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time remaining中文翻译,time remaining是什么意思,time remaining发音、用法及例句

03-21 投稿

time remaining中文翻译,time remaining是什么意思,time remaining发音、用法及例句

1、time remaining

time remaining发音

英:  美:

time remaining中文意思翻译



time remaining双语使用场景

1、For the first twenty minutes or so the installer seemed to be stuck with the estimated time remaining indicating 33 minutes.───在开始大概二十分钟后,安装程序看起来就像是卡住了,其估计所需的剩余时间指示为33分钟。

2、House Republicans have decided to use some of the time remaining to play to the gallery.───共和党控制的众议院决定利用余下的时间继续推行其政策。

3、Business done with time remaining to preview the text, and then his cousin to do something she does not guide the work.───业做完还有剩余时间就预习课文,然后再指导表妹做一些她不懂的作业。

4、I suppose in the time remaining, and we'd better ask what language is.───我想在剩下的时间里,我们最好问问什么是语言。

5、In the time remaining to me, I plan to mine that truth for all its worth.───在今后的时间里,我打算好好发掘自己的潜力,充分实现自己的价值。

6、Then, if I have time remaining, I can go back and add features that aren't essential (if I even decide to do them at all).───如果还剩下时间的话,我就会重新审视,然后加入一些不太必要但是很有特色的东西。

7、Content can be taken from the cache if the time remaining before expiration is greater than or equal to the time specified with this value.───如果在过期前剩余的时间大于或等于用该值指定的时间,则可以将内容从缓存中取出。

8、Between these two points lie the possibilities for mankind during the time remaining until the last weeks.───在这两点之间人类存在着这样的可能性-----直到最后几周剩余的时间里(才可以看到它)。

9、You can skip questions and go back to them later as long as there is time remaining.───只要还有时间,你就可以跳过问题,稍后再回答。

time remaining相似词语短语

1、estimating time remaining───估计剩余时间

2、remaining matches───剩余匹配项

3、remaining time───[计]剩余时间

4、remained remaining───剩下的

5、remaining life───残存使用年限;剩余寿命

6、attempts remaining───剩余尝试次数

7、hostile remaining───敌方残余


9、remaining calm───保持冷静,保持镇静;面不改色

2、“剩下的时间” 英文怎么说

There is not much time leave.


There is not much time left.


Our time is running out/We are running out of time.


We spent the remainder of the day sightseeing.


They spent the rest of the morning wandering in the streets.


There is little time left, we must play full court press.


The remainder of the time he spent walking the streets and reading in the club rooms.


We had a number of duties to perform during the short time still remaining.


There is little time leave.


I have only half an hour leaving.


I don't want to put pressure on you to make a decision, but we haven't much time left.

我并不想催你做决定, 只是我们剩下的时间已经不多了.

The sands are running out: we must have the money by tomorrow.

剩下的时间不多了: 我们明天得弄到这笔钱.

He filled in the rest of the day watching television.


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