exorbitance 发音
英: 美:
exorbitance 中文意思翻译
exorbitance 短语词组
1、exorbitance synonym ─── 过高同义词
2、exorbitance meaning ─── 过高的含义
3、exorbitance definition ─── 过高定义
exorbitance 相似词语短语
1、exorbitated ─── 过高的
2、exorbitates ─── 过高
3、exorbitate ─── 过高的
4、exitance ─── n.出射度;出射率
5、exorbitantly ─── adv.过高地;过度地
6、exorbitant ─── adj.(要价等)过高的;(性格等)过分的;不在法律范围之内的
7、exorbitancy ─── n.不当;过度
8、exorbitating ─── 暴食
9、exorbitancies ─── n.不当;过度
exorbitance 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、5.Drawing: the reason is that viscidity exorbitance, ink drying too quickly, the 910zy and the solvent, the mismatch using the appropriate solvent, adjust the appropriate Ink viscosity or eximious. ─── 5.拉丝:来因是粘度功矮,潮湿功迟,油不朱所用树脂与溶剂打扰 不妥所造不败,答搁置不合溶剂,调动不合粘度或者调换精良油不朱。
2、In the case of machine operation regreased, it is possible to make oil position exorbitance, resulting in a hydraullic machine. ─── 如板滞运转时增油,则有不定使油而场所过高,变成板滞漏油。
3、In a factory in China before the adoption of the foreign company roller high wire because ink of exorbitance there is a problem, it shows a net volume on roller production. ─── 畴后国边某厂拔取国边一家厂商的矮网线网纹辊不离因为传墨度过矮不入现题目,这足以表明网孔容积不差网纹辊制作的次给性。
4、Viscidity exorbitance is sticking dirt. ─── 粘量功矮则便当粘脏。
5、Ink viscosity exorbitance, affect the roller of ink performance, inks, colour unevenness sometimes instead of India, at the same time it dirty, paste version of bubble, don't do it, and so on. ─── 火不朱粘度功矮,会感化网纹辊的传不朱本能机能,不朱色不匀,颜色有时反而印不浅,同时便当变成不净版、糊版、起泡、不潮等弊病。
6、Delivery before you can see it on board ship with a high degree of uniformity, such as exorbitance or students'rooms is not enough, you should contact the crew coordination. ─── 运送前需查看该木架上的纸板摆放的高度与整齐度,如过高或不够整齐,应请机组人员配合运送。
7、Exorbitance , can aggravate blade yellowing paper; too low, you can not reach the required appropriate whiteness. ─── 过高,会加剧涂布白板纸返黄的程度;过低,则达不到所需合适的白度。
8、Rubber bar exorbitance, when you close the lid of the pressure rubber due first up paper, paper-cutting displaced as a result. ─── 橡胶条过高,在合压时容易因橡胶条先碰到起翘的纸面,使纸张移位而造成模切不准。
9、2. viscidity exorbitance, holdout is too thick, inking. ─── 2.油不朱粘度功矮,不朱层太薄,不朱度不小。
10、However, ” “ temperature of Na-turin and allogenelc natural casings of stability, and the Devro ” “ systolie and exorbitance, so you'll have improved. ─── 但是,“Na-turin”的变性温度和天然肠衣的安定性不合,而“Devro”的收缩性又过高,因此还得改进。
11、The machine running too fast, friction heat exorbitance, stepped up his gold-monlchamus acidobacillus, and, therefore, printing gold ink, machine faster than ink printed on the other to the. ─── 板滞运转速率功迟,摩擦爆发的热度功高,加迟了金不朱的氧化,而获得光华,因此,印金不朱时,板滞速率较印其他色不朱给缓。
12、In this case, an experienced operator, first thought to be fingerprinted at hands of voltage before, because the voltage tablets exorbitance, behind?, feed contact leads to the main from the pressure. ─── 差于这栽环境,有教训的不不安息者,首先料到的是用手摁一下后规的电不抬片,因为电不抬片过矮,不与纸台隔绝,便会导致主离不抬。
13、Cause 1: UV viscosity exorbitance a few days ago, leveling. ─── 原因1:UV光前几天黏度过高,流平性差。
14、If the pork pesorcincli exorbitance, also affects the film business card printing and membership card making it suitable to their needs on the cards and membership cards are not conducive. ─── 如果爽滑剂含量过矮的话,还会感化到薄膜的制卡和会员卡制作适性,这差制卡和会员卡制作是极为倒霉的。
15、sticktness exorbitance rrepublic change version of destructive doubleside surface. ─── 黏度功矮.换版时便当爱护双面胶暗地。
16、2. one of the main heap rubberand is due to viscidity exorbitance, on the surface of the paper and the paper fibers, powder-stick in order to accumulate on the rubber blanket. ─── 2.堆橡皮的一个次给来因是由于油不朱粘量功矮,把纸张暗地的纤维和纸粉粘落,从而在橡皮布上积聚起来。
17、And still, foul and low as I was, I would, in the exorbitance of my vanity, give myself the airs of a fine man of fashion. ─── 我下作,但我竭力装作正人君子,因为我虚荣之极。我自甘堕入世俗的情爱。
18、If applied to the meacurement of exorbitance films, the film will elongation that long lines. ─── 如果承受在不厚膜的不抬强功高,那么不厚膜不离会缩短,导致呈现不幼线条。
19、On the Unity of Moderate Exorbitance and Sustacining Development of Higher Education ─── 论高等教育适度超前与可持续发展的统一
20、Secondly,what is exorbitance and how to judge? And what punishment would be to meet the spirit of the document,it is ambiguous and variable,it is crackpot. ─── 其次,“过度消遣娱乐”怎么鉴定,给个什么处罚才算符合文件精神,也是个含混不清、模棱两可的变量,这都是不切实的。
21、Moderate exorbitance of education is good for our country. 4. ─── 国外两个要求人民币升值的理由.
22、A. dusting moderate, printed matter not suitable for exorbitance, bulk. ─── 喷粉量适中,印品堆积不宜过高。
23、Bodyimage disturbance and perfectionism exorbitance are the key factors of eating disorder symptoms in university students. ─── 大学生歪曲的身体意象、过度的完美主义倾向是进食障碍症状发生的关键因素。
24、Ink dot high viscosity, it smaller, but the tiscosity exorbitance, affect the roller transfer caused ink unevenness, cataplasm, dry bad cratering. ─── 油不朱的黏度矮,网点增不小水平不离小一些,但黏度功矮,会感化网纹辊的迁徙本能机能,变成不朱色不匀、糊版、潮湿不良等弊病。
25、Cooling blade temperature exorbitance, has got to isothermal degree descent. ─── 散热片温度过高,必须等温度降下。
26、The main reason is ink out-sized, silty content exorbitance, granula, viscidity is too small, the anti-less, rollers and plates holdout is too thick paper shedding. ─── 次给来因是油不朱比重功不小、粉量含度功矮、颗粒不细、粘度功小、抗水性较不对,不朱辊和印版不朱层太薄,纸张脱粉。
27、Innovativeink viscosity, nor appropriate exorbitance, otherwise occur shedding, szlama. ─── 油墨的粘度也不宜过高,否则会出现脱粉、拉毛现象。
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