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多锻炼英语(more exercise中文翻译,more exercise是什么意思,more exercise发音、用法及例句)

02-14 投稿

多锻炼英语(more exercise中文翻译,more exercise是什么意思,more exercise发音、用法及例句)

more exercise

more exercise发音

英:  美:

more exercise中文意思翻译



more exercise双语使用场景

1、Do more exercise.───做更多的运动。

2、"Get more exercise" is often among the first recommendations given by doctors to people at risk of diabetes.───对于具有高糖尿病患病风险的人来说,医生们最先考虑的建议就是多多参加运动。

3、It tends to sound admonitory and joyless: you might expect a doctor or an insurance company to urge you to take more exercise.───它听起来总带有惩戒和无趣的意味:或许你也能想得到,医生或是保险公司常会督促你多加锻炼。

4、You seem to be getting fatter - the only answer is to do more exercise .───你好象越来越胖了。唯一的解决办法是多活动些。

5、the researchers also found that while a little bit of exercise was beneficial , more exercise boosted cardiorespiratory fitness even higher.───研究也发现虽然低运动量运动对身体有所裨益,但加大运动量能更好地促进心血管呼吸系统的健康。

6、Yes. You've got to cut down on bread and potatoes and take more exercise.───是的。你必须少吃面包和马铃薯,做多一些运动。

7、You also have to take more exercise.───你还得进行更多的锻炼。

8、You must do more exercise if you want to be thinner.───你若想减肥,最好进行足够的锻炼。

9、This does not absolve individuals of the responsibility of trying to get more exercise and eat healthier.───这并不是说,那些试图获得更多锻炼、更健康饮食的人们不需要负任何责任。

more exercise相似词语短语


2、do more exercise───多做运动;多锻炼

3、caltrap exercise───caltrap练习

4、breathing exercise───气功;吐纳功;呼吸操练;呼吸运动

5、exercise equipment───训练设备

6、centering exercise───定心练习


8、exercise more───多锻炼,多运动

9、exercise diary───运动日记



exercise"作为动词,表示练习或运动。more exercise"中"exercise"既可以作为动词也可以作为名词,作为形容词,表示更加多的练习或运动。

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