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power station中文翻译,power station是什么意思,power station发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

power station中文翻译,power station是什么意思,power station发音、用法及例句

power station

power station发音

英:  美:

power station中文意思翻译



n.“power plant”的变体; 发电装置; 发电厂

power station双语使用场景

1、They will build another thermal power station.───他们要另外建一座热能发电站.

2、The main thermo power station in the area has been damaged.───该地区那座主要的热电厂已被损毁。

3、The addition that gas consumes basically is industry and power station to gas use up increase.───天然气消费的增加主要是工业和发电站对天然气的消耗增加.

4、A workman was plucked from the roof of a burning power station by a police helicopter.───一名工人被警用直升机从着火电站的屋顶上救了出来。

5、Mitochondria is power station of cell, its respiratory chain systems being preferential targets of many xenobiotics.───线粒体作为细胞“动力站”, 其呼吸链系统是许多外源性物质的优先作用靶标.

6、people living in the locality of the power station───居住在发电站周围地区的人

7、By the early 1980s, the power station had outlived its purpose.───这座电站到20世纪80年代初就已经失去作用了。

8、Tianhuangping pumped storage power station is located in Anji County, Zhejiang Province.───天荒坪抽水蓄能电站位于浙江省安吉县.

9、a nuclear power station───核电站

10、We're thinking of putting up a power station here.───我们打算在这里搞个发电站.

11、This landscape is disfigured by a power station.───风景被发电厂破坏了.

12、The power station stands at the junction of two rivers.───发电站在两条河流的汇合处.

13、The smokestacks of the power station tower above the town.───发电站的大烟囱耸立在镇上.

14、They're going to build on the site of the old power station.───他们要在老发电站那里盖房子。

15、The power station furnished us with electricity.───发电站给我们供电.

16、On Sunday the great flywheels of the power station are still.───每到星期天发电厂巨大的转轮便停止工作了.

17、This paper describes technology process of stator frame and rotor spider for Wuq iangxi power station.───本文对五强溪机组的主要焊接部件定子机座和转子支架的制造工艺进行了论述,仅供参考.

18、This mighty electricity-generating power station was built on the express orders of the president.───这一大型电力发电站是按照总统的明确指令修建的。

19、The power station backs on to a high mountain.───发电站背靠着大山.

20、He conceived the idea of transforming the old power station into an arts centre.───他想出了一个把旧发电站改造为艺术中心的主意。

21、He took us to see the power station they built.───他带我们去看他们建的电站.

22、The apparatus to is designed is to is used at the power station.───所设计的仪器将用在发电站.

23、The money to build the power station ought to have been sufficient.───建设电站的资金本该足够了。

24、A new intelligent surveillance and control system of PV power station was presented.───提出了一种新型的光伏电站智能监控系统.

25、The viscosity of coal water slurry will affect its combustion in power station boiler.───电站锅炉对燃烧用水煤浆有一定的粘度要求,粘度过低将不利于水煤浆的雾化及稳定燃烧.

26、A small electrical sensor failed at a power station in eastern Canada.───加拿大东部一个电站中的一个小小的电传感器发生了故障.

power station相似词语短语

1、base station───[测]基站;基电台

2、power stations───发电站

3、police station───派出所;警察局;公安局

4、vowel mutation───元音变化

5、coach station───长途汽车站

6、muster station───应变岗位

7、air station───n.飞机场;航空站




动力火车(Power Station),中国台湾流行摇滚演唱组合,成立于1994年,由尤秋兴、颜志琳两位歌手组成。尤秋兴与颜志琳自幼相识,两人毕业于南投三育基督学院,而后相继入伍,自退伍后即在民歌西餐厅和PUB演唱

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