ambassadorship 中文意思翻译
ambassadorship 短语词组
1、ambassadorship quotes ─── 大使语录
2、ambassadorship forms ─── 大使职位表
3、ambassadorship mit ─── 麻省理工学院大使
4、ambassadorship work ─── 大使工作
5、ambassadorship means ─── 大使意味着
6、ambassadorship pay ─── 大使薪酬
ambassadorship 相似词语短语
1、amateurship ─── n.资格;业余者的资格或身份
2、ambassadresses ─── n.大使夫人;女大使
3、ambassador ─── n.大使;代表;使节
4、assessorship ─── n.评审员;确定税款的人;顾问(assessor的变形)
5、embassadors ─── n.使节(等于ambassador)
6、embassador ─── n.使节(等于ambassador)
7、ambassadorial ─── adj.大使的;使节的
8、ambassadress ─── n.大使夫人;女大使
9、ambassadors ─── n.大使(ambassador的复数形式)
ambassadorship 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、There's also his goodwill UNICEF ambassadorship to Africa. ─── 他还是联合儿童基金会驻非洲的亲善大使。
2、"Mr. Ambassador," Pelt interrupted," consider a simple analogy. ─── “大使先生,”佩尔特打断了他的话,“打个简单的比方。
3、The ambassador enjoys diplomatic immunity. ─── 大使享受外交豁免。
4、The ambassador repaired to Rome. ─── 大使前往罗马。
5、During my ambassadorship in the DPRK, I donated books to the Korean national library on behalf of the Chinese Government. ─── 出任驻朝鲜大使后,又代表中国政府向朝鲜国家图书馆——平壤人民大学习堂赠书。
6、When the Ambassador is on leave, his duties devolve upon the First Secretary. ─── 大使休假期间,职务由一等秘书代理。
7、He leaked the news of the ambassador's visit. ─── 他把大使来访的消息泄露出去了。
8、For a time Carol Moseley Braun reappeared, back from an ambassadorship in New Zealand and with thoughts of trying to reclaim her old seat; ─── 卡罗尔莫斯利布劳恩再次出现的时候,刚结束了新西兰大使的工作并试图取回她的老位子;
9、The ambassador came in last month. ─── 大使上月上任。
10、The decree has gone forth that Mr.Smith is to be the new ambassador to Argentina. ─── 史密斯先生将出任阿根廷大使的命令已经下达。
11、He was appointed ambassador. ─── 他已被任命为大使。
12、"At those words the ambassador lost all hope and lowered his head. ─── 听到这些话,大使失去了所有的希望并低下了头。
13、Given the breadth of issues at stake in our relationship with China, this ambassadorship is as important as any in the world, " he said. " ─── “考虑到我们与中国的关系中广泛的利害攸关问题,大使的职位和世界上其它事情一样重要”他说。
14、"I made you my Ambassador," the king called out, hastily. ─── “我派你当我的大使。”国王匆忙地喊道。
15、He never failed to send the ambassador a report each week. ─── 他每个礼拜必送报告给大使。
16、A tourist abroad can be an ambassador of good-will for his country. ─── 国外旅游者可以做本国的亲善代表。
17、He was appointed ambassador to America. ─── 他被派为驻美大使。
18、A large fete was given in honor of the ambassador. ─── 为大使举办了一次盛大的游园会。
19、He is to be the new ambassador to Japan by decree of the government. ─── 他受政府之命将担任驻日本的新大使。
20、The ambassador was back at four in the afternoon. ─── 下午4点,某国大使又来到白宫。
21、He was the ambassador of the king of Portugal. ─── 他是葡萄牙国王的使臣。
22、An ambassadorship? That's my payoff? ─── 一个大使的职位?作为我的报酬?
23、It took a great deal of presumption to insult the ambassador at his own party. ─── 在他自己的聚会上污辱大使是要有很大胆量的。
24、After a successful career in business,he is appointed ambassador. ─── 在生意成功后,他被指定为大使。
25、When did you first make contact with the ambassador? ─── 你第一次与大使联系是什么时候?
26、The ambassador held a reception at the embassy. ─── 大使在大使馆召开了接待会。
27、He's replacing the former ambassador. ─── 他将接替原来的大使。
28、Ambassador decided that he must invalid his sick radio-officer home. ─── 大使决定把患病的无线电报员遣送回国。
29、He was appointed Ambassador to Great Britain. ─── 他被任命为驻英大使。
30、Ambassador and Consul General of the inscription. ─── 大使和总领事的题词。
31、An ambassador is appointed to look after diplomatic business. ─── 大使受委派办理外交事务。
32、In 1999, the Health Ambassador Programme continued to win acclaim. ─── 一九九九年,健康大使计划继续深受欢迎。
33、An ambassador must have great tact. ─── 一位大使需要有很大的圆滑。
34、He is an ambassador of international reputation. ─── 他是一个国际闻名的大使。
35、The opposition sneers at him as China’s “roving ambassador”. ─── 以至于反对党们将其讥讽为中国的“巡回大使”。
36、"Help you to some coffee, Mr. Ambassador," Pelt offered. ─── “请自己用咖啡,大使先生。”佩尔特说。
37、The position, function, or assignment of an ambassador. ─── 大使大使的地位、职权或任命
38、He is seen by the black nation at the U.N. as an ambassador for blackness. ─── 他被参加联合国的黑人国家看作黑人民族自豪感的代表。
39、The amBassador presented her credentials to the monarch. ─── 外交官将她的证明书呈交国王。
40、He was appointed ambassador to France. ─── 他被任命为驻法国大使。
41、He was to have been the new ambassador, but he fell ill. ─── 他原是要任新大使的,但是他病了。
42、He was appointed ambassador to the Netherlands. ─── 他被任命为驻荷兰大使。
43、The ambassador was escorted to the plane by the Foreign Secretary. ─── 大使在外交秘书的陪同下上了飞机。
44、Back in Washington, I called in Pakistan's Ambassador. ─── 回到华盛顿后,我召见了巴基斯坦大使。
45、After a successful career in business, he was appointed ambassador. ─── 他在事业上取得成就之后就被任命为大使。
46、Jay Chou is celebrated as an ambassador for young China. ─── 周杰伦的名气对于蓬勃发展的中国来说就像一位音乐大使。
47、The king received the ambassador to dinner. ─── 国王接待大使入宴。
48、He is the Chinese ambassador to Japan. ─── 他是中国驻日本大使。
49、A young man fired on the British Ambassador to Japan. ─── 一位年轻人向英国驻日本大使开了枪。
50、How did the ambassador and General Sealock help you? ─── 大使和希洛克将军怎么帮助你的?
51、An ambassadorship? That's my payoff? ─── 一个大使的职位?作为我的报酬?
52、He got the information at first hand from the ambassador. ─── 他是直接从大使那里得到这消息的。
53、Croydon might soon be named British Ambassador to Washington. ─── 克罗伊敦可能即将被提名为英国驻华盛顿大使。
54、A penitent's prayer is an undeniable ambassador. ─── 一个忏悔者的祷告是令人无法拒绝的使者。
55、No less a person than the ambassador. ─── 地位不比大使低的人。
56、After a successful career in business, he was appointed good-will ambassador. ─── 他在事业上取得成就之后就被任命为亲善大使。
57、The ambassador is indisposed, and will not go out for some days. ─── 公使身体不舒服,要在家里休息几天。
58、B: Good evening, sir. Welcome to the Ambassador Hotel. ─── 先生,晚安。欢迎到国宾大饭店。
59、He is an ambassador extraordinary. ─── 他是一位特派大使。
60、He made the statement at a meeting with Ambassador Last Friday. ─── 上周五他在与大使的会谈中发表了声明。
61、He was accredited ambassador to Lisbon. ─── 他奉派出任里斯本大使。
62、A staff of diplomatic representatives headed by an ambassador. ─── 外使团由大使带领的全体外交代表
63、And today he is the Ambassador to the Vatican in Rome. ─── 今天他在罗马出任驻梵蒂网大使。
64、He presented his credentials to the President in his character as ambassador. ─── 他以大使身份向总统递交国书。
65、There's also his goodwill UNICEF ambassadorship to Africa. ─── 他还是联合国儿童基金会驻非洲的亲善大使。
66、He was appointed ambassador to Sweden. ─── 他被任命为驻瑞典大使。
67、He served as ambassador to France in the early sixties. ─── 在60年代初期他担任驻法大使。
68、You mean the carnival ambassador? ─── 你是指狂欢节的亲善大使吗?
69、The king asked to see the Ambassador from China. ─── 国王要求会见中国大使。
70、The king received the ambassador in state. ─── 国王以隆重仪式接见大使。
71、The ambassador let the cat out of the bag. ─── 大使不小心说露了嘴。
72、Ambassador Ji gave a warm speech at the reception. ─── 冀大使在会上发表了热情洋溢的讲话。
73、He was appointed ambassador to Japan. ─── 他奉派为驻日大使。
74、A farewell party was held in honor of the Ambassador. ─── 为大使举办了一个欢送会。
75、After a successful career in business,he was appointed ambassador. ─── 在生意成功后,他被指定为大使。
76、Mr. Ambassador,” Pelt interrupted,“ consider a simple analogy. ─── 大使先生,"佩尔特打断了他的话,"打个简单的比方。
77、In 2001, the Health Ambassador Programme continued to win acclaim. ─── 二零零一年,健康大使训练计划继续深受欢迎。
78、He is the ambassador to Russia. ─── 他是驻俄国大使。
79、He took up office as an ambassador for ten years continuously. ─── 他连任十年大使。
80、Ah! Excuse me sir, hold on. Our Ambassador will speak to you. ─── 啊,对不起,先生,请别挂,我们的大使要和您讲话。
81、The ambassador was received in audience by the king. ─── 大使受到国王的正式接见。
82、Miss Genevieve Lim, Chinese, is tourism ambassador of Sentosa, Singapore. ─── 华人,圣淘沙岛旅游形象代表。
83、Bishop Dufour is being introduced to the ambassador from Miranda. ─── 主教杜弗尔被介绍给来自米兰达的大使。
84、Ambassador Campbell was instructed to make no comment. ─── 坎贝尔大使接到训令不表示任何意见。
85、A head of state may not have much political power, and may be restricted to ceremonial duties(meeting ambassador, laying wreath at national memorials, opening parliament, etc). ─── 国家元首也许没有太多的政治上的权力,也许只限于礼仪上的职责(会见大使、在全国性纪念仪式上放花圈、宣布议会开始等)。
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