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the statue of liberty中文翻译,the statue of liberty是什么意思,the statue of liberty发音、用法及例句

01-17 投稿

the statue of liberty中文翻译,the statue of liberty是什么意思,the statue of liberty发音、用法及例句

the statue of liberty

the statue of liberty发音

英:  美:

the statue of liberty中文意思翻译



the statue of liberty双语使用场景

1、He slides it out from under my pillow, holds it up like the Statue of Liberty torch and said "Mama, wut's dis? "───然后他从我的枕头下把那自慰振动器拿了出来,像自由女神像高举着火把那样举着问道“这是什么?”

2、On its walls are lurid murals depicting the Statue of Liberty with a ghastly skull for a face and guns decorated with the stars and stripes.───使馆的屋墙上画着可怕的壁画:自由女神像的头是一个可怕的骷髅,她手中端着星条点缀的枪。

3、A bit like the U. S. culture of the Statue of Liberty, the French culture of the La Marseillaise.───有点像美国文化里的自由女神,法兰西文化里的马赛曲。

4、Statue of Liberty towers stands above the harbor of New York.───自由女神像耸立在纽约港的上空。

5、Take one bus to of Chairman Mao and one of the Statue of Liberty, joint them like the kings in poker.───取毛主席和自由女神雕塑的上半身,像扑克牌一样从中间对接。

6、knows a thing or two about lighting, being the man who illuminated the Statue of Liberty.───照亮自由女神像的人,布兰斯顿对照明也略知一二。

7、The Statue of Liberty had just arrived from Paris and was being assembled so it was not in New York Harbor when they arrived.───自由女神像刚刚到达巴黎就被组装所以当它到达的时候不在纽约港。

8、Cynthia, who holds a master's degree from Columbia University, made cookies shaped like the Statue of Liberty.───辛西娅,在哥伦比亚大学取得硕士学位,能制作自由女神像的形状的饼干。

9、Perhaps his most famous stunt was in 1983 when he made the Statue of Liberty disappear (and then reappear) on live TV.───他最著名的惊人表演大概要算1983年在一场电视实况直播中使自由女神像消失(然后再现)了。

the statue of liberty相似词语短语

1、chryselephantine statue of zeus───宙斯的克丽舍尔汉廷雕像

2、baphomet statue───baphomet雕像

3、stature of liberty───自由的地位


5、statue liberty───自由女神像


7、falconet statue of peter the great───彼得大帝的法尔科内雕像

8、bast statue───巴斯特雕像

9、statue of liberty───n.自由女神;[体]自由女神式传球

the Statue of Liberty是什么意思?

the Statue of Libertyn.自由女神像; 例句:

1.How did david copperfield make the statue of liberty disappear? 大卫科波菲尔是怎么把自由女神像变没的?

2.The statue of liberty and the empire state building take their hits. 自由女神像和帝国大厦也接受了闪电的打击。

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