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08-21 投稿


servility 发音

英:[sɜːrˈvɪləti]  美:[sɜːˈvɪləti]

英:  美:

servility 中文意思翻译



servility 网络释义

n. 奴性;奴态;卑屈

servility 短语词组

1、servility quote ─── 奴性引语

2、servility sm ─── 奴性sm

3、servility means ─── 奴性意味着

4、servility meaning ─── 奴性意义

5、servility inspires ─── 奴性激发灵感

6、servility defined ─── 奴性的定义

7、servility bill ─── 地役权法案

8、servility synonym ─── 奴性同义词

servility 反义词


servility 词性/词形变化,servility变形

名词: servileness |副词: servilely |

servility 同义词

obsequious | sycophantic | submissive |acquiescent | groveling | grovelling | obedient | fawning | subservient | compliant | conformable

servility 相似词语短语

1、seriality ─── n.连续性

2、sectility ─── n.可切性

3、servilely ─── 奴隶地;屈从地

4、sterility ─── n.[泌尿]不育;[妇产]不孕;无菌;不毛;内容贫乏

5、servilities ─── n.奴性;奴态;卑屈

6、senility ─── n.[基医]衰老;高龄;老态龙钟

7、fertility ─── n.多产;肥沃;[农经]生产力;丰饶

8、sessility ─── 固着

9、servilism ─── 奴性

servility 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Formerly he had the same combination of servility and impertinence which Wilkerson possessed but now, with Mr. Calvert and Raiford dead in the war and Cade sick, he had dropped all servility. ─── 从前他也有威尔克森那种卑躬屈膝又鲁莽无礼的两面态度,但自从在战争中卡尔弗特先生和雷福德牲以后,他就把卑屈的一面完全抛掉了。

2、Infatuation and worship to money led people's servility to an extreme degree. ─── 对金钱的迷恋和崇拜使人类的奴性地位达到了极端。

3、There is a mixture of servility and self-importance in his letter, which promises well. ─── 从他信里那种既谦卑又自大的口气上就可以看得出来。

4、When he saw me, he took off his hat with an air of gorgeous servility ─── 他看到我,脱掉帽子,满脸都是阿谀的神色。

5、Washes the treasure to seal the baidu, why seals must add a quotation mark, in fact, I thought exactly this was the servility is not saying to the Internet. ─── 淘宝“封”百度,为什么“封”要加个引号,事实上,我恰恰认为这是对互联网“奴性”在说不。

6、Bend one's knees before the lord; servility; subservient servile ─── 奴颜婢膝

7、He rolled his eyes. "I wasn't trained for servility, the way you were." ─── 他翻了下眼睛:“我不像你一样接受过屈从的训练。”

8、They stood chatting together as easily and naturally as could be, the girl without a trace of shyness or servility. ─── 他们站在聊天一样轻松和自然可以,女孩没有一丝害羞或奴性。

9、Then, what submission, what cringing and fawning, what servility, what abject humiliation! ─── 好一个低眉垂首、阿谀逢迎、胁肩谄笑、卑躬屈膝的场面!

10、Servility towards power is a ubiquitous phenomenon. ─── 对权力奴颜卑膝是普天下皆有的现象。

11、I N1776 John Adams remarked with pride, at the height of the revolution, that“ idolatry to monarchs, and servility to aristocratical pride, was never so totally eradicated from so many minds in so short a time. ─── 在1776年的革命颠峰时刻,约翰·亚当斯骄傲地宣称:“对君主制的崇拜,和对贵族荣誉的奴颜婢膝,从未像现在一般在如此短的时间内、如此众多的人们心中被完全根除。

12、the wife's intelligent, willing submission tends to be replaced by usurpation or servility. ─── 妻子出于理解和甘心的顺服,倾向于被夺权或奴性取代。

13、20. The rest of the world is gradually moving beyond “idolatry to monarchs” and “servility to aristocratic pride”. ─── 世界的其它地区正逐渐超越“对君主的崇拜”和“对贵族的卑屈”。

14、Now, surely, nothing but Universal Education can counter-work this tendency to the domination of capital and the servility of labor. ─── 现在,除了全民教育之外,别无其它能够抵消这种资本统治和奴役劳工倾向的途径。

15、He was one of several researchers who help to develop a computer software program, the (that) test (tests) for concussion and its lever of servility (severity). ─── 他是众多帮助发展电脑软件程序来检测脑震荡以及他的程度的研究员之一。

16、servile behaviour; servility; shameless fawning ─── 奴才相

17、Why this way does these person have servility on the photograph? ─── 首页>>军事历史>>照片上这些人为什么这么有奴性?

18、This is what the majority of people still have not regained the kind of people were willing to serve the call of servility Suozhi. ─── 这就是大多数国人还存在的一种没有苏醒的愿意被别人吆喝着侍奉的奴性所至。

19、Why can they say that other people are contemptuous traitor, but that is not indifferent to their servility is a Kinds of evil. ─── 为什么他们可以轻蔑地说别人是汉奸,却丝毫不认为自己的麻木不仁卑躬屈膝是一种罪恶。

20、From generations of peasants she had inherited her strength, along with her servility ─── 她继承了世世代代的庄稼人的吃苦耐劳、百依百顺的习惯。

21、By its servility it is the prey of tyranny, and by its credulity it is the foe of enlightenment. ─── 因为他的奴态成为了暴君的猎物,因为他的轻信顽固成为了启蒙的天敌。

22、These "Patriots" in the face of servility to foreigners than the virtues of British and French to more brazen, more bastard. ─── 这些“志士”们的洋奴嘴脸比起美德英法来更无耻,更混蛋。

23、The rest of the world is gradually moving beyond“ idolatry to monarchs” and“ servility to aristocratic pride”. ─── 世界的其他地方正逐渐摆脱对君主制的崇拜,和对贵族荣誉的奴颜婢膝。

24、They stood chatting together as easily and naturally as could be, the girl without a trace of shyness or servility. ─── 他们站着一起闲谈同样地容易地而且自然地当做可能是,女孩没有一羞怯或奴隶处境追踪。

25、The remnants of the old servility are hard to shake off. ─── 世世代代遗留下来的奴性,不是一朝一夕就能根除的。

26、In the blog, he refuted the kneeling and "servility" argument. ─── 在博客里他驳斥了下跪和“奴性”有关的说法。

27、Now, surely, nothing but Universal Education can counter-work this tendency to the domination of capital and the servility of labor. ─── 现在,除了全民教育之外,别无其它能够抵消这种资本统治和奴役劳工倾向的途径。

28、He could see the reflection of Victor's face perfectly. It was like a placid mask of servility. ─── 他清楚地看到维克多的脸庞映在镜子,象一个表情温和、奴性十足的面具。

29、When he saw me, he took off his hat with an air of gorgeous servility. ─── 他看到我,脱掉帽子,满脸都是阿谀的神色。

30、Two very different from the conductor’s behavior, people can see that the Chinese railway workers on their own people is the number of characters, while the number of Japanese visitors is servility. ─── 从两个列车长迥然不同的行为方式里人们可以看出,中国铁路工作人员对自己的同胞多的是傲骨,而对日籍旅客多的是奴性。

31、On the servility of Xiang Lin sao ─── 谈谈祥林嫂的奴性

32、He could see the reflection of Victor's face perfectly. It was like a placid mask of servility. ─── 他清楚地看到维克多的脸庞映在镜子,象一个表情温和、奴性十足的面具。

33、4.Victory does not belong to those lazyboneses, coward and dissolute people, people who belongs to those neither not dare speak bluntly about with servility. ─── 4.胜利不属于那些懒汉,胆小鬼和放荡的人,也不属于那些唯唯诺诺,不敢直言的人。

34、She's a curious mixture of stubbornness and servility. ─── 她是固执与恭顺的结合体,令人难以捉摸。

35、the wife's intelligent, willing submission tends to be replaced by usurpation or servility . ─── 妻子出于理解和甘心的顺服,倾向于被夺权或奴性取代。

36、This phenomenon is not a manifestation of servility students, and this is precisely servility teachers and classes that contributed to the effort. ─── 这种现象不能不说是学生奴性的体现,而这种奴性则正是教师阶级所希望并努力促成的。

37、psychology of servility ─── 臣妾心态

38、Servility towards power is a ubiquitous phenomenon. ─── 对权力奴颜卑膝是普天下皆有的现象。

39、No servility the world, it may seem FOR asked. ─── 世界上没有了奴性,似问似答。

40、that mass euphoria or hysterical jingoism are not substance for reporting and that a conscientious writer would think twice before subscribing to servility towards celebrities. ─── 大规模的洋洋得意或是歇斯底里的沙文主义都不是报导的实质,一个有责任心的作者在向名声屈从之前是会三思而行的。

41、from generations of peasants she had inherited her strength , along with her servility. ─── 她继承了世世代代的庄稼人的吃苦耐劳、百依百顺的习惯。

42、I am the citizen of the Republic. Being accustomed to the mode of thinking and living of a republican citizen, I would deeply abhor all servility and flunkeys, including my esteemed elders, teachers and friends. ─── 我是民国国民,民国国民的思想和生活习惯使我深深地憎恶一切奴才或奴才相,连同敬畏的尊长和师友们。

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