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difference between(differences between中文翻译,differences between是什么意思,differences between发音、用法及例句)

04-10 投稿

difference between(differences between中文翻译,differences between是什么意思,differences between发音、用法及例句)

1、differences between

differences between发音

英:  美:

differences between中文意思翻译




differences between双语使用场景

1、Notice the differences between the content of this file and that of myfile. cmd shown above.───注意这个文件与上面显示的myfile.cmd在内容上的差别。

2、Compares, and if it is possible displays differences between two files, files in two folders, or a shelveset and a local or a server file.───比较两个文件之间、两个文件夹中的文件之间或者一个搁置集与一个本地或服务器文件之间的差异,如果可能,将这些差异显示出来。

3、He was studying the complex similarities and differences between humans and animals.───他在研究人和动物之间错综复杂的相似与不同之处。

4、But there was perhaps a more important objective: to reduce the vast economic differences between them.───然而,这里可能有个更重要的目标:消除皮埃蒙特和意大利之间的经济差异。

5、There are subtle differences between the two versions.───两个版本之间有一些细微的差异。

6、I will try to summarize both terms and explain the differences between them in a way that almost all economists could agree with.───我将设法来给大家总结一下这两个术语,并以几乎所有经济学家都能认同的方式来解释它们之间的区别。

7、But scratch the surface and the differences between the great spy scandals of the Cold War and the current case are actually glaring.───但在初步研究一下,会发现现在的案子与冷战时期的主要间谍丑闻有着令人吃惊的区别。

8、Does our extension need to be aware of any differences between them?───我们的扩展是否需要知道它们之间的任何区别?

9、I like city life but there are differences between cities.───我喜欢城市生活,但城市之间也有差异。

differences between相似词语短语


2、different species───[数]异类;不同种类标的

3、different person───不同的人

4、difference of opinion───意见分歧;意见分歧(DifferenceofOpinion,电视节目)

5、different than───不同于

6、difference amplifier───[电子]讯差放大器;差频信号放大器

7、different reason───不同的原因

8、different style───不同的风格

9、different set of───不同的


"Differences" 是名词,表示“差异”或“区别”。以下是其常见用法和搭配:


作主语:例如,"The differences between the two cultures are striking."(两种文化之间的差异显著。)

作宾语:例如,"We should discuss the differences in their opinions."(我们应该讨论他们意见的差异。)

作表语:例如,"The main difference is that he is more experienced."(主要区别是他更有经验。)


搭配介词短语:如 "differences between A and B"(A 和 B 之间的差异),"differences in terms of"(在……方面的差异)

搭配动词:如 "highlight the differences"(突出差异),"ignore the differences"(忽略差异)

搭配名词:如 "cultural differences"(文化差异),"gender differences"(性别差异)


"major differences"(重大差异)

"notable differences"(显著差异)

"minor differences"(轻微差异)

"distinct differences"(明显差异)





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