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threed(three d中文翻译,three d是什么意思,three d发音、用法及例句)

01-17 投稿

threed(three d中文翻译,three d是什么意思,three d发音、用法及例句)

three d

three d发音

英:  美:

three d中文意思翻译



three d双语使用场景

1、For the cost reason, the QC will continue to measure with three-D measuring equipments regularly.───公司出于成本考虑,对于目前现场使用测量精度低的量具,QC继续定期用三次元器进行测量。

2、Today, we passed three D detail watched the fetal growth of the entire process, greatly benefit from.───今天我们通过三D详细观看了胎儿宫内成长的全过程,受益非浅。

3、"Three-D reconstruction, massive-scale image segmentation . . . " he says. "People can do these things in almost real time now. "───“三维重建、大规模图像分割……”,他说,“人们现在甚至可以实时完成这些工作。”

4、So attention is shifting to the next frontier in display technology: three-dimensional (3-d) images.───现在,人们的注意力转移到了下一代的前沿科技产物:三维影像(three - dimensional images)。

5、These glasses allow you to see the film in three-D.───这副眼镜让你能看立体电影。

6、Lifelike three-dimensional characters; a three-dimensional account of conditions under the new government; they shot the movie in three-D.───逼真的立体人物;对新政府统治下的情况所做的逼真描述;他们拍摄三维立体电影。

7、Three-D technology capitalizes on this effect, taking advantage of the brain's ability to fuse two images into one.───3-D技术所利用的正是这一效果,它利用人脑可以将两个映像合成一个映像的能力。

8、Three other types of airspace, Classes D, C and B, govern the vicinity of airports.───其他三种领空,D、C 和 B 类,管理着机场周围地区。

9、He's got three D. A. 's on his payroll.───他弄到三名地区检察官长期接受他的津贴。

three d相似词语短语

1、d v d───abbr.数字化视频光盘(DigitalVideoDisk)

2、three to three───三对三

3、three course───三道菜

4、first three───前三个;[体]前三名

5、D d───abbr.即期汇票(demanddraft);数据要求(datademand);截止日期(deadlinedate);国防部(DepartmentofDefense);数字显示(digitaldisplay)

6、three forty───340


8、three of───三个

9、ugly d d───丑陋的d

结语:xThetravecompanyhad,three-fifths这里考查的是分数的表达法:先读分子,后读分母;分子用基数词,分母用序数词; 分子大于1,分母用复数形式. three-fifths这里考查的是分数的表达法:先读分子,后读分母;分子用基数词,分母用序数词; 分子大于1,分母用复数形式.,Delder brother 哥哥older 比年长整个句子是:My elder brother is three years older than I.我哥哥比我大三岁. Delder brother 哥哥older 比年长整个句子是:My elder brother is three years older than I.我哥哥比我大三岁.

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