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covetously 中文意思翻译



covetously 短语词组

1、covetously crossword ─── 贪婪的填字游戏

2、covetously antonym ─── 贪婪的反义词

3、covetously meaning ─── 贪婪的意思

4、covetously define ─── 贪婪地定义

5、covetously in a sentence ─── 贪婪地在一句话里

6、covetously synonyms ─── 贪婪的同义词

7、covetously definition ─── 贪婪的定义

covetously 相似词语短语

1、onerously ─── 繁重地,艰巨地

2、cavernously ─── 洞穴状

3、copiously ─── adv.充裕地;丰富地

4、routously ─── 毛茸茸的

5、covetingly ─── 垂涎三尺

6、ravenously ─── adv.贪婪的;渴望的;大嚼地

7、covetous ─── adj.贪婪的;贪求的;渴望的

8、feverously ─── 狂热地

9、momentously ─── adv.重大地

covetously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But " eye covetously " Microsoft is apparent not reconciled to. ─── 但“虎视眈眈”的微软显然不甘心。

2、He may put a preoccupation with the opportunity to speak, like a bandit squatting on roadside, being ready covetously to a highway robbery. ─── 他是一个全神贯注寻找发言机会的人,就像一个蹲在路边虎视眈眈准备拦路抢劫的强盗一样。

3、(Obstacle of spirit of 2) schizophrenia appearance: Expression is mental motility excitement, verbal and messy, mutter, companion has psychedelic, covet to reach controlled feeling. ─── (2)精神分裂症样精神障碍:表现为精神运动性兴奋,言语零乱,喃喃自语,伴有幻觉、妄想及被控制感。

4、Be in because of the numerous jotter manufacturer of batteries drag in the sale is opposite after beautiful Suo Ni's eye covetously, also enough lets Suo Ni shudder. ─── 因电池累及的众笔记本厂商在销售不佳后对索尼的虎视眈眈,也足以让索尼不寒而栗。

5、The dragons' eyes gleamed covetously as he gazed upon the grand weapon. ─── 当他盯着这把豪华的武器时,巨龙眼中满是贪婪之色。

6、you shall not covet your neighbor s wife, or his manservant, or his maidservant, or his ox, or his ass, or anything that is your neighbor s. ─── 也不可贪恋人的妻子、仆婢、牛驴,并他一切所有的。

7、The mantis focused too much on its prey and neglected a bird behind staring covetously at it. ─── 这只螳螂太专注在它的猎物上,它疏忽了有一只鸟在其身后,正虎视眈眈地注视着它。

8、Never covet what is not yours, for it is a sin to steal a pin. ─── 不是自己的东西就不要妄想,即使是偷一根针也是一种罪过。

9、They covet fields and seize them, and houses, and take them. They defraud a man of his home, a fellowman of his inheritance. ─── 他们贪图田地就占据。贪图房屋便夺取。他们欺压人,霸占房屋和产业。

10、Those who be worth ponder is, be in Gu Ge " eye covetously " Chinese country's huge potential market, and meaning in Ma Yun " birthplace " when be able to develop one's skill to full. ─── 值得玩味的是,就在谷歌“虎视眈眈”中国国内巨大的潜在市场、并且意在马云的“故乡”大有作为时。

11、(8) hypochondriasis covet: The patient is certain he contracted some kind of disease, although do not have this disease via confirming with all possible means, but he still is certain not doubt. ─── (8)疑病妄想:患者坚信自己患了某种疾病,虽经多方证实并无此病,但他仍坚信不疑。

12、Do not have commonly psychedelic with covet. ─── 一般无幻觉和妄想。

13、2:2 They covet fields and seize them, and houses, and take them.They defraud a man of his home, a fellowman of his inheritance. ─── 2 他们贪图田地就佔据.贪图房屋便夺取.他们欺压人、霸佔房屋和产业。

14、But, in the present Russia eyes covetously as well as the rejection in the situation which withdraws troops completely from Georgia, accelerates Ukraine to join NATO's advancement is inopportune. ─── 但是,在目前俄罗斯虎视眈眈以及拒绝从格鲁吉亚完全撤军的情况下,加速乌克兰加入北约的进程是不合时宜的。

15、(Condition of 4) psychedelic covet: Scarcer, have occasionally brief photism, phonism persecutes with messier, unfixed covet. ─── ( 4)幻觉妄想状态:较少见,偶有短暂的幻视、幻听和较零乱、不固定的迫害妄想等。

16、The ugly bureaucrat, the evil invader, the sinister and ruthless spy, all eyes covetously to the Chinese Olympic Games first person, wants to set at it in the deathtrap. ─── 丑陋的官僚、邪恶的侵略者、阴毒的特务、全都对中国奥运第一人虎视眈眈,欲置之于死地。

17、(Covet of 1) be murdered: The patient is certain oneself or family get blow, circumvent, surveillant, besiege, or poison was put in food, or property is stolen to wait. ─── (1 )被害妄想:患者坚信自己或家人受到打击、陷害、监视、围攻,或在食物中放了毒,或者财物被窃等。

18、you shall not covet your neighbor‘s wife, or his manservant, or his maidservant, or his ox, or his ass, or anything that is your neighbor’s. ─── 也不可贪恋人的妻子、仆婢、牛驴,并他一切所有的。”

19、Furthermore, she never used her position to indulge in extravagances or covetously harm the emperor's concubines. ─── 更不曾以自己的地位,而奢侈浮华,或妒害嫔妃。

20、Business chance and obstacle coexist 20 centuries the China at the beginning of 90 time, it is the market of eye covetously of numerous international enterprise. ─── 商机与障碍并存20世纪90年代初的中国,是众多国际企业虎视眈眈的市场。其人口众多,地大物博,代表着商机无限。

21、The furthest distance in the world is not between rich and needy but when i covet at the bank yet i can't get the money. ─── 世界上最遥远的距离不是贫富差距,而是我看着银行的钞票却拿不到手。

22、Any "speed," can only accelerate the failure covet! ─── 任何“求快”的非分之想只能加速失败!

23、But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way. ─── 你们要切切的求那更大的恩赐,我现今把最妙的道指示你们。

24、"We covet what we see every day. ─── “我们垂涎每天看到的东西。”

25、Therefore, leans to one side behind the public opinion is the arbitrage risk which the special interest group eyes covetously . ─── 因此,一边倒的舆论背后是利益集团虎视眈眈的套利风险。

26、covet of manhole ─── 人孔盖

27、However, at the same time, other countries and the company also already rich “the virgin land” eye covetously to this profit. ─── 加里奥特将按计划在太空逗留11天,然后与第17长期考察组的两名成员在10月底一同返回地面。

28、Difficult differentiate of around true and false, nevertheless covet trade searchs Alibaba engine is not fathomless. ─── 前后真假难辨,不过阿里巴巴垂涎商贸搜索引擎并不难理解。

29、Covet stresses desire, especially a secret or culpable longing, for something to which one has no right ─── Covet强调渴望,尤其是私下或不正当地希望得到自己无权得到的事物

30、He thinks it's a sin to covet other's properties. ─── 他认为贪图他人的财物是有罪的。

31、Do not covet material comforts, also do not covet the noble spirit, there is no perfect man, nor perfect life, become rich, happy. ─── 不要贪图物质的,也不要贪图精神的高尚,世间没有十全十美的人,也没有十全十美的生活,贫贱富贵,。

32、Never covet shoes' beauty while torment your feet. ─── 切莫只贪图鞋的华贵,而委屈了自己的脚。

33、Therefore, leans to one side behind the public opinion is the arbitrage risk which the special interest group eyes covetously. ─── 因此,一边倒的舆论背后是利益集团虎视眈眈的套利风险。

34、Because dimensional itself is lesser, what should notice particularly is the mobile room with need put apart certain, not blindly the area of covet chest. ─── 因为空间本身较小,非凡要注重的是需留出一定的活动余地,不要一味贪图衣柜的面积。

35、(Of evil covet of 4) endure hardships control: The patient thinks he is Babylon and very grave, pessimistic and world-weary, feed the method that regards him end as life with refus. ─── (4)受罪恶妄想的支配:病人认为自己罪恶深重,悲观厌世,以拒食作为结束自己生命的手段。

36、10.They covet fields and seize them, and houses, and take them.? They defraud a man of his home, a fellowman of his inheritance. ─── 他们贪图田地就占据,贪图房屋便夺取;他们欺压人,霸占房屋和产业。

37、"I covet nothing," said Mr. Skimpole, in the same light gaiety. ─── “我什么也不贪图”,斯金波先生说话的时候,还是那样快活。

38、LECTER No, he covets. That's his nature. And how do we begin to covet, Clarice? Do we seek out things to covet? Make an effort to answer. ─── 不,他贪求。那是天性。我们是怎么起的贪念?

39、You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor. ─── 不可贪恋人的房屋,也不可贪恋人的妻子,仆婢,牛驴,并他一切所有的。

40、(1) chlorpromazine: Chlorpromazine has good composed, control to excitement moves restlessly and fight psychedelic covet action. ─── (1) 氯丙嗪:氯丙嗪具有良好的镇静、控制兴奋躁动和抗幻觉妄想作用。

41、You shall not covet the neighbor's goods. ─── 你不可贪恋邻舍的财物。

42、Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet. ─── 只是非因律法,我就不知何为罪。非律法说,“不可起贪心”,我就不知何为贪心。

43、Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbors Goods ─── 不要贪邻人财物

44、Because I don't covet the honor, so I disinterest in sticking up for peacockery.And because I don't covet the benefit, so I would not meet the rivalship of benefit. ─── 因为不贪名,所以无所谓名的维护,因为不图利,所以不会有利的竞争。

45、‘I am sorry. Now, David, this is Molly and don't covet her who is taken by someone. He is the man, Jack.’ Steven is really long-winded this evening. ─── ‘对不起。大卫,这位是茉莉,不要打她的主意哟,人家已经名花有主啦,就是这位,杰克。’史蒂文真有些罗嗦。

46、Change of a gang outlaw comes Guilin is not the landscape of covet beauty, however brazenly does " big company " . ─── 一帮不法之徒窜至桂林并不是贪图美丽的山水,而是明目张胆办起“大公司”。

47、He could be employed on the right side of midfield but both Hamit Altintop and Bastian Schweinsteiger covet that position. ─── 他可受聘的右边中场但托普阿尔滕托普和施魏因斯泰格觊觎这一立场。

48、Cranky condition is not had with highlighting cranky covet psychedelic for the characteristic. ─── 偏执状态以突出偏执妄想而无幻觉为特点。

49、You( P) lust, and don't have. You( P) kill, covet, and can't obtain. You( P) fight and make war. You( P) don't have, because you( P) don't ask. ─── 你们贪恋,还是得不著;你们杀害嫉妒,又斗殴争战,也不能得。你们得不著,是因为你们不求。

50、Do not covet her beauty in your heart or let her captivate you with her looks. ─── 不让你的心贪恋她的美色,不让她的秋波迷惑你,

51、He is staring at her covetously. ─── 他贪婪地望着她。

52、"You shall not covet your neighbor's house.You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor. ─── 不可贪恋人的房屋、也不可贪恋人的妻子、仆婢、牛驴、并他一切所有的。

53、You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want.You quarrel and fight. ─── 你们杀害嫉妒,又斗殴争战,也不能得。

54、Smaller parties covet the most lucrative ministries, and the larger parties, simply to stay in power, are obliged to concede these to them. ─── 一些小党想得到一些肥缺,而大党为了掌权也只能让步。

55、In the modern time, the imperialist powers eyed China covetously. Once the time was ripe, they began to carve up China. ─── 近代,帝国主义列强对中国虎视耽耽。一旦时机成熟,他们就开始瓜分中国。

56、You shall not covet your neighbor's house. ─── 不可贪爱你邻舍的房屋;

57、Not only the firm that has entered this field closely bite into is not put, more brim industries also are in eye covetously. ─── 中国手机市场已成为一块令众人垂涎的“肥肉”。不但已经进入该领域的厂商紧紧咬住不放,更多的边缘行业也在虎视眈眈。

58、Can much suggestion sex includes " rejuvenescent " , time feeling is lost, exaggerated covet and inspect richly psychedelic. ─── 可有大量暗示性包括“返老还童”,时间感丧失、夸大妄想及丰富的视幻觉。

59、The Asian peoples covet the right to shape their own free destiny. ─── 亚洲人民渴望开创自己的自由生活的现实,这十分重要。

60、In today's hyper-competitive business world, many law firms and businesses covet students with both a JD and MBA degree. ─── 在当今竞争激烈的商业世界里,许多律师事务所和企业觊觎既有博士和工商管理硕士学位的学生。

61、But the institutions that covet archives do not have large acquisition budgets and the priority for donors is usually simply to see that their material finds a suitable home. ─── 但该机构指出觊档案没有大型购置预算和捐助者的优先通常只看到他们的材料找到合适的家。

62、Burn the images of their gods and do not covet the gold or silver that covers them. Do not take it for yourself lest you be trapped by it, because Yahweh hates it. ─── 不应贪图神像上的金银,而留为己有,免得陷于罗网,因为这于上主你的天主是可憎之物。

63、she never used her position to indulge in extravagances or covetously harm the emperor's concubines. ─── 不曾以自己的地位,而奢侈浮华,或妒害嫔妃。

64、He continued to gaze at the picture: the longer he looked, the firmer he held it, the more he seemed to covet it. ─── 他还在凝视着那张画;他越看就把它抓得越牢,他也似乎越想得到它。

65、But as the owner of a standard minivan, I also covet a less touted benefit of electric engines: they are delightfully quiet. ─── 但身为七人座休旅车的车主,我还相当欣赏电动马达另一个较少被提及的优点:比较安静。

66、Covet not a gold-threaded robe. Cherish only your young days! ─── 劝君莫惜金缕衣, 劝君惜取少年时。

67、I will drive out nations before you and extend your boundaries. No one shall covet your country when you go up three times each year to appear before Yahweh, your God. ─── 几时我从你面前赶走异民,扩展了你的疆域之后,你一年三次上去朝拜上主你天主的时候,没有人敢图谋你的国土。

68、Milan covet Evra, but, according to French paper Le Parisien, are willing to wait for the player and offer him a substantial pay rise if they are able to sign him on a Bosman free transfer in 2009. ─── 一旦埃弗拉答应加盟,米兰将会提供一份个人待遇更为优秀的合同并在2009年通过博斯曼法则签下法国人。

69、(9) windy covet: The patient thinks everything is nonexistent on the world, everything is false, join self nonexistent also, it is an empty the body only. ─── (9)虚无妄想:患者认为世界上一切都不存在,一切都是假的,连自身也不存在,只是一具空虚的躯壳。

70、You shall not covet the silver or the gold that is on them or take it for yourselves, lest you be ensnared by it, for it is an abomination to the LORD your God. ─── 其上的金银,你不可贪图,也不可收取,免得你因此陷入网罗;这原是耶和华你神所憎恶的。

71、And they covet fields, and take them by violence; and houses, and take them away: so they oppress a man and his house, even a man and his heritage. ─── 他们贪图田地就占据。贪图房屋便夺取。他们欺压人,霸占房屋和产业。

72、Reactivity is cranky condition, behave sometimes reach for rich covet psychedelic when, should come on with acute and the schizophrenia that has certain inducement is cranky model differentiate. ─── 反应性偏执状态,有时表现为丰富的妄想及幻觉时,应与急性发病而又有一定诱因的精神分裂症偏执型相鉴别。

73、Blows the iron man tender feelings which pulls dry decays in the spring day to develop darkly, formidable public domain slightly not original relaxation to personal feelings eying covetously. ─── 吹枯拉朽的铁汉柔情在春日里冥冥滋长,强大的公共领域丝毫不愿放松对私人情愫的虎视眈眈。

74、He may put a preoccupation with the opportunity to speak, like a bandit squatting on roadside, being ready covetously to a highway robbery. ─── 他是一个全神贯注寻找发言机会的人,就像一个蹲在路边虎视眈眈准备拦路抢劫的强盗一样。

75、9 see joke: Have dull man, the fine-looking good looks of covet accoucheur, pretend to let female doctor deliver a child into pregnant woman then. ─── 9看笑话: 有无聊男子,垂涎妇产科医生的美貌姿色,于是假装成孕妇来让女医生接生。

76、Seek not greatness for yourself, covet not honor more than your learning, crave not for royal tables. ─── 不要为自己追求尊荣。不要觊觎你的学识所不及的荣耀。不要妄念帝王的餐桌。

77、a female mouse was walking with her children,suddenly she saw a cat eyeing covetously in boskage. ─── 一只母老鼠带着孩子出来散步,突然她看见一只猫正在灌木丛中虎视耽耽。

78、The mantis focused too much on its prey and neglected a bird behind staring covetously at it. ─── 这只螳螂太专注在它的猎物上,因而忽略了,有一只鸟在其身后,正虎视眈眈地注视著它。

79、Certainly some team also eyed covetously to the western first place position, before that is the season, the match 7 winning streak Charlotte hornets, he displays stable and has the competitive power. ─── 上赛季西部所有的季后赛球队都取得了50胜以上的战绩,有几支队伍实力非常之接近,这样主场优势就变得非常重要。

80、The diagnosis of cranky condition and differentiate diagnose with paranoiac similar, although this ill covet is shown more continuously chronic form, but also have at short-term inside disappear. ─── 偏执状态的诊断和鉴别诊断与偏执狂类似,本病的妄想虽多呈持续慢性形式,但也有于短期内消失的。

81、Also used by bored amateurs as the next thing to covet for purchase. ─── 同时也被无聊的爱好者作为下一个购买目标。

82、Never covet wealth and power. ─── 切勿贪图财富和权力。

83、'You only covet what you do not have.' Who said that? ─── 你在觊觎你所没有的。’这句话是谁说的?

84、He does not object to tradition nor covet the "a la mode".He only seeks to devote his life to artistic endeavors. ─── 不排斥传统也不慕求现代,将整个生命投入他的艺术创作里。

85、The prospect of dwindling returns makes buy-out firms reluctant to club together to buy the big companies they covet; ─── 在两家私募基金公司撤回报价后,潜在的买家减少,在不能全额收购的情况下只好不情愿的抱团买他们垂涎的大公司。

86、World rich met 2010 approach, your the hotel market that covet of more and more world-famous hotel group expand increasingly at Shanghai. ─── 2010年世博会的逼近,令越来越多的国际闻名酒店集团垂涎于上海日益壮大的酒店市场。

87、Do not covet the silver and gold on them, and do not take it for yourselves, or you will be ensnared by it, for it is detestable to the LORD your God. ─── 其上的金银,你不可贪图,也不可收取,免得你因此陷入网罗。这原是耶和华你神所憎恶的。

88、(One) covet is cheap, it is cheap to get alluring and oversight " control quality ability " evaluate and analyse. ─── (一)贪图便宜,受到便宜的诱惑而忽略了“控制质量能力”的评估和分析。

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