apexes 发音
英:[ˈeɪpɛksɪz] 美:[ˈeɪˌpɛksɪz]
英: 美:
apexes 中文意思翻译
apexes 词性/词形变化,apexes变形
名词复数: apexes |
apexes 同义词
solar apex | high point | zenith | acme |peak | summit | pinnacle | prime | highest | tip | altitude | brow | climax | crown | head | height | point | top | vertex
apexes 反义词
apexes 相似词语短语
1、latexes ─── n.乳胶;乳液
2、-apexes ─── n.顶点;尖端
3、annexes ─── 附加
4、apemen ─── n.猿人(apeman的复数)
5、aperies ─── n.摹仿;猴舍;愚蠢的行为
6、-dexes ─── abbr.电信电话公司电子交换器(DendenkoshaElectronicExchange)
7、-texes ─── n.特克斯支数制(每千米克数);n.(Tex)人名;(德)特克斯
8、hapaxes ─── 半轴
9、apeek ─── adj.垂直的
apexes 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Leaf blade margin curved serrate, apex shortly caudate. ─── 叶片边缘弄弯有锯齿,先端短尾状。
2、His election to the presidency was the apex of his career. ─── 当选总统是他一生事业的顶峰。
3、Most people imagined them to be the very apex of the pyramid. ─── 很多人以为,他们便是金字塔的顶点了
4、The apex of the insect maxilla. ─── 昆虫下颚的顶点
5、Leaves long linear, graminoid or shortly setiform, apex spinose. ─── 叶子长线形,禾草状或短刚毛状的,具刺的先端。
6、Leaf blade apex long caudate; achene smooth. ─── 叶片而不是具腺,中脉的被绢毛的具长柔毛。
7、Tissue Culture of Stem Apexes of Hedychium forrestii ─── 圆瓣姜花茎尖组织培养
8、I am a clay, you are my apex . ─── 我是一把泥土,你是我的峰巅;
9、Ovary ovoid, 4-celled, apex truncate and entire. ─── 子房卵形体,4室,先端截形和全缘。
10、Bracteoles 2, needlelike, near apex of pedicel. ─── 小苞片2,针状,花梗的近先端。
11、Calyx lobes ovate, ca. 2 mm, apex acute. ─── 卵形的萼裂片,约2毫米,先端锐尖。
12、Ovary 2-locular, divided by a false septum almost to apex. ─── 子房2室,对先端几乎除以一假的隔膜。
13、Capsule obovoid, ca. 4 mm in diam., broadly winged, apex incised. ─── 倒卵球形的蒴果,直径约4毫米,具具宽翅,先端锐裂。
14、Pseudostaminodes ca. 0.5 mm, hairy at margin, apex fimbriate. ─── 假退化雄蕊约0.5毫米,有毛的在边缘,顶流苏状。
15、Pseudostaminodes indistinctly dentate at apex. ─── 假退化雄蕊不清楚的有齿的在先端。
16、Lateral sepals 2, greenish, falcate, ca. 2 mm, apex long aristate. ─── 侧生萼片2,带绿色,镰刀形,约2毫米,先端具长芒。
17、Pico argues that it is humans who stand at the apex of the world. ─── 在许多方面来说,可以视为是文艺复兴理想的里程碑。
18、Leaflets suborbicular to ovate, apex obtuse, rarely acute. ─── 小叶近圆形的到卵形,先端钝,很少锐尖。
19、It is not one apex it is four apexes! ─── 不是一个,而是4个弯角!
20、Galea with 2 marginal teeth near apex, beakless. ─── 加利亚具2边缘的齿近先端,无喙。
21、Stigma elongated, ligulate, apiculate at apex, as long as ovary. ─── 子房无毛柱头拉长,舌状,具细尖的在先端,倍于子房。
22、Lateral sepals 2, ovate, 6-8 mm, herbaceous, apex mucronulate. ─── 侧生萼片2,卵形,毫米,草质,先端具小短尖。
23、God is the apex, without Whom the base collapses. ─── 天主是顶点,没有了祂,底边便会塌陷。
24、Nutlets triquetrous, ovoid, smooth, apex obtuse to rounded. ─── 小坚果三棱,卵圆形,清除,先端钝到圆形。
25、Nutlets ovoid, triquetrous, subtruncate at apex. ─── 小坚果卵圆形,三棱,近截形的在先端。
26、Hypanthium obconic, ca. 2.5 mm, apex nearly abrupt. ─── 托杯倒圆锥形,大约2.5毫米,顶差不多突然。
27、Apex of lemma with 3-forked appendage. ─── 外稃具3分叉的附属物的先端。
28、Leaf blades and inflorescences glabrous. Sepals ovate, apex obtuse. ─── 叶片和花序无毛。萼片卵形,先端钝。
29、Leaflets suborbicular or ovate, apex obtuse, rarely acute. ─── 小叶近圆形的或卵形,先端钝,很少锐尖。
30、Apex ? 1 returns safely to Geodesa. ─── 尖端1号安全返回到了吉德萨。
31、Ovary lobes truncate, glabrous or rarely minutely hispid at apex. ─── 子房裂片截断,无毛或很少精确在先端。
32、You have reached the apex of earthly honour. ─── 你已经达到世界上荣誉的顶点。
33、The apex of a triangle;the apex of a hill. ─── 三角形的顶点;山顶
34、Labellum oblong, flat, apex 2-lobed or entire. ─── 唇瓣长圆形,平,先端2裂的或全缘。
35、Experimental Study of Compressive Capacity of Triangular Section Steel Member with Tubes at Its Apexes ─── 三角钢管截面构件抗压性能的试验研究
36、Leaflets lobed ca. 1/2 way to midvein, apex obtuse. ─── 大约中脉,先端钝的1/2的方法浅裂的小叶。
37、Nutlets acutely triquetrous, base cuneate, apex truncate. ─── 尖锐三棱的小坚果,基部楔形,先端截形。
38、Hypocotyl 15-30 cm, apex sharply pointed. ─── 下胚轴15-30厘米,先端锐尖。
39、Hypocotyl cylindric, spindle-shaped or clavate, apex pointed. ─── 下胚轴圆筒状,纺锤形或者棍棒状,先端尖的。
40、He is now at the apex of his power. ─── 他现在正在权力的巅峰。
41、Not bad photography.The last pic has the sense of ice apex on moon. ─── 摄影技巧也不错,最后一图有月上冰峰之感。
42、XXX is the Chinese apex's university, has best professor. ─── XXX是中国顶尖的大学,拥有最好的教授。
43、Spring was the real apex of the year; summer was bathos. ─── 春天是一年四季中真正的顶点, 而夏天是高潮后的低潮。
44、The stars are the apexes of what wonderful triangles! ─── 星星是何等神奇的三角形的尖顶!
45、You'll discover Thaler.Brain is the general of Apex Trade Company. ─── 2孙先生,他看起来是个有为的青年,难找到像他这么有才干,有热忱的人.
46、At 37, she'd reached the apex of her career. ─── 她在37岁时达到了事业的巅峰。
47、The apexes of the triangle are generally accepted to be Bermuda, Miami, Fla., and San Juan, Puerto Rico. ─── 三角形的顶点公认为是百慕大群岛,迈阿密,佛罗里达和波多黎各的圣胡安。
48、Lateral sepals 2, elliptic, ca. 5 mm, apex rostellate. ─── 侧生萼片2,椭圆形,约5毫米,先端具小喙。
49、Leaf blade ovate or ovate-elliptic, apex acute. ─── 叶片卵形的或卵状椭圆形,先端锐尖。
50、Nutlets oblong, triquetrous, apex obliquely truncate, glabrous. ─── 小坚果长圆形,三棱,顶斜截形,无毛。
51、As they get cheaper, the premium brands, the Sonys and such, are losing market share, and the no-names, the Apexes, are gaining them. ─── 结果呢,当它们变得更为便宜,高档的品牌,比如Sony,就失去了市场份额,而无名的Apex们,则会获取这些市场份额。
52、Forceful apex beat, “en tapping”. ─── 心尖抬举性搏动。
53、Capsule trigonous, ca. 2 mm, hirsutulous at apex. ─── 三棱的蒴果,约2毫米,具微糙硬毛在先端。
54、Leaflet blade subglabrous on both surfaces, apex acute. ─── 小叶叶片近无毛在两面,先端锐尖。
55、Nutlets white, oblong, ca. 4 mm, rugate, apex acute. ─── 小坚果白色,长方形,约4毫米,有皱,先端锐尖。
56、Secondly, ramification points and extreme points in the images as the apexes , lines as the sides, set up corresponding graphics; ─── 其次,以图象中的分枝点和端点为顶点,以其中的图段为边建立对应的图;
57、Lateral sepals 2, subovate-orbicular, apex mucronulate. ─── 侧生萼片2,近卵形的圆形,先端具小短尖。
58、Lateral sepals 2, green, obliquely ovate, apex mucronulate. ─── 侧生萼片2,绿色,斜卵形,先端具小短尖。
59、It's a very long, very fast corner with several apexes. ─── 8号弯是很长、速度很快的弯道。”
60、He reached the apex of power in the early 1930s. ─── 他在三十年代初达到了权力的顶峰。
61、At 50 he reached the apex of his career. ─── 在五十岁时他到达他事业的巅峰。
62、The highest or uppermost point; the summit or apex. ─── 最高点,顶峰最高点,至高点;顶点或顶
63、He reaches his apex and does not know it. ─── 他到达他的顶点但他自己并不知道。
64、Realization of most short-path parallel algorithm during all apexes based on Java multithreading ─── 基于Java多线程实现所有顶点间最短路径的并行算法
65、It has leaf primordia and a shoot apex. ─── 它有叶原基和一个苗端。
66、Ovary ovoid, furfuraceous ciliate, apex 4-lobed. ─── 子房卵球形,软鳞片状的缘毛,先端4裂。
67、Stems copiously glandular toward apex. ─── 丰富的茎具腺的向先端。
68、Leaf apex usually acute; calyx lobe margin ciliate. ─── 叶先端通常锐尖;萼裂片边缘具缘毛。
69、An all-region DVD player such as Apex is strongly recommended. ─── 大多数dvd产品的区域编码是6。我们建议您使用全区播放器来放映我们的产品。不存在区域编码问题。
70、Labellum reflexed, broadly cuneate, apex emarginate to 2-cleft. ─── 唇瓣反折,宽楔形,先端微缺到2的半裂。
71、Ovary inferior, urceolate, apex with a membranous 3-lobed crown. ─── 子房下位,瓶形,先端具一膜质的3裂的冠。
72、Nuts ellipsoid to cylindrical, ca. 2 mm long, smooth, apex beaked. ─── 坚果椭球形至长圆柱形,长约2毫米,光滑,顶端具喙。
73、Anther apex conspicuously apiculate, apiculus (0.4--)1 mm or more. ─── 具细尖,细尖的显著花药先端(0.4-)1毫米或更多。(82
74、Cone Apex Angles of Endocone and External Cone Refraction[J]. ─── 引用该论文 孟繁华,宋连科.
75、Like the sun at high noon; at the apex of one's power, career, etc. ─── 就象太阳运行到天空正当中。比喻万人景仰,也比喻正当全盛时期。
76、We swear that we will carry on this fight to the apex. ─── 我们发誓我们将把战斗发展到极致。
77、Nutlets triquetrous, oblong, apex truncate. ─── 三棱的小坚果,长方形,先端截形。
78、He was at the apex of his fortunes. ─── 他红运到顶。
79、Leaves alternate, mostly aggregated at apex of stems. ─── 叶互生,多数聚生的在茎先端。
80、Nutlets triquetrous, ovoid, apex truncate, puberulent. ─── 三棱,卵圆形的小坚果,先端截形,被微柔毛。
81、In vitro Rapid Propagation of Stem Apexes of Zingiber mioga ─── 蘘荷茎尖的离体快繁
82、Leaf blade adaxially glabrous; ovary ovoid, apex papillose. ─── 叶片正面无毛;子房卵球形,先端。
83、Fig.7 Yellow apex stage,note intercellular channels. ─── 图7黄梢期,示由胞间连丝转化成胞间通道。
84、At 41 he'd reached the apex of his career. ─── 他41岁时到达事业的顶峰。
85、Ovary nearly superior, styles 6, apex bifid, stigma ovate. ─── 子房近上位,花柱6,顶端2裂,柱头卵形。
86、Leaf blade ovate, margin coarsely dentate, apex caudate-acuminate. ─── 叶片卵形,边缘具粗牙齿,先端尾状渐尖。
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