利用。

31、Cloning and Expression Analysis of Puroindoline b Gene in Aegilops longissima ─── 高大山羊草Aegilops longissima puroindoline b基因的克隆与表达分析

32、the dried acorn cups of an oak tree(Quercus aegilops) of the eastern Mediterranean,used chiefly in tanning and dyeing ─── 榭斗,橡碗,生于地中海东部的(大鳞栎栎属)橡树的干橡果壳斗,主要用于制革和染料

33、Aegilops cylindrica ─── n. 圆柱山羊草

34、The results showed that Aegilops squarrosa L. cytoplasm had fine effects on wheat flowering habits and characteristics. ─── 结果表明,粗山羊草细胞质对普通小麦开花习性具有优良的作用;

35、RAPD Analysis on the Relationship among the Diploid Species in Aegilops ─── 山羊草属二倍体物种亲缘关系的RAPD分析

36、The results showed among Aegilops species mentioned above there also existed the important sources of resistance to the aphids. ─── variabilis共 4 8份材料中 ,高抗占 16份 ,中抗占 15份 ,低抗占 13份 ,仅 4份感蚜 ,表明上述山羊草属中存在重要的抗禾谷缢管蚜资源

37、The genetic effects of Aegilops squarrosa L. cytoplasm were studied by transferring Aegilops squarrosa L. cytoplasm into wheat. ─── 将粗山羊草细胞质导入普通小麦,研究其对普通小麦细胞核的遗传效应。

38、The dried acorn cups of an oak tree(Quercus aegilops) of the eastern Mediterranean, used chiefly in tanning and dyeing. ─── 榭斗,橡碗生于地中海东部的(大鳞栎栎属)橡树的干橡果壳斗,主要用于制革和染料

39、Identification and Molecular Cloning of Two Novel y-type High-molecular-weight Glutenin Subunit Genes from Aegilops Variables ─── 易变山羊草两个y-型高分子量谷蛋白新亚基的鉴定及基因编码区分子克隆


41、Cloning and Expression Analysis of Puroindoline Genes in Aegilops kotschyi ─── 粘果山羊草(Aegilops kotschyi)puroindoline基因的克隆与表达分析

42、Phylogenetic Relations of Aegilops Species Based on RAPD Analysis of Chloroplast DNA ─── 应用RAPD技术研究不同种山羊草叶绿体DNA的遗传变异

43、Miranda L M.Murphy J P.Marshall D.Leath S Pm34:a new powdery mildew resistance gene transferred from Aegilops tauschii Coss.to common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 2006 ─── 张海泉.符晓棠.郝晨阳.张宝石小麦白粉病抗性基因的研究进展[期刊论文]-作物学报2003(1

44、Aegilops tauschii is D-genome donor of common wheat,and the useful genes of Ae.tauschii can be easily transferred into modern commercial wheat by gene combination. ─── 节节麦是六倍体普通小麦的祖先种之一,D染色体组的供体种;但其遗传变异远比普通小麦的D染色体组丰富。

45、The result showed that the dominant weeds in Xingtai were Alopecurus japonicus Steud, Aegilops tauschii Coss and Bromus japonicus Thunb. ─── 结果表明:邢台市麦田主要禾本科杂草为节节麦、日本看麦娘和雀麦。

46、Esterase Isozymes Analysis for Triticum tuigidum L. ev.Allan mai, Aegilops tauschii Cossen and Their Amphidiploid "RSP ─── 矮兰麦和节节麦及其双二倍体(RSP)的酯酶同工酶分析

47、Aegilops tauschii is commonly accepted as the D genome donor of common wheat and contains a much wider genetic background.Therefore, it is important genetic resources in wheat breeding. ─── 节节麦(Aegilops tauschii)是普通小麦D基因组的供体,并且含有比普通小麦D基因组更为丰富的遗传变异,从而成为小麦育种中重要的遗传资源。

48、Aegilops tauschii ─── n. 节节麦

49、Aegilops tauschii is D genome donor of common wheat. ─── 节节麦是普通小麦 D 染色体组的供体种。

50、Direct transfer of powdery mildew resistant gene from Aegilops taushii into bread wheat and its genetic expression ─── 节节麦抗白粉病基因直接转移及遗传表达

51、The genetic diversity of D genome in 19 Aegilops species accessions from CIMMYT and CAAS was compared with three Sichuan common wheat by simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. ─── 选用24对D染色体组特异性微卫星(SSR)标记引物,将19份山羊草属种的D染色体组与3个普通小麦的D染色体组的遗传多样性进行了比较分析。

52、MIRANDA L M.MURPHY J P.MARSHALL D Pm34:a new powdery mildew resistance gene transferred from Aegilops tauschii Coss.to common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 2006 ─── 朱振东.孔秀英.周荣华.贾继增一个来自硬粒小麦的抗白粉病基因的鉴定和微卫星标记[期刊论文]-安徽农业科学2004(7

53、The 19 Aegilops species accessions should be used to cross with common wheat for elite genes transferring and genetic diversity enhancing. ─── 聚类分析结果表明,同一属种的材料基本上聚为一类,19份山羊草属种的D染色体组与普通小麦的D染色体组之间存在较大的遗传差异,可供小麦远缘杂交以丰富栽培小麦遗传多样性。

54、Aegilops species ─── 山羊草

55、A Unique Aegilops tauschii Genotype Needless to Immature Embryo Culture in Cross with Wheat ─── 远缘杂交不需幼胚培养的节节麦基因型

56、Advance of study on Aegilops L. Genome and its application in wheat improvement ─── 山羊草基因组及其在小麦改良中的应用研究进展

57、Abstract: The genetic effects of Aegilops squarrosa L. cytoplasm were studied by transferring Aegilops squarrosa L. cytoplasm into wheat. ─── 摘 要: 将粗山羊草细胞质导入普通小麦,研究其对普通小麦细胞核的遗传效应。

58、Sequence Analysis of High Molecular Weight Glutenin Subunits in Aegilops tauschii and its in vitro Mutation Common wheat (Triticum aestivum) is one of the most important crops in the world. ─── 节节麦高分子谷蛋白亚基序列研究及体外突变 普通小麦(Triticum aestivum)是世界上最重要的农作物之一。

59、The esterase isozyme of 30 accessions of Aegilops tauschii were studied by means of polyarylamide gel electrophoresis. ─── 对30份不同来源的节节麦进行4个时期的酯酶同工酶分析。

60、Keywords Wheat;Aegilops tauschii Cosson;Amphidiploid;Preharvest sprouting tolerance;Cytogenetics;Molecular marker;Gene cloning; ─── 小麦;节节麦;双二倍体;穗发芽抗性;细胞遗传;分子标记;基因克隆;

61、Aegilops biuncialis ─── n. 两芒山羊草

62、Aegilops squarrosa ─── 节节麦

63、RAPD Analysis on the Relationship among the Diploid Species in Aegilops ─── 山羊草属二倍体物种亲缘关系的RAPD分析

64、Aegilops variabilis ─── 易变山羊草

65、Aegilops tauschi ─── F1代表现型

66、Direct transfer of powdery mildew resistant gene from Aegilops taushii into bread wheat and its genetic expression ─── 节节麦抗白粉病基因直接转移及遗传表达

67、Effects of Different Types of Aegilops Cytoplasm on Protein Contents and Components in Wheat Kernels ─── 山羊草属不同细胞质对小麦籽粒蛋白含量及组分的影响研究

68、SSR Markers Linked to a Powdery Mildew Resistance Gene in Aegilops tauschii Y189 ─── 粗山羊草Y189抗小麦白粉病基因SSR标记

69、Gene Cloning of Puroindoline b in Aegilops juvenalis ─── 牡山羊草Aegilops juvenalis Puroindoline b基因的克隆

70、Evaluating wide crosses between Aegilops species as female and common wheat ─── 山羊草(Aegilops)物种作母本与小麦远缘杂交的评价

71、Aegilops umbelluata ─── 小伞山羊草

72、The Karyotype analysis of Aegilops with special reference to the relationship between the genus and Triticum. ─── 山羊草属核型分析及其与小麦属的进化关系。

73、Identification of Aegilops ventricosa-Aegilops cylindrica Amphiploid SDAU18 ─── 偏凸-柱穗山羊草多倍双二倍体SDAU18的鉴定

74、Identification and Molecular Cloning of Two Novel y-type High-molecular-weight Glutenin Subunit Genes from Aegilops Variables ─── 易变山羊草两个y-型高分子量谷蛋白新亚基的鉴定及基因编码区分子克隆

75、Assessing genetic diversity of Aegilops longissima Schweinf and Muschl.by RAPD markers ─── 高大山羊草(Aegilops longissima Schweinf.and Muschl.)遗传多样性的RAPD分析

76、Tolerant Mechanism and Chromosome Location of Gene of Preharvest Sprouting Tolerance in Aegilops tauschii Cosson ─── 节节麦抗穗发芽基因的染色体定位及其抗性机理

77、Effects of Different Types of Aegilops Cytoplasm on Protein Contents and Components in Wheat Kernels ─── 山羊草属不同细胞质对小麦籽粒蛋白含量及组分的影响研究

78、Cloning and Expression Analysis of Puroindoline a Gene in Aegilops juvenalis ─── 牡山羊草puroindoline a基因的克隆与表达分析

79、Possibility of Direct Genetic Transfer of Desirable Genes to Common Wheat from Aegilops Using phlb (ph1) Gene ─── 利用ph1b(ph1)基因从山羊草属直接遗传转移有益基因到普通小麦中的可能性

80、Aegilops tauschfi ─── 粗山羊草

81、Studies on cytogenetics and biochemisty of the offsprings between A. Magna and Aegilops ventricosa L. ─── 野生大燕麦和偏凸山羊草后代的遗传研究。

82、A Ph1-like Gene in Aegilops cylindrica and the Successful Backcross of Hybrids Between Ae.cylindrica and ph1b Mutant with Wheat ─── 一个柱穗山羊草(Aegilops cylindrica)系统中的类Ph1基因

83、Aegilops ovata ─── n. 卵穗山羊草


85、Analysis of the high molecular weight-glutenin subunits from four groups of Aegilops genus ─── 山羊草四个组高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基组成分析

86、Aegilops umbellulata ─── n. 伞穗山羊草

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