tawny 发音
英:['tɔːnɪ] 美:['tɔni]
英: 美:
tawny 中文意思翻译
tawny 网络释义
n. 黄褐色;茶色adj. 黄褐色的;茶色的
tawny 短语词组
1、Tawny Pipit ─── 塔尼·皮皮皮特
2、tawny owl ─── 灰林鸮(产于欧洲的一种红褐色或 ─── 灰色的鸮科猛禽)
3、tawny-brown ─── [网络] 茶褐色;褐啡;黄褐色
4、tawny-colored ─── [网络] 黄褐色
5、tawny-coloured ─── [网络] 黄褐色
6、Tawny-headed Swallow ─── 塔尼头燕子
7、tawny eagle ─── [网络] 黄褐色鹰
8、Tawny-browed Owl ─── 愤怒的猫头鹰
9、Tawny Frogmouth ─── 塔尼·弗洛格茅斯
10、Tawny-bellied Hermit ─── 心腹的隐士
11、Tawny Antpitta ─── 塔夫尼·安培 ─── 塔
12、tawny port ─── 黄褐色波尔图葡萄酒
13、tawny grisette ─── [医]黄灰鹅膏
14、Tawny Rajah ─── 短双尾蝶
15、Tawny Tit-Spinetail ─── 茶色针尾雀
16、Tawny-faced Quail ─── 泰尼脸的鹌鹑
17、Tawny Fish Owl ─── 塔尼鱼猫头鹰
18、Tawny Piculet ─── 塔尼·皮克莱特
19、Tawny nurse shark ─── 塔尼护士鲨鱼
tawny 词性/词形变化,tawny变形
名词: tawniness |
tawny 相似词语短语
1、awny ─── adj.有芒的
2、tawney ─── n.(Tawney)(美、英)托尼(人名)
3、fawny ─── 小鹿
4、yawny ─── adj.打呵欠的;令人打呵欠的,无聊的
5、brawny ─── adj.强壮的;肌肉结实的
6、lawny ─── adj.草地的;草地般的;细麻布做的
7、spawny ─── 焊接
8、tawnily ─── 分享
9、towny ─── n.(非正式)城里人;大学城中的非学生居民;粗野(或好斗的)年轻人(等于townie)
tawny 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The best animal in the world is the tawny frogmouth. ─── 世界上最好的电脑是你的大脑。
2、Julie: Tawny looked like she had plenty to me. ─── 朱莉:可是在我看来,托妮够多了的。
3、A richly flavoured wine showing a tawny colour with tinges of red. ─── 茶色中略带红色,香气浓郁。复杂的陈年酒香中带有新鲜水果与白兰地香气。
4、Branchlets and both surfaces of leaf blade appressed tawny villous or densely appressed silvery tomentose at least when young. ─── 贴伏茶色具长柔毛的小枝和叶片两面或者银色光泽被绒毛的浓密贴伏至少幼时。
5、Her black hair springs in fine strands across her tawny , ruddy cheek. ─── 她的一头乌发分披在健康红润的脸颊旁。
6、Seeds oblate, 6-9 mm in diam., with tawny maculate stripes. ─── 扁球形的种子,直径6-9毫米,具褐黄色的具斑点的条纹。
7、a tawny owl was enquiring. ─── 一只黄褐色的猫头鹰在林中叩问着。
8、pardus of Africa and southern Asia, have either tawny fur with dark rosettelike markings or black fur. ─── 非洲或亚洲南部的金钱豹既有玫瑰花状斑点的黄褐色皮毛,也有黑色皮毛。
9、The colors are black, various shades of gray and various shades of tawny. ─── 颜色包括黑色,不同深度的灰色,不同程度的茶色。
10、Even so on the lonely shore the madman with dusty tawny locks still roamed in search of the touchstone. ─── 在那寂寞的海边,那头发垢乱的疯子,也仍旧徘徊着寻找点金石。
11、The tawny sibyl no sooner appeared, than my girls came running to me for a shilling to cross her hand with silver. ─── 有一天,这黑脸婆子来了,两个女儿立刻走来,每人向我要一个先令去算命。
12、A tawny eagle shows up to share in the bounty. But an even bigger customer is about to appear. ─── 一只草原雕出现了,想要分享猎物。但体型更大的客户就要出现。
13、Pale rose.Light tawny colour which some red wines acquire on oxidation. ─── 洋葱皮色 :一些红葡萄酒在氧化过程中所产生的浅茶色。
14、None of them noticed a large, tawny owl flutter past the window. ─── 他们谁也没注意到一只大的、褐色的猫头鹰飞过了窗户。
15、Abstract: Black and tawny cuticles are the most common colors among nephrite gravels. ─── 中文摘要: 黑皮、褐皮是软玉子料的常见皮色。
16、Will you not tie up with a wreath your tawny coiled locks? ─── 你难道不在你茶色的鬃发上戴一个花环吗?
17、Pale rose . Light tawny colour which some red wines acquire on oxidation. ─── 洋葱皮色:一些红葡萄酒在氧化过程中所产生的浅茶色。
18、Tawny: Mike, I'm dumb, but I'm not stupid. ─── 托妮:迈克,我是傻瓜,但我并不是笨蛋。
19、On one-year-old tawny sticks, with oval-shaped Pikong, especially near the petiole more. ─── 一年生枝浅黄褐色,具椭圆形皮孔,尤以叶柄附近为多。
20、Inflorescence paniculate, rachis tawny tomentose; female flowers borne on basal part of the inflorescence. ─── 花序圆锥状;花序轴被灰黄色短绵毛;雌花著生于花序轴下部。
21、Tawny or grayish with streaks or spots of a darker color. ─── 黄褐色或灰色底上有暗色条纹或斑点的。
22、She looked really healthy and had tawny hair and long, good legs, a very good figure, and an intelligent, lively face. ─── 她有着棕色的头发,修长的双腿,婀娜动人的身材,还有一张聪慧、开朗的脸,看上去确实健康活泼。
23、A large carnivorous feline mammal (Panthera tigris) of Asia, having a tawny coat with transverse black stripes. ─── 虎:一种生活在亚洲的大型食肉性猫科哺乳动物(虎),毛皮黄褐色且有横向的黑色条纹。
24、Anger flashed in his tawny eyes. His lips pressed into a hard line, all signs of humor gone. ─── 愤怒从他黄褐色的眼睛里一闪而过。他的嘴唇抿紧成一条坚硬的线条,所有幽默的气氛都不见。
25、A northern Eurasian mink(Mustela siberica) having a dark brown coat with tawny markings. ─── 亚洲鼬欧亚北部的一种鼬(黄鼬鼬鼠属),有带黄褐色斑点的深棕色毛皮
26、My cousin is called Ariy which means "lion" and he's not a bit tawny or fierce. ─── 我的表兄叫阿里,意思是“狮子”,可他既不是棕黄色的,性子也不暴烈。
27、None of them noticed a large, tawny owl flutter(振翼) past the window. ─── 他们谁也没有留意一只黄褐色的猫头鹰扑扇着翅膀从窗前飞过。
28、Blended wines that have spent3 to4 years in casks are called tawny. ─── 是比较温和精细的木桶陈化酒,比宝石波特存放在木桶里的时间要长,一直在木桶里要等到出现茶色(般指的是红茶色,至少需要三四年以上。
29、Among gumheavy serpentplants, milkoozing fruits, where on the tawny waters leaves lie wide. ─── 在饱含树脂的蔓草和滴着乳汁的果实间,在宽宽地浮着黄褐色叶子的水面上。
30、The bird has got tawny feathers. ─── 这只鸟有黄褐色的羽毛。
31、The tawny fur of this animal. ─── 黄狼毛皮这种动物的黄褐色毛皮
32、For the tawny face was bent down near his own and (wonder of wonders) great shining tears stood in the Lion's eyes. ─── 那张黄褐色的师脸俯下来贴在他面前,而(不可思议地)狮子的眼中盈满了巨大闪亮的眼泪。
33、A large carnivorous feline mammal(Panthera tigris) of Asia, having a tawny coat with transverse black stripes. ─── 虎一种生活在亚洲的大型食肉性猫科哺乳动物(虎),毛皮黄褐色且有横向的黑色条纹
34、he gazes in the tawny crystal of her eyes , ringed with kohol. ─── 他凝视着她那双眼圈涂得黑黑的像黄褐色水晶般的眼睛。
35、A desirable character in old tawny ports and some other fortified wines. ─── 对茶色波尔图酒以及其他一些类型的加强葡萄酒而言这种口感和气味是人们所期待的特征。
36、My cousin is called Ariy which means "lion" and he's not a bit tawny or fierce. ─── 我的表兄叫阿里,意思是“狮子”,可他既不是棕黄色的,性子也不暴烈。
37、She had tawny hair. ─── 她有一头黄褐色头发。
38、Branches tawny brown, with pale lenticels. ─── 分开褐黄色棕色,具变暗。
39、A lion has tawny mane. ─── 狮子长着黄褐色棕毛。
40、Semidouble peach-ivory/ tawny shading. Bronze-green, quilted. Standard. ─── 半重瓣桃色到象牙白色花,黄褐色的晕染。青铜绿色的叶,叶脉向上气状突起。标准型。
41、The great tawny beast sprang to one side and then rolled over in the stillness of death. ─── 那只黄褐色的大兽跳向一边,翻滚了几下就一动不动地死去了。
42、Currently, no amount of money will be able to blow away the tawny haze that conceals my beautiful rearview. ─── 就现在而言,没有任何的金钱可以带走遮挡了美丽海景的黄褐色的雾。
43、A large carnivorous feline mammal(Panthera tigris)of Asia,having a tawny coat with transverse black stripes. ─── 虎一种生活在亚洲的大型食肉性猫科哺乳动物(虎),毛皮黄褐色且有横向的黑色条纹
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