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text book中文翻译,text book是什么意思,text book发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

text book中文翻译,text book是什么意思,text book发音、用法及例句

text book

text book发音

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text book中文意思翻译



text book双语使用场景

1、Ms Liu has followed some of my advice on the new text book.───刘老师已经接受了我的一些关于新教材的建议.

2、Enter the text book in node of the request envelope.───在请求信封的节点输入文本book。

3、The little girl looked sorrowfully at her text book torn in half.───那个小姑娘伤心地看着被撕成两半的课本.

4、Could you recommend the text book for me?───你能推荐以下适合我的课本 吗 ?

5、The new text book was in course of preparation.───新教材正在编写准备当中.

6、Reading an entire text book in a week can be done.───在一周时间里读完一部文字书籍是有可能的。

7、Following the format from text book.───用跟课本上一样的格式.

8、He pioneered this approach - be warned, though, this is a monograph not a text book.───他是使用这方法的先驱, 然而本文应当算是个专题论文,并非教科书.

9、Bring your text book next time.───下次把你的教科书拿来.

10、Evolve as historical linear, I wish this paragraph of abasement makes historical text book forever.───随着历史的线性演变, 但愿这段屈辱永远成为历史的教科书.

11、That last text book of his seems to have been thrown together.───他最近的那一册教科书似乎是仓促编成的.

12、I think I will, I got all ready but the text book.───我想我会的,除了课本之外,我什么都准备好了。

13、There are many illustrations in the text book.───在教科书里有很多插图.

text book相似词语短语

1、guest book───贺客名簿;访客留名簿


3、text books───教材(textbook的复数)

4、rent books───租金簿


6、rent book───租金簿


8、bell book───传令钟记录簿;钟书;车钟记录簿



textbook[英][ˈtekstbʊk][美][ˈtɛkstˌbʊk]n.教科书; 课本; 教材; adj.规范的; 标准的; 复数:textbooks例句:

1.Textbook economics and sound management have truly worked wonders. 教科书经济学和优秀管理相结合,造就了今日之奇迹。

2.The trouble is that china often uses a different textbook. 问题在于,中国往往使用一种不同的教科书。

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