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01-17 投稿




英:  美:





1、Let's begin by pulling apart the term Service Data Object (SDO) to see how the name came about.───让我们首先来剖析一下服务数据对象(SDO)这个术语,看看其来源。

2、SDO represents data at this level of abstraction.───SDO表示在此抽象级别的数据。

3、One of the responsibilities of the SDO DataGraph is to keep track of any changes within the object graph.───SDODataGraph的职责之一是跟踪对象图形中的任何更改。

4、SDO clients use the SDO framework to work with data.───SDO 客户机使用 SDO 框架处理数据。

5、For those familiar with JDBC concepts and the java. sql. ResultSet interface, the SDO dynamic API mode will be easy to understand.───对于熟悉JDBC概念和java.sql.ResultSet接口的读者来说,SDO的动态API模式是很容易理解的。

6、Now all that you need to do is create a database connection, and you will be ready to create SDOs to access the database.───现在您所需要做的就是创建一个数据库连接,并且您将准备好创建SDO来访问数据库。

7、Since the blog is cumulative and we want to read in a blog like the one above, add an item, and write it out, we use the SDO XML DAS.───由于blog为累积式的,我们希望读入一个与上例类似的blog、添加项目并将其写出,因此使用SDOXMLDAS。

8、As mentioned, one goal of SDO is that it is possible to represent the sort of structured data usually stored as XML.───前面已经提到,SDO的目标之一就是可表示通常存储为XML的结构化数据。

9、The reference from one SDO to another is also a property of that SDO.───从一个 SDO 到另一个 SDO 的引用也是前者的一项属性。


1、let sdo───让sdo

结语:,是不是病毒网页哟!有危险性 http://yb.bnb.sdo.lets do表示什么,let';s do sth意思是让我们做某事。 例句: 1、Let';s do that by your advice. 就依着你说的办吧。 2、Let';s settle the matter at one stroke, not piecemeal. 把这事一气 例句: 1、Let';s do that by your advice. 就依着你说的办吧。 2、Let';s settle the matter at one stroke, not piecemeal. 把这事一气儿解决了吧,别零敲碎打了。 3、All 1、Let';s do that by your advice. 就依着你说的办吧。 2、Let';s settle the matter at one stroke, not piecemeal. 把这事一气儿解决了吧,别零敲碎打了。

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