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income tax expense中文翻译,income tax expense是什么意思,income tax expense发音、用法及例句

01-17 投稿

income tax expense中文翻译,income tax expense是什么意思,income tax expense发音、用法及例句

income tax expense

income tax expense发音

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income tax expense中文意思翻译



income tax expense双语使用场景

1、Causes income tax expense reported in financial statements to be in logical relationship to accounting income.───使得财务报表上所列示的所得税费用与会计所得之间具有逻辑上的关系。

2、tax ratio The ratio of income tax expense to net income before taxes.───缴付的税额与税前纯收入的比率。

3、Allocation of income tax expense among accounting periods because of temporary differences between accounting income and taxable income.───由于会计所得和纳税所得之间的临时性差异,而导致的所得税费用在会计期间之间的分配。

4、According to the profit total amount deduction income tax expense, after obtains the tax the profit.───根据利润总额扣除所得税费用,得出税后利润。

5、The ratio of income tax expense to net income before taxes.───税率缴付的税额与税前纯收入的比率。

income tax expense相似词语短语

1、imputed income tax───估算所得税


3、graduated income tax───分级所得税;累进所得税

4、income tax payable───[税收]应付所得税

5、earned income tax credit───获得所得税减免额(earned是earn的过去式和过去分词)

6、tax income───税收;[财]征收所得税

7、income tax return───[税收]所得税申报表

8、income tax returns───所得税申报表

9、steeply graduated income tax───陡度累进所得税

结语:计算 income tax expense , △ dtl 和 △ dta 时 , 当 税率 发生 变化 时 , 如何 确定 在 哪个 步骤 使用 哪个 税率,同学好,问题已转交老师处理,incometaxexpense和currenttax的区别!多谢,income tax expense是所得税费用,属于损益类科目,current tax 是应交税费,是负债类科目。taxpayable和incometaxexpense的区别,你好! taxliability是公司要付的tax,显示在财务报表的liability里 taxpayable是一个account,是该财政季度已经产生但还没有付的tax 仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。

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