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03-06 投稿




英:  美:





1、Who'll sing a psalm? "I, " said the thrush.───谁来唱赞美诗?是我,画眉说。

2、I, said the Thrush, As she sat on a bush, I'll sing a psalm.───谁来吟唱圣歌?我,坐在灌木上的歌鸫说,我来吟唱圣歌。

3、She would never again feel like a missel thrush with a safe-hidden nest.───她再也不能享有像画眉鸟窝在自己安全隐蔽的巢穴里的那种感觉了。

4、How much melancholy Temple Liu, spring air fighting thrush long.───惆怅庙前多少柳,春来空斗画眉长。

5、You should see the bright ecstasy in the eyes of a nesting thrush.───你应该看到一只筑巢的画眉鸟明亮且狂喜的眼睛。

6、But by G--, you lost a fine sight by not being here in the morning to see the Thrush go out of harbour!───不过,他妈的,你上午不在,没能看上‘画眉’号出港时那个气派劲儿。

7、Who'll sing a psalm? I, said the Thrush, As she sat on a bush, I'll sing a psalm.───谁来吟唱圣歌?我,画眉说,她停坐在灌木上,我来吟唱圣歌。

8、Her garden was her nest and she was like a missel thrush.───她的花园是她的窝,而她就是那只画眉鸟。

9、First, I thought it had to be lark's voice, but it wasn't so. The voice was male of Blue Rock Thrush singing at the outstanding point.───起初我还以为是云雀的叫声,其实不然。这颇具特点的叫声是雄性蓝矶鸫发出的。




3、to rush───匆忙









The introduction of scenic spots in Genbo Garden(Root Expo):

The Genbo Garden of China occupies an area of 360 mu (about 240,000 sq. meters); it is developed by Quzhou Zuigen Artworks Company Limited with an investment of RMB 450 million. The garden is a fine creation by mater of arts and crafts, Mr. Guqing Xu; it is structured by bonsai, bizarre stones, root arts and traditional garden architectures into a grand spectacle that’s serene, calm, nature and man in one. The garden is covered with more than 160 types of plants and precious trees, and there are 36 species of birds such as Owls, great Tits, long-tailed Lantra, Leiothrix Luteal, Pulsatilla Chinensis and Garrulax Canorus perching here all year round.

主要有福门祥光、中国根雕佛国、中国根雕博物馆、中国根雕历史人物博物馆等二十多个景点;陈列盆景奇石作品4000余件,佛儒道、民间神话传奇、历史风云等系列大型根艺作品2000余件,最大的有40余吨! 巨型根雕五佰罗汉更是世界之最、华夏一绝。

There are more than twenty scenic spots such as Bizarre Stone and Root Garden, China Buddhist Root Sculpture Country, China Root Carving Museum, Museum of Historical Figure Root Sculptures, etc. Also on display are 4000 over pieces of artwork in Bonsai and bizarre stones; 2000 over pieces of big-sized root carvings representing Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, folk legends and historical incidents, amongst which the largest weighs more than 40 tons; and the 500 Luo Han root sculpture is the one and only in China and the biggest in the world!


In addition, there is an exhibition of literature information on root carvings, the works of root carving masters, the carving process and the ‘Zuigen Culture’, it can be considered as the complete library and the capitol of root carving arts. The Garden also comprises the first Ecological Environmental Education Demonstration Base of Zhejiang Province, Poetry Creation Base of China, Zhejiang’s Folk Literary Art Collections Base, Patriotism Education Base of Kaihua County, Preference Spot for Wedding Photography in Zhejiang Province, Cultural Development Exemplary Base of Zhejiang Province and Quzhou’s Popular Science Education Base.


The exquisite beauty of the Garden is in the intimacy and harmony of returning to Nature; the interaction of culture and ecology is the bizarre feature. The establishment of the Garden is a miracle in terms of worldwide landscape architectures, it is renowned as the “First Bizarre Garden of the World”!


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