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茉莉花茶英文(jasmine tea中文翻译,jasmine tea是什么意思,jasmine tea发音、用法及例句)

02-12 投稿

茉莉花茶英文(jasmine tea中文翻译,jasmine tea是什么意思,jasmine tea发音、用法及例句)

1、jasmine tea

jasmine tea发音

英:  美:

jasmine tea中文意思翻译



jasmine tea双语使用场景

1、thanks, but I'll stick with some jasmine tea. I'm trying to watch my diet.───谢谢,不过我还是喝茉莉花茶吧,我正在节食。

2、The leading enterprises lacked enough strength and blind competition was found to be existed amongst jasmine tea processing enterprises.───龙头企业实力不足,茉莉花茶加工企业之间盲目竞争较严重;

3、Just a glass of Chinese jasmine tea, please.───请来一壶茉莉花茶吧。

4、Spring suits drink scented tea, jasmine tea of temperature can send out in the cold winter leisurely, promote human body hair growth.───春季适合喝花茶,花茶性温能散发冬季积郁在体内的寒气,促进人体阳气生发。

5、Jasmine tea is the favorite of many old Beijingers , with its pure , clear taste and strong aroma.───有着纯净清爽的口感和清冽香气的茉莉花茶最受老北京的喜爱。

6、May served us with coffee and Jasmine tea, and she sat in the sofa with a perfect gesture like a well-educated lady.───May端上了咖啡和茉莉花茶,然后就以一种优美的姿势坐在沙发上,就像是一个受过高等教育的女士。

jasmine tea相似词语短语

1、jasmine flower───茉莉花茶,茉莉花

2、amrita jasmine───茉莉花

3、jasmine roth───茉莉花丝

4、jasmine tookes───茉莉香椿


6、petite jasmine───小茉莉

7、jasmine rice───n.香米

8、winter jasmine───迎春花;冬茉莉

9、blue jasmine───[**]蓝色茉莉;《蓝色茉莉》(**名)



tea作为不可数名词时,表示茶这种饮料或者泡茶的行为,比如:Would you like some tea?(你想喝点茶吗?)I'm going to make some tea.(我要泡茶了。

) tea作为可数名词时,表示种类不同的茶,比如:I bought three different teas at the tea shop.(我在茶叶店买了三种不同的茶。

) 或者一个人吃下了几杯茶,比如:She drank two cups of tea this morning.(她今天早上喝了两杯茶。

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