fructification 发音
英:[ˌfrʌktəfəˈkeɪʃn] 美:[ˌfrʌktɪfɪˈkeɪʃən]
英: 美:
fructification 中文意思翻译
fructification 短语词组
1、fructification meaning in hindi ─── 印地语中的果义
2、fructification definition ─── 结实定义
3、fructification pronunciation ─── 果实发音
fructification 词性/词形变化,fructification变形
fructification 相似词语短语
1、prettification ─── n.美化;修饰;装饰
2、rectifications ─── n.纠正(rectification的复数)
3、fortification ─── n.[军]设防;[军]防御工事;加强;配方
4、justification ─── n.理由;辩护;认为有理,认为正当;释罪
5、rectification ─── n.改正,矫正;[化工]精馏;[电]整流;[数]求长
6、gratification ─── n.满意;喜悦;使人满意之事
7、ratification ─── n.批准;承认,认可
8、fructificative ─── 生果的
9、sanctification ─── n.神圣化,神灵化
fructification 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Grow in the whole world like cirrus when Internet when, it is like the seed when computer software when global diffuse, a kind of brand-new fructification is in be pregnant with. ─── 当 Internet 如藤蔓般在全球生长时,当电脑软件如种子般在全球散播时,一种全新的果实正在孕育之中。
2、Pluck when us bumper harvest fructification when, what you leave oneself is chalk ash catches white hair of white two hair on the temples. ─── 当我们采摘丰收果实的时候,您留给自己的是粉笔灰染白的两鬓白发。
3、Thirteen strains of Pleruotus nebrodensis and a strain of Pleurotus ostreatus collected from china were studied with mycelial and fructification morphology. ─── 选用我国白灵菇的13株主栽品种和1株糙皮侧耳作为参照,按其特征划分为不同的类型。
4、tung fructification ─── 桐籽饼粕
5、The distribution, fructification and utilization value of some important species in this area are described.The strategies for exploiting and protecting of resources also are given. ─── 介绍了温岭市重要野生果树的生境、果熟期和利用价值等,并对资源的保护和开发利用提出了建议。
6、And those shining industry designs, can present the wonderful dialogue of modern culture and natural fructification . ─── 而那些光亮的工业设计,可以呈现现代文明与天然果实的奇妙对话。
7、Why the nutrient composition of fruit skin should compare fructification much, and do we like to eat fruit however? ─── 为什么水果皮的营养成分要比果实多,而我们却喜欢吃果实?
8、Of course, you also can steal the fructification of others. ─── 当然,你也可以去偷别人的果实。
9、Fructification A seed-or spore-bearing structure. The term is used especially for the aerial fruiting bodies of fungi, e.g. mushrooms. ─── 子实体,果实:产生种子或孢子的结构,该术语尤其适用于真菌的气生结实体(子实体),如蘑菇。
10、This design inspiration comes from the fructification with mature and plump grape. ─── 这款设计灵感来自葡萄成熟丰满的果实。
11、Actually, this is only " octopus is cultivated " a kind of way that spreads him fructification. ─── 其实,这只是“章鱼树”传播自己果实的一种方式。
12、The Measures to Improve Fructification of Cowpeel Hybridization ─── 提高豇豆杂交坐果率的措施
13、We hope the reader is aspersion of this plant new young plant, fertilization sincerely, let it spend again and again of numerous Xie Mao, fructification. ─── 我们真诚希望读者为这株新苗洒水、施肥,让它花繁叶茂、果实累累。
14、The fructification of Grias Cauliflora is the fruit that a kind of gust is like mango. ─── 炮弹果树花艳果硕,被视为珍奇庭园树木。
15、Objective To identify Umbelliferous fructification herbs. ─── 目的准确地鉴别伞形科果实类药材。
16、Mo Tianquan: Contrast of my individual photograph is actualer, if great promise cannot show like fructification, everybody also is met very disappointed. ─── 莫天全:我个人相对比较实际,宏大的许诺如果实现不了的话大家也会很失望。
17、Fructification includes peel, seed coat, cotyledon and embryo 4 parts. ─── 果实包括果皮.种皮.子叶和胚四部分。
18、Many edible flowers, not only root, bine, leaf, flower and fructification can be viewed and admire, still can offer edible, pharmacy, brew and extraction essence to wait. ─── 不少食用花卉,不仅根.茎.叶.花以及果实可观赏,还可供食用.制药.酿酒和提取香精等。
19、We anxiously expect a reader to be this individual plant " new young plant " water fertilization, let its branch numerous Xie Mao, fructification again and again. ─── 我们企盼读者为这株“新苗”浇水施肥 ,让它枝繁叶茂 ,果实累累。
20、Spreading the Tcchnique of High Yield and Early Fructification and Quick Breeding of Ginkgo and Promoting the Development of Economy ─── 推广银杏速繁早实丰产技术促进经济发展
22、fructification period ─── 结实期
23、Abstract:ObjectiveTo identify Umbelliferous fructification herbs.MethodsThe Gel-electrophoresis technology was used to analyze the umbeelliferous herbs. ─── 伞形科药材的果实是双悬果,外形极相似且小,肉眼难以识别,组织结构也极相似。
24、Fructification provides pectination pinstripe. ─── 果实具梳状细条纹。
25、Taste cool and refreshing tastily, still have officinal value, its rhizome leaf fructification can be used as medicine. ─── 吃起来清凉爽口,还有药用价值,它的根茎叶果实都可以入药。
26、Fructification provides pectination pinstripe. ─── 果实具梳状细条纹。
27、Sortie is achieved cast course of study to view the stake that be like is irrelevant, but the fructification that harvested expect to be less than however. ─── 涉足创投业看似是不着边际的赌注,但却收获了意想不到的果实。
28、Comparison of the Nutritive Components in Submerged Fermentation Mycelia and Fructification of Boletus Edulis ─── 美味牛肝菌丝体与野生子实体营养成分的比较分析
29、Inheritance of Fructification Habit and Its Relative SSR Markers in Maize ─── 玉米果穗结实习性遗传特点及其SSR标记分析
30、At that time, the fructification of life resembles ripe rice same, results awaits in the atmosphere that calms in beauty. ─── 这时候,生命的果实便像熟稻子一样,在美丽平静的气氛中等待收获。”
31、Log wall can divide plywood and solid board a few kinds, be like the word of fructification board, the price can differ very far. ─── 原木墙可以分三合板和实木板几种,假如实木板的话,价格会相差很远。
32、Log wall can divide plywood and solid board a few kinds, be like the word of fructification board, the price can differ very far. ─── 原木墙可以分三合板和实木板几种,假如实木板的话,价格会相差很远。
33、The plant of helianthus by root, bine, leaf, flower, fructification 5 parts are comprised. ─── 向日葵的植株由根.茎.叶.花.果实五部分组成。
34、This kind of arbor is 7 meters tall, fructification submits egg form or elliptic, bake the scent after making unusual, fragile be like pignut, feed.. ─── 这种乔木高7米,果实呈卵形或椭圆形,烤制后芳香异常,脆如花生米,食...
35、The studies were conducted between bee pollination and manual pollination, which are the fructification rate, the merchantable fruit yield, the difference of fruit quality. ─── 通过中华蜜蜂、意大利蜜蜂为“79- 3”中华猕猴桃、“徐香”美味猕猴桃授粉和隔离条件下人工授粉对比 ,观察猕猴桃的座果率、商品果产量和品质差异。
36、Say Ma Yun is commendable, depend on him after winning out by good luck in the contend that from this him field is in extreme imparity position can abandon triumphal fructification easily again. ─── 说马云可贵,就在于他从这场自己处于极端不平等地位的角逐中侥幸胜出后又能将胜利果实轻松放弃。
37、Fructification habit ─── 结实习性
38、Keywords extractive of composite floristic fructification;blood;biochemical criterion;mice; ─── 菊科植物抽提物;小鼠;血液;生化成分;
39、Belong to a plant with other banyan same, gan Huarong's fructification reachs the important food of the animal for a lot of insects in the forest. ─── 和其他榕属植物一样,干花榕的果实为森林中许多昆虫及动物的重要食物。
40、The amaranth when fructification is mature, nuclear little pork is thick, crisp pleasant is sweet. ─── 果实成熟时紫红色,核小肉厚,酥脆甘甜。
41、The flower withers easily, have fructification only, ability can sample slowly. ─── 花是易谢的,只有果实,才可以慢慢品尝。
42、mycelial and fructification morphology; ─── 菌丝;子实体形态;
43、Effects of extractive of composite floristic fructification on the biochemical criterion of blood in normal mice in vivo ─── 一种菊科植物抽提物对小鼠血液生化成分的影响
44、Greek writer Xiluoduotuosi describes Egypt floral moment to write: "There are a few lilies that resemble a rose in the river, fructification grows in the pod that resembles wasp nest. ─── 希腊作家希罗多托斯描述埃及植物的时候写道:“河中生长着一些像玫瑰的百合,果实生长在像黄蜂窝的荚里。
45、Keywords maize;ear barren tip;fructification habit;inheritance pattern;molecular marker; ─── 玉米;秃尖现象;结实习性;遗传规律;分子标记;
46、A lot of fruit grower and the governor that have experience very notice fructification defend water. ─── 许多果农和有经验的治理者都十分注重果实的保水。
47、Non-astringent persimmon fructification was early in mid-subtropical region. ─── 在该生态型区,早果、丰产性好。
48、Inflorescence racemose to 7 cm at fructification, densely yellow pubescent. ─── 总状的花序达7厘米在果期,密被黄色短柔毛。
49、fructification rate ─── 结实率
50、He irrigates arduously everyday, numerous Xie Mao of the 2nd year of branch, fructification hangs full branch. ─── 他天天辛勤地浇灌,第二年枝繁叶茂,果实挂满枝头。
51、Let us apply all our might to bring the plans to fructification. ─── 让我们用我们所有的计划,可能使结实。
52、their fructification rate is high, and the underground stem will not become into lotus root, so its view value is higher than common lotus. ─── 花繁密,结实率高,地下茎不会膨大成藕,所以比普通荷花观赏价值高。
53、Early fructification,more fruit-bearing and abundant branches of precocious walnut in Fufeng county will cause that nutritional components is overly consumed and tree vigor get untimely weakened. ─── 扶风早实核桃由于结实早,结果多,分枝多,养分过度消耗,容易引起树势过早衰弱。
54、time of fructification ─── 结实期, 结果期
55、Fructification resembles red elliptically, goose egg of yellow. ─── 果实椭圆形像红色的、黄色的鹅蛋。
56、Strawberry fastens vivacious herb, its fructification makes fruit of fleshy qualitative group by thalamus development, this and general fruit differ by ovarian development. ─── 草莓系多年生草本植物,其果实由花托发育而成为肉质聚合果,这与一般水果由子房发育而来不同。
57、Sun's rays collaboration uses beginning production is plant leaf bine, just have flower, fructification, seed next. ─── 太阳光合作用的开始产物是植物叶茎,然后才有花、果实、种子。
58、And Japan is sweet persimmon does not need acerbity can edible (fragile feed) , the fructification when maturity is fragile hard, edible very tastily, very suffer consumer to love. ─── 而日本甜柿不需脱涩即可食用(脆食),成熟时果实脆硬,食用极为爽口,很受消费者喜爱。
59、their fructification rate is high, and the underground stem will not become into lotus root, so its view value is higher than common lotus. ─── 花繁密,结实率高,地下茎不会膨大成藕,所以比普通荷花观赏价值高。
60、The Influence of Different Types of Soil on the Mycelial Growth and Fructification of Coprinus Comatus ─── 配料中不同类型土对鸡腿菇生育的影响
61、Fructification flesh is qualitative globose, blue, the seed is bigger, long elliptic, black. ─── 果实肉质球形,蓝色,种子较大,长椭圆形,黑色。
62、leading , breakthrough , fructification , start , open up, expand, authority , position. ─── 领导、开创、拓展、突破、结实、壮大、权力、地位。
63、Results: It has increaced the fructification rate of field Atractylodes lancea (Thunb.) DC. ─── 方法:在茅苍术的花期对其实行人工授粉。
64、Pioneer, may not can be picked the first fructification. ─── 拓荒者,未必都能够摘得第一颗果实。
65、arrived summer, the fructification of hill grape, yangtao and the stem pith of the rice-paper plant is very goluptious; ─── 到了夏天,山葡萄、猕猴桃和通草的果实都很可口;
66、Photosynthetic Characteristics of Several Gramineous Weeds During Fructification Period in Dry Farmland ─── 旱田几种禾本科杂草结实期光合特性的研究
67、Dynamic characteristics of nutrient elements in Castanea henryi plantation at beginning of fructification and its simulation ─── 锥栗人工林结果初期养分动态特征及其模拟
68、Comparison of the Nutritive Components in Submerged Fermentation Mycelia and Fructification Boletus edulis ─── 美味牛肝菌营养菌丝体与野生子实体品质分析
69、I have a strong thirst for knowledge made me forget the four years of toilsome.Furthermore plan in the pursue advanced studies and to win even more fructification the road To accept more challenges. ─── 我强烈的求知欲使我忘记了四年来的辛苦,并且计划在深造和赢取更甜美的果实的道路上接受更多的挑战。)
70、Fructification is flat globose, pensile and bunchy be like a grape. ─── 果实扁球形,悬挂成串如葡萄。
71、The Fructification Regularity of Amentotaxus argotaenia Population ─── 穗花杉种群结种规律探讨
72、Cuminvm cyminvm L.and Cvminvm vernum L..Conclusion The method of Gel-electrophoresis is easy and effective for identification of umbelliferous fructification herbs. ─── 结论该方法操作简便,重复性好,各样品间可比性强,能起到准确鉴别药材的目的。
73、Orange red: Orange red makes a person remember autumnal fructification, so this kind of colour has very thick nature flavor, appropriate apply can make the bedroom has a kind of red-blooded feeling. ─── 橙红色:橙红色令人想起秋天的果实,所以这种色彩有很浓的大自然气息,恰当运用会使居室有一种布满活力的感觉。
74、Balsam pear because its fructification is cortical have tumour state protuberant, figure not beautiful, someone cries it " n/med leprosy grape " ; ─── 苦瓜因其果实外皮具有瘤状突起,形象不佳,有人叫它“癞葡萄”;
75、conidial fructification ─── 产孢结构, 分生孢子产孢结构
76、Keywords Boletus edulis;mycelia;fructification;nutritive component; ─── 美味牛肝菌;菌丝体;子实体;营养成分;
77、Fundamental key: Blackberry: It is sensibility, charming, the black fructification of covet making a person. ─── 基调 :黑莓 : 是感性、媚人,令人垂涎的黑色果实。
78、And those shining industry designs, can present the wonderful dialogue of modern culture and natural fructification. ─── 而那些光亮的工业设计,可以呈现现代文明与天然果实的奇妙对话。
79、Orange red makes a person remember autumnal fructification, so this kind of colour has very thick nature flavor, appropriate apply can make the bedroom has a kind of red-blooded feeling. ─── 橙红色令人想起秋天的果实,所以这种色彩有很浓的大自然气息,恰当运用会使居室有一种布满活力的感觉。
80、C of natural fructification vitamin (VC) the comparison of what brand is good? ─── 天然果实维生素C(VC)什么牌子的比较好?
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