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08-21 投稿


attributing 发音

英:[əˈtrɪbjuːtɪŋ]  美:[əˈtrɪbjuːtɪŋ]

英:  美:

attributing 中文意思翻译



attributing 常用词组

attribute data ─── 属性资料(数据)

attribute value ─── 属性值

attribute name ─── 属性名称

attributing 反义词


attributing 词性/词形变化,attributing变形

动词过去分词: attributed |动词过去式: attributed |动词第三人称单数: attributes |名词: attributer |形容词: attributable |动词现在分词: attributing |

attributing 短语词组

1、attributing is ─── 归因是

2、attributing to ─── 把……归因于

3、attributing def ─── 属性定义

attributing 同义词

attributing 相似词语短语

1、attribution ─── n.归因;属性;归属

2、reattributing ─── 重新分配

3、misattributing ─── 错误归因

4、attributive ─── adj.定语的;归属的;属性的;n.定语

5、attristing ─── 诱人的

6、attriting ─── v.消耗;削弱(对手或敌人)

7、deattributing ─── 取消分配

8、attritting ─── vt.消耗;削弱(attrit的变形)

9、retributing ─── 报应

attributing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sarx is applied to Christ not attributing personal sinfulness to him. ─── 說基督在肉體中:不是說,基督有什麼罪性。

2、What's more, Shanghai Telecom's response to the complainant of attributing the malfunction to “irreversible reasons” is all the more an extreme disregard for civil rights. ─── 而上海电信对于原告故障保修的回答,“非回复性原因”,更是对于公民道权(权利)的极端漠视。

3、But I don't think it is factual approach or fair to say economic and social achievements China has scored over the past 28 years are merely attributing to economic reforms . ─── 但是,把中国28年来的经济社会所取得的成就,仅仅归结于经济体制改革,这显然是不全面的,也是不符合实际的。

4、In most other Western countries, divorce courts have given up attributing blame. ─── 在大多数的其它西方国家,离婚法庭已经放弃了归咎于品行的责罚。

5、Dalton, the chemist, repudiated the notion of his being "a genius", attributing everything thathe had accomplished to simple industry and accumulation. ─── 化学家道尔顿拒绝接受他本人是"天才"的看法,他认为他完成的一切工作都完全是由于勤奋和积累。

6、Not long after the sun had begun its descent to the west, attributing a slight darkness to the sky, Joran passed another landmark on his map, which showed an open mouth ringed with teeth. ─── 太阳开始向西落下不久,天空开始变得昏暗,此时乔兰经过了地图上的另一个地标,一满口獠牙,张开的大嘴。

7、Keywords catheter;extrusion processing;gas flow;shape attributing; ─── 医用导管;挤出工艺;注气流量;形状表征;

8、The pope then made things worse for himself by speaking of the “tragedy of the Shoah [Hebrew for the Holocaust]” without attributing blame. ─── 教宗于是事情更糟因为没有讲出的“浩劫悲剧[希伯来文的大屠杀]”是谁的错。

9、The Sichuan earthquake last year killed 87,000 people with some experts attributing its cause to the large amount earth pressures exerted by the Zipingpu dam. ─── 去年发生的四川大地震造成87,000人死亡,有专家便指其起因是由于紫坪铺大坝对地壳造成的巨大压力。

10、In particular, attributing poor performance to a lack of ability depresses motivation more than does the belief that lack of effort is to blame. ─── 特别是,比起认为缺乏努力是失败的罪魁祸首,将糟糕的表现归咎于能力不足更容易抑制一个人的动力。

11、effectiveness attributing ─── 效果归属

12、Mankind have even committed the impiety of attributing similar desires to the deity, who they imagine avid for continual praise. ─── 人类甚至犯下不敬之罪,将类似的欲望也强加神,认为神也渴望得到不断的赞美。

13、Furthermore, the Yuuzhan Vong refuse to acknowledge its existence, attributing Jedi feats to some perverse mechanism embraced by the Jedi infidels. ─── 不仅如此,遇战疯人还否认原力的存在,认为绝地武士的神功是绝地异教徒信奉的某种反常机能。

14、I think Gibbon is right in attributing great importance to this high moral level as one of the causes of the spread of Christianity. ─── 我认为吉朋把基督教得以广传的原因之一,归诸这种高度的道德水平是正确的。

15、At a local tavern, a bandit brags about his numerous raids, attributing his success to his Wand of Weakness. ─── 在一个地区酒馆中,一个强盗正在吹嘘他犯下的无数案件,说自己无往不胜都归结于自己的那支虚弱权杖。

16、Success Attributing to Turning Point from Strategic Perspective ─── 拐点致胜:基于战略的视角

17、If, as you describe the relevant parts of their views, you find yourself attributing foolish views to them, assume you have misinterpreted. (Perhaps you have not. ─── 如果你描述他们的观点相关部分,发现你推论他们的观点很荒唐,那就假定你误读了。

18、Attributing information to a named source also helps the reader or viewer evaluate independently the credibility of the source. ─── 引用透露姓名的消息来源还可帮助读者或观众独立地评估消息来源的可信度。

19、6. Mankind have even comimitted the impiety of attributing similar desires to the deity, whom they imagine avid for continual praise. ─── 人类甚至对神不敬,说神也有类似的欲望;在他们的想象中,神对赞扬之声,也是如饥似渴。收藏指正

20、Dalton, the chemist, repudiated the notion of his being "a genius", attributing everything which he had accomplished to simple industry and accumulation. ─── 化学家道尔顿拒绝接受他本人是“天才”的看法,他认为他完成的一切工作都完全是由于勤奋和积累。

21、During the subsequent drifting, attributing to other boats, our boat turned over for twice. Our boat had to turn upside down at the bottom of the fall because of the heavy bumping from the upriver boat. really amusing! ─── 在接下来的漂流中,由于其它船的缘故,我们又翻过两次船。两次都是我们在谷底,被上游跟下来的船砸翻的。真是有趣得很!

22、The spherical gear is a new type of gear formed by attributing ring teeth on its spherical surface. ─── 摘要球齿轮是在其球冠面上分布着环形齿的新型齿轮。

23、Attributing the risk of extreme weather events to climate change in this way also has very interesting implications for liability for such events. ─── 以这种方式探究极端天候的成因,同时也会牵涉到令人关注的责任归属问题。

24、a statement attributing something dishonest (especially a criminal offense) ─── 归因于欺骗事由的陈述(尤其是犯罪侵害)

25、Responsibility for Past and Future Global Warming: Uncertainties in Attributing Anthropogenic Climate Change ─── 对过去和将来全球变暖的反应:由人为引起气候变化的不确定性

26、It is able to exert maximum efficaciousness attributing to the complementary prescription and essences of its materials. ─── 本药由于配伍严谨,取料上乘,因而能够发挥最大功效。

27、Attributing factors ─── 影响因素

28、Unconsciously, we do this because we don’t feel safe having or expressing the feelings we’re attributing to others, and feel more comfortable believing only other people experience them. ─── 不知不觉地,我们就这样做了,因为我们觉得被吸引或者表现出被吸引会感到不安全,只有确信别人也有同样的感觉时才会舒服一些。

29、We can organize Jones' behavior conceptually by attributing to him the belief that there is a mailbox on the corner, because he puts a letter he wants to mail into a box on the corner. ─── 我们通过把‘街角有个邮箱’这个信念归给他,从而能够在概念上把张三的行为组织起来,因为他把一封他想寄出的信放进了街角的盒子里。

30、"I am far from attributing any part of Mr.Bingley's conduct to design," said Elizabeth; ─── “如果这桩事当真是存心安排好了的,那实在是他们不应该;

31、Comparison of formalisms for attributing responsibility for climate change: Non-linearities in the Brazilian Proposal approach ─── 对于气候变化把责任归因于形式体系的比较:巴西人提议非线性方法

32、the fallacy of attributing human feelings to inanimate objects;'the friendly sun'is an example of the pathetic fallacy. ─── 将人类感情强加于无生命物体的谬误:如“友善的太阳”

33、The baron might possibly have perceived it, but, attributing it to a caprice, feigned ignorance ─── 男爵或许也觉察到她那种态度,但他认为这只是他女儿的怪僻,假装不知道。

34、Some on Wall Street say it's a bad sign, attributing it to a decline in the labour force as people gave up looking for work. ─── 一些华尔街的人认为这是一个不好的信号,他们将其归因于劳动力的下降,因为人们放弃了寻找工作。

35、Mankind have even committed the impiety of attributing similar desires to the deity, whom they imagine avid for continual praise. ─── 人类甚至犯了大不敬之罪,往神明身上加上了相同的欲望,料想神明也渴望得到永不止息的赞颂。

36、Attributing to the influences of the traditional Chinese aesthetics and painting theories, the traditional fine brush painting also reflects characteristics of free style paintings. ─── 受传统美学、绘画理论的影响,传统工笔画也具有写意性的特征。

37、1. Inefficient uterine action should be corrected before attributing dystocia to a pelvic problem. ─── 在骨盆问题引起的难产前,无效的宫缩应该加以纠正。

38、No matter what reason is ,many people complai about the attributing advertisement words. ─── 只有在政府的严格控制下,广告才能在最大程度上造福人类。

39、But going back to Hayek: attributing the failure to recover to trade restrictions was, in a way, characteristic. ─── 但是让我们重温一下哈耶克的观点吧:用贸易限制来解释复苏经济的失败,应该是恰如其分的。

40、A theory attributing the origin of the gods to the deification of historical heroes. ─── 历史英雄即诸神说一种认为神话中诸位神祗是源自历史上神化的英雄人物的理论。

41、[7] Dalton, the chemist, repudiated the notion of his being "a genius", attributing everything which he had accomplished to simple industry and accumulation. ─── [7]化学家道尔顿拒绝接受他本人是“天才”的看法,他认为他完成的一切工作都完全是由于勤奋和积累。

42、Sneaking and stealth came to Khadunm very easily, his feline physique attributing agility and speed to his movements naturally, and Khadunm quickly became very skilled at combat. ─── 潜行对哈顿穆来说不是难事,他猫一样的体格使他的行动自然,而且敏捷快速,哈顿穆很快就学会了高超的战斗技巧。

43、Rousseau accuses other philosophers before himself of attributing to mankind in the state of nature only characteristics of mankind in a state of civilization.How adequate is the accusation? ─── 卢梭抨击以前的哲学家,指责他们一昧以人类文明特征作为对人类自然状态的讨论,他的攻击是否适切?

44、However, it must be said that, while evidence of such evolutionary adaptations does exist in some species, one must be careful about attributing morphology to adaptation. ─── 然而,必须指出的是,尽管在某些植物种类中确实存在着这样的演变适应的证据,但我们仍然应该对将形状归因于适应持审慎的态度。

45、since I do not share the belief that denying the authenticity of a work of art by a great master is a lesser error than attributing a spurious work to him. ─── 因为我不分享信念否认一个伟大的主人艺术的一个功的确实性是一个较少的误差比较对他归于一个膺造的功。

46、Tacitus saith, Livia sorted well, with the arts of her husband, and dissimulation of her son: attributing arts or policy to Augustus, and dissimulation to Tiberius. ─── 泰西塔斯说:“里维亚同她丈夫底智略和她儿子底虚伪都很融洽”就是说奥古斯塔斯有智略而泰比瑞阿斯善掩饰的意思。

47、the act of attributing human characteristics to abstract ideas etc.. ─── 把人类的特性赋予抽象的观念。

48、There are many factors attributing to the issue about the development of national autonomous regions which is currently a major issue in China's development. ─── 摘要民族自治地方的发展问题是当前我国发展中的主要问题。

49、She has irregular periods, but I have been attributing that to all of the sports she plays. ─── 经历这一次,更加觉得要爱护自己,这是心里话。

50、At a local tavern, a bandit brags about his numerous raids, attributing his success to his Wand of Weakness.Later, after he passes out, you slip the wand from his belt and leave. ─── 在一个地区酒馆中,一个强盗正在吹嘘他犯下的无数案件,说自己无往不胜都归结于自己的那支虚弱权杖。不久,在他喝醉之后,你将权仗从他的皮带中抽出,并迅速离去。

51、We've got to stop attributing any efficacy to Echinacea. ─── 我们不应再认为紫锥菊有任何功效了.

52、The dollar fell a third of a percent to below 120 yen, with some dealers attributing the move to Japanese investors repatriating money before the end of the financial year on March 31. ─── 美元下降1/3个百分点,报1美元兑120日圆,一些交易商把原因归结于,即将到期的3月31日日本财年而使日本投资者重新买回日圆。

53、The act of attributing, especially of establishing a particular person, place, or time as the creator, provenance, or era of a work of art. ─── 指归属的行为,尤指将一艺术作品的创作者、地域或时代归属为一特定人物、地点或时间

54、Network-based strategy has been playing more and more important part during the process of firm growth attributing to the unique characteristics of transition economy. ─── 摘要由于转型经济独特的特徵,基于关系的策略在企业成长中起著重要作用,本文针对策略导向的相关研究和策略选择理论,分析了企业家导向和市场导向对关系策略形成的影响。

55、We incline to account for it by attributing congenital stupidity to our forerunners and by assuming superior native intelligence on our own part. ─── 我们倾向把这种情况归因于我们祖先先天的愚蠢,和假定我们自己具有卓绝的天赋智力。

56、Human impact is the main cause attributing to this degradation and natural factors" effects often become more serious working together human"s activities. ─── 指出导致滨海湿地退化的最主要、最直接的原因是人为因素,而自然因素对湿地的作用往往因人为因素的参与或诱发而加剧。

57、As I discussed in the Myth of the Addictive Personality, when you start attributing problems to genetic factors then you start taking responsibility for change away from the individual. ─── 一如我在成瘾个性的谎言一文中讨论的,一旦将问题归咎于基因,你便开始把改变的责任从个人身上卸下了。

58、The act of attributing, especially of establishing a particular person, place, or time as the creator, provenance, or era of a work of art. ─── 归属指归属的行为,尤指将一艺术作品的创作者、地域或时代归属为一特定人物、地点或时间

59、Attributing analysis on restricting the development of the rural education ─── 制约我国农村教育发展的归因分析

60、A Study of the Attributing Mode of People with Different Levels of Anxiety ─── 不同焦虑者的归因模式研究

61、By attributing a statement to a character in the galaxy, the authors could blame the inaccuracy on a misperception, rather than have an omniscient narrator make a continuity flub. ─── 在描述银河系中的角色时,作者情愿在某些方面含糊其词,也不要画蛇添足造成与正史的冲突。

62、Our banks can still run. with serious lack of capital ratio, attributing to leading role of the implicit deposit guarantee mechanism. ─── 我国银行业资本比率严重不足,但仍然能够持续经营下去,是因为隐性存款担保机制尚在发挥主导作用。

63、A study of the representation and characteristic of communication among high school student and attributing for it ─── 当代中学生人际交往的表现、特点以及归因分析

64、Partly attributing this to the economic downturn in the U.S., the IDB reported that remittances to Brazil fell by four percent, while those to Mexico grew by only one percent. ─── 美洲开发银行指出,由于美国经济增长缓慢,巴西接到的外劳汇款下降了4%,就连墨西哥也减少了1%。

65、The relative shift between the images and the CCD attributing to the high speed movement of an object degenerates the image quality. ─── 在CCD采样时间内目标高速运动所引起的像与CCD之间的列向相对位移会导致成像质量的下降。

66、Comparative Study on the Enforcement Scope and Effectiveness Attributing of Subrogation ─── 代位权行使范围及效果归属比较研究

67、Tacitus saith,Livia sorted well,with the arts of her husband,and dissimulation of her son: attributing arts or policy to Augustus,and dissimulation to Tiberius. ─── 泰西塔斯说: “里维亚同她丈夫底智略和她儿子底虚伪都很融洽”就是说奥古斯塔斯有智略而泰比瑞阿斯善掩饰的意思。

68、Besides, the government-conducted stereotype and the prejudice of attributing the underdevelopment of peasants' organization to their low capacity is also popular. ─── 此外,自上而下的思维定式以及将农民组织发展水平低下简单归咎于农民的自组织能力低下等偏见也相当普遍的存在。

69、Mankind have even committed the impiety of attributing similar desires to the deity , whom they imagine avid for continual praise . ─── 人类甚至犯了大不敬之罪,往神明身上加上了相同的欲望,认为他们也渴望得到永不停息的颂扬.

70、This may further be influenced by the spread of Digital Terrestrial Broadcasts, giving a type of multiplier effect attributing more to contributing developments in the industry. ─── 而且从现在起更要提高与地面数字播放的普及之间的增效作用,为业界的进一步发展做出贡献。

71、a statement attributing something dishonest (especially a criminal offense). ─── 归因于欺骗性的事(尤其是犯罪侵害)。

72、Although the logistics market has been started in China, attributing to the insufficient logistics demand, especially the low logistics demand quality, it has not yet been activated. ─── 中国物流市场虽已启动,却因物流有效需求不足,特别是物流需求质量的低下,而未被激活。

73、Attributing to her high- minded personality, I've grown into a fine young person, coming up to her expectations. ─── 在她高尚人格的引导下,我也如她所期望的那样,成为了一个有教养的青年。

74、The system of thought holding that all phenomena can be explained in terms of natural causes and laws without attributing moral, spiritual, or supernaturalsignificance to them. ─── 自然主义伦理学的观点认为所有的现象都可以不用归于道理上的,精神上的及超自然的重要性而被解释为自然起因和法则。

75、Mankind have even comimitted the impiety of attributing similar desires to the deity, whom they imagine avid for continual praise. ─── 人类甚至对神不敬,说神也有类似的欲望;在他们的想象中,神对赞扬之声,也是如饥似渴。

76、You can enable custom activation by providing a proxy class that implements ICustomFactory and attributing the MarshalByRefObject class with the ProxyAttribute. ─── 可以通过提供实现ICustomFactory的代理类并使用ProxyAttribute属性化MarshalByRefObject类来启用自定义激活。

77、an inability to value oneself whilst attributing greater importance and validity to other people's opinions of oneself (eg through tests, exams, appraisals, manager's feedback, etc ─── 不能评估自己价值,同时把自己的重要性和正确性更多的归结到别人对自己的看法上(例如,通过测验,考试,评估,经理反馈,等等)

78、the fallacy of attributing human feelings to inanimate objects; 'the friendly sun' is an example of the pathetic fallacy. ─── 将人类感情强加于无生命物体的谬误:如"友善的太阳"。

79、Attributing to new regulations, which show us more request about height, difficulty, beauty, new and so on.So athletes and coaches should take effective training measures to prevent injuries. ─── 由于新规则的制订与实施,在技术动作上更加体现武术的高、难、美、新等特点,因此运动员和教练员应采取积极有效的训练手段来预防损伤的增加。

80、Subsequently Aurelian built a splendid new temple in Rome, and created a new body of priests to support it (pontifex solis invicti), attributing his victories in the East to Sol Invictus. ─── 后来,乌里安在罗马建立了一个辉煌的新宫殿,创造了一个祭司的新身体去支持它(古罗马的太阳神大祭司),把他对征服东方的胜利归结于索尔的崇拜。

81、The act of attributing,especially of establishing a particular person,place,or time as the creator,provenance,or era of a work of art. ─── 归属指归属的行为,尤指将一艺术作品的创作者、地域或时代归属为一特定人物、地点或时间。

82、2007 Verbal autopsy standards: ascertaining and attributing cause of death. ─── 口述验尸标准:确定和归结于死亡的原因2007。

83、Jesus is speaking to religious leaders who should know better, but are in fact attributing the power of the Holy Spirit to Satan. ─── 但,请看清上下文,耶稣是在对一群宗教领袖说话,他们照理说应该更明白真理,但却糊涂的将圣灵的能力归因于邪灵撒但。

84、LAQC: stands for Loss Attributing Qualifying Company. ─── LAQC是“抵损资格公司”(俗称“抵税公司”)的缩写。

85、The spherical gear formed by attributing ring teeth on a spherical face is a new type of gear . ─── 在球冠面上分布着一道道环形齿廓而形成的球齿轮是一种新型齿轮。

86、Also, one of the ways leasing made more expensive cars seem affordable was by attributing to them high second-hand values after the lease was over. ─── 同时,租赁使得更贵的汽车似乎更买得起,途径之一就是租赁到期后为这些车赋予高昂的二手价值。

87、Attributing to the proprietary UV surface,PLASTECH SUNSHEET remain perfect mechanical and optical propries after exposed to extreme weather for a long time. ─── 产品表面含有防紫外线共挤出层,户外耐候性好,长期使用仍保持良好的光学特性机械功能。

88、Attributing this to the large number for wolves, in 1910 the government began offering rewards to hunters for killing wolves. ─── 政府将此归因于狼的大量存在,在1910年开始向猎杀狼的猎人提供奖励。

89、The fusibility viscosity greatly increases attributing to the occurrence of the abundant Ca and P, which is a main factor resulting in the formation amorphous films. ─── P、Ca元素的大量进入使熔体粘度增加,是非晶形成的直接因素。

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