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08-09 投稿


corolla 发音

英:[kə'rɒlə]  美:[kə'rɑlə]

英:  美:

corolla 中文意思翻译



corolla 词性/词形变化,corolla变形

形容词: corollate |

corolla 短语词组

1、corolla cam ─── 花冠凸轮

2、corolla county ─── 卡罗拉县

3、corolla e ─── 花冠e

4、tubular corolla ─── 管状花冠

5、corolla lobe ─── 花冠裂片

6、corolla hatchback ─── 花冠掀背车

7、corolla glx ─── 花冠glx

8、corolla cross hybrid ─── 花冠杂交种

9、corolla levin ─── 卡罗拉莱文

10、corolla dx ─── 卡罗拉dx

11、corolla hybrid ─── 花冠杂种

12、corolla tube ─── 冠筒

13、corolla touring ─── 卡罗拉旅游

14、corolla suv 2021 ─── 花冠suv 2021

15、corolla cross ─── 花冠十字

16、corolla nc ─── 卡罗拉nc

17、corolla cousin crossword ─── 花冠表妹纵横填字游戏

18、corolla throat ─── 花冠喉

19、corolla d ─── 花冠d

corolla 相似词语短语

1、corollary ─── n.推论;必然的结果

2、coralla ─── 珊瑚

3、arolla ─── n.阿罗拉(地名)

4、cholla ─── n.仙人掌(产于美国西南部及墨西哥);多刺仙人掌,结节仙人掌

5、coroll. ─── 他病了。

6、corol. ─── n.花冠

7、corollate ─── adj.有花冠的

8、corella ─── n.凤头鹦鹉;n.(Corella)(美)科雷拉(人名)

9、corellas ─── n.(Corellas)人名;(意)科雷拉斯

corolla 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Corolla white, or yellow flushed pink, to pink. ─── 花冠白色,或黄色冲洗粉红色,到粉红色。

2、Stamens 4, didynamous, inserted on distal part of corolla tube, included. ─── 雄蕊4,二强雄蕊,花冠筒的着生于上部,包括。

3、A unit of a corolla, usually showy and colored. ─── 花瓣花冠的基本部分,通常绚丽多彩的

4、There was no room in the caravan for me, a translator, and a photographer, so we hired a driver and a Toyota Corolla. ─── 但是一名翻译,一名摄影师和我却没有位子,我们雇了一台丰田花冠轿车和一名司机。

5、Margin of middle lobe of lower corolla lip fimbriate-denticulate. ─── 更低的花冠唇流苏状具小齿的中部裂片的边缘。

6、Having separate petals, as on the corolla of a rose or carnation. ─── 离瓣的具有分离花瓣的,如玫瑰或康乃馨花冠上的花瓣

7、Leaf blade to 11 cm. Panicles to 17 cm. Calyx and corolla outside glabrous. ─── 叶片到11厘米圆锥花序到17厘米花萼和花冠外面无毛。

8、Shrubs epiphytic, glabrous except for corolla. ─── 灌木附生的,无毛除了花冠。

9、Corolla tube pubescent; lower lip ciliate. ─── 花冠筒短柔毛;下唇具缘毛。

10、Stamens 2, inserted at base of corolla. ─── 雄蕊2,花冠的着生的在基部。

11、One of the liplike divisions of a labiate corolla. ─── 下唇唇形花冠的唇状分裂物中的一个

12、Corolla white, with purple spots. ─── 花冠白色,具紫色斑点。

13、The often differently colored center of the corolla of some flowers. ─── 花心一些花的通常颜色各异的花冠的中心

14、The corolla is purple or even white in different varieties. ─── 花冠是在不同的变种里甚至白色的紫色的。

15、Corolla lobes 5, subequal, rounded, tube short. ─── 花冠裂片5,近等长,圆形,筒部短。

16、Corolla, a car to be proud of. ─── 花冠,一辆值得。

17、Leaves yellow farinose abaxially, denticulate. Corolla 1.5--2 cm in diam. ─── 留下黄被粉背面,具小齿。直径的花冠1.5-2厘米

18、Michael Harris says his wife's 2009 Corolla took off and crashed into a wall. ─── 迈克尔哈里斯称她妻子开的09花冠系车突然飞奔出去并撞进了墙里。

19、Corolla white, sometimes tinged pink, rotate; adaxial leaf surface setose. ─── 花冠白色,有时微染粉红色,辐状;叶正面具刚毛。

20、Corolla rose-red or purple, rarely white, bilabiate. ─── 花冠玫瑰红或紫色,很少白色,。

21、Corolla tube up to 1.9 cm; fruit follicular; seeds comose. ─── 花冠筒可达1.9厘米;果蓇葖;种子具丛毛。(54

22、Stamens 4, didynamous, inserted at middle of corolla tube, slightly exserted. ─── 雄蕊4,花冠筒,稍外露的二强雄蕊,着生的在中部。

23、One of the two lateral petals of a papilionaceous corolla. ─── 翼瓣 Ala (pl. alae) 蝶形花冠的两侧花瓣。

24、He was discovered in a black Toyota Corolla leaving the favela early on November 10th. ─── 11月10日早,他被发现藏在一辆黑色的丰田花冠车内,正要离开贫民窟。

25、Stamens 4, didynamous, inserted on corolla tube, included. ─── 雄蕊4,二强雄蕊,着生于花冠筒,包括。

26、Style filiform, exserted from corolla. ─── 花柱丝状,从花冠外露。

27、Corolla yellow throughout, not spotted. ─── 全部的花冠黄,不具点。

28、Calyx ciliate; corolla yellow to greenish yellow. ─── 花萼具缘毛;花冠黄到黄绿色。

29、Dream to wear corolla, want a local area leadership. ─── 梦见头戴花冠,要当地区领导。

30、Corolla rotate with revolute margin, purple, ca. 1.5 cm in diam. ─── 花冠绕外卷边缘旋转,紫色,1.5厘米直径的约,浓密具乳突青春期,瓣片大约厘米宽。

31、Sometimes remnants of the corolla may also be present when the fruit is mature. ─── 有时当果实成熟时也留有花冠的残余。

32、The thread in the corolla is the short filament of a degenerated stamen. ─── 花冠筒内丝状物为退化雄蕊的短花丝。

33、The lower lip of a bilabiate corolla. ─── 下唇瓣 Labium (pl. labia) 唇形花冠的下唇。

34、BYD makes another car w/ a Corolla front and a civic rear. ─── 比亚迪制造了另一款车,前面像花冠后面像思域。

35、The hood-shaped sepal or corolla of some flowers. ─── 盔状花冠(或花萼)某些花朵盔状的花萼或花冠

36、Corolla salverform, tube cylindric, dilated at staminal insertion, lobes overlapping to left or to right. ─── 高脚碟状的花冠,圆筒状的筒部,膨大在插入,裂片重叠朝把或留给的右边。

37、Botany The hood-shaped sepal or corolla of some flowers. ─── 盔状花冠(或花萼):某些花朵盔状的花萼或花冠

38、The label of the type specimen describes the corolla as violet. ─── 模式标本的标签把花冠描述为紫色。

39、Shenzhen Corolla Euro-American Flower Design Co., Ltd. ─── 深圳市花冠欧美花艺设计有限公司。

40、Love,like dew on the corolla,only lingers in a pure soul. ─── 爱犹如花冠上的露珠,只会逗留在清纯的灵魂里。

41、Calyx ca. 1 cm. Middle lobe of lower corolla lip yellow, ca. 8 mm wide. ─── 花萼约1厘米黄的下部花冠唇,约8毫米宽的中部裂片。

42、The calyx and corolla are present or the latter absent. ─── 花萼及花瓣常明显,或缺后者(如圣诞红,红色部份是叶状苞片);

43、Peduncles and pedicels glandular pilose; corolla 7-12 mm, purple or purple-red. ─── 花序梗和花梗具腺柔毛;花冠7-12毫米,紫色的或紫色红。(31

44、Borne on or attached to the petals or corolla, as the stamens of the petunia. ─── 花冠上生长的长于或附着于花瓣或花冠上的,如矮牵牛属植物的花蕊

45、Have you seen the new Toyota Corolla? ─── 你看过新型的丰田corolla没有?

46、A ray flower or the corolla of a ray flower. ─── 舌状花舌状花或这种花的花冠

47、Corolla campanulate or urceolate to tubular. ─── 花冠钟状或瓶形的到管状。

48、Leaf blade oblong-elliptic to broadly ovate-elliptic. Corolla bright yellow. ─── 叶片长圆状椭圆形的到宽卵形椭圆形。花冠嫩黄。

49、Having or characterizing a corolla with partially or wholly fused petals. ─── 分瓣的带有部分或全部融合的花瓣的花冠的,或以此为特性的

50、Corolla actinomorphic, campanulate or tubular, lobes 4. ─── 辐射对称的花冠,钟头或管状,裂片4。

51、The expanded tip of a plant organ, such as a petal or corolla lobe. ─── 瓣片植物器官的伸出部分,如冠檐或萼檐

52、Lower corolla lip with lateral lobes rounded, not emarginate. ─── 更低的花冠唇具侧面裂片圆形,不微缺。

53、Relating to the throat of a corolla with fused petals. ─── 花喉的与合瓣花冠的喉有联系的

54、The androecium is borne on the fused corolla. ─── 雄蕊群着生在联合的花冠上。

55、Corolla lobes almost free to base, united in pairs at base, or united into a very short tube up to 1 mm. ─── 几乎的花冠裂片离生至基部,合生成对在基部,或合生成为一非常短筒部可达1毫米。

56、The lower,cylindrical part of a gamopetalous corolla or a gamosepalous calyx. ─── 合瓣花冠或合瓣萼的下部管状部分。

57、Stem leaf blades linear-lanceolate to lanceolate. Corolla narrowly obconic. ─── 茎生叶叶片线状披针形的到披针形。花冠狭倒圆锥形。

58、Toyota's Corolla production will shift back to the U. S. next year at a new factory set to open near Tupelo, Miss. ─── 丰田花冠车的生产将在明年重新转移到美国,搬进一座即将在密西西比州Tupelo附近开业的新工厂。

59、Corolla white;lobes triangular, stellate, patent, mealy inside. ─── 花冠白色裂片三角形,在里面星状,开展,粉状。

60、Corolla lobes 5, shortly coherent at base, imbricate. ─── 花冠裂片5,短连着的在基部,覆瓦状。

61、Corolla tube equaling or longer than calyx. ─── 花冠筒等长或长于花萼。

62、European viola with an unusually long corolla spur. ─── 欧洲堇菜,通常有长花冠距。

63、Toyota Corolla was the top seller, followed by the Honda Civic, Toyota Camry, Ford Focus and Hyundai Elantra. ─── 丰田花冠为本次活动的销售冠军,紧随其后的是本田思域,丰田凯美瑞,福特福克斯,以及现代伊兰特。

64、Nectaries at base of corolla tube or on disc below ovary. ─── 蜜腺位于花冠筒的基部或者位于子房下面的花盘上。

65、Corolla very short, finely pilose, tube much exserted. ─── 花冠非常短,好具柔毛,成管状很多。

66、Leaf blade cordate to oblong-ovate. Corolla ca. 2.6 cm, yellow. ─── 卵形叶片心形的到长圆形。约的花冠2.6厘米,黄。

67、Top-first inflorescence of Health, Corolla yellow. ─── 头状花序顶生,花冠黄色。

68、Corolla white, yellowish, or cream-yellow, sometimes with few gray spots. ─── 花冠白色,淡黄,米色黄的或,具很少灰色斑点的有时。

69、Lateral staminodes petaloid, larger than corolla lobes. ─── 侧生退化雄蕊瓣状,比花冠裂片大的。

70、Bud scales usually deciduous. Corolla yellow; ovary eglandular. ─── 芽鳞通常落叶。花冠黄子房无腺体。

71、Corolla ca. 1.5(-2) cm, middle lobe of lower lip oblong. ─── 约的花冠1.5(-2)厘米,下唇长圆形的中部裂片。

72、Sepal 5, corolla lobes 5, partial combine. ─── 花冠裂片5枚,部分合生。

73、If you've ever experienced the joy of being told that your rental car is a Toyota Corolla rather than a Chevrolet Impala, you know this. ─── 这是个不争的事实。如果你租一辆车,你也会想要租丰田花冠而不是雪弗莱英帕拉。

74、Corolla white or pink with a yellow eye, ca. 7 mm in diam. ─── 花冠白色或粉红色具一只黄的眼睛,直径约7毫米;

75、The lower, cylindrical part of a gamopetalous corolla or a gamosepalous calyx. ─── 管状部分合瓣花冠或合瓣萼的下部管状部分

76、Ford posted a 19% drop, and sales of its F-150 pick-up fell behind Toyota's Camry and Corolla for the first time. ─── 福特公司的汽车销量下降了19%,而F - 150型皮卡车的销量首次落后于丰田的嘉美和花冠。

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