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nervous system中文翻译,nervous system是什么意思,nervous system发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

nervous system中文翻译,nervous system是什么意思,nervous system发音、用法及例句

1、nervous system

nervous system发音

英:  美:

nervous system中文意思翻译




nervous system双语使用场景

1、Objective To further clarify the molecular mechanism of estrogen and progestin acting on central nervous system.───目的探讨雌、孕激素对中枢神经系统作用的分子机制.

2、It is through our nervous system that we adapt ourselves to our environment and to all external stimuli.───我们是通过神经系统使自己适应环境及所有外部刺激的。

3、Caffeine is a stimulant which acts on the nervous system.───咖啡因是一种对神经系统产生影响的兴奋剂.

4、N : Because it causes irreversible damage to the nervous system.───因为它对神经系统会可逆的损害.

5、Methanol can cause poisoning, systemic acidosis, optic nerve damage and central nervous system ( CNS ) effects.───甲醇能造成中毒, 组织酸毒症, 选择性神经伤害和影响中枢神经.

6、The coherence analysis thus provides a new tool to investigate regulation of the autonomic nervous system.───神经元电活动的频谱分析为深入研究心血管自主神经系统功能提供了一种新方法.

7、He's taking a dangerous drug: it acts very fast on the central nervous system.───他正在服用一种危险的药物:这种药物能很快影响到中枢神经系统。

8、Content abstract: Enterprise's administration system, may say that is enterprise's central nervous system.───内容摘要: 企业的行政管理体系, 可以说是企业的中枢神经系统.

9、It also includes the molecules, cells and genes responsible for nervous system functioning.───研究也包括对神经系统功能起作用的分子 、 细胞和基因.

10、A medication used as a central nervous system stimulant.───中枢神经系统的刺激物.

11、It protects the nervous system from shock until antibiotics can take effect.───它保护神经系统,防止休克,直到抗生素开始发生作用.

12、Neurology: Medical specialty concerned with nervous system function and disorders.───神经学: 研究有关神经系统功能或障碍的医学专科.

13、The child will return to normal or control central nervous system symptoms.───患儿恢复正常,中枢神经系统症状得到控制.

14、In humans, breath control is initiated and maintained by the central nervous system ( CNS ) .───人体的呼吸控制由于 中枢神经 发动和控制的.

15、The patient suffering from spontaneous pneumothorax recently or received pneumoencephalography ( PEG ) of the nervous system.───近期患自发性气胸的病人或者近期做过气脑 造影 的神经系统病症的患者.

16、Certain chemicals can induce undesirable changes in the nervous system.───有些化学物质能在神经系统中引起不良变化.

17、A narcotic overdose can cause central nervous system depression , respiratory failure, and death.───超剂量的麻醉镇痛药会造成中枢神经系统阻抑 、 呼吸停止以及死亡.

18、Does any company have a perfect digital nervous system?───任何的公司有一个完美的数传神经系统 吗 ?

19、The central nervous system is congested.───中枢神经系统已经充血.

20、Its effects on the nervous system include weakness, paralysis, and tingling in the hands and feet.───它对神经系统的影响包括虚弱、麻痹与手脚刺痛。

21、Tetracycline has no demonstrable effects on the central nervous system, neither has chloromycetin.───四环素对中枢神经系统没有明显作用, 氯霉素对中枢神经系统也没有明显作用.

22、It great for insomnia and nervousness a sedative effect on your nervous system.───它有益于治疗失眠和紧张,对你的神经系统起镇静的功效.

23、He's taking a dangerous drug: it acts very fast on the central nervous system.───他在使用一种危险的药物——这种药物很快作用于中枢神经系统。

24、This works through the mediation of the central nervous system.───这是通过中枢神经系统的调节作用实现的。

25、Its effects on the nervous system include weakness, paralysis, and tingling in the hands and feet.───它对神经系统的影响包括虚弱、麻痹和手脚的略微刺痛感。

26、The brain is a part of the nervous system of the human body.───脑是人体神经系统的一部分.

27、Acute leukemia is the most common malignancy involving the central nervous system ( CNS ) among childhood.───根据研究,发生在儿童之系统性恶性肿瘤中,最易侵犯神经系统的是急性 淋巴球 白血病.

28、EDDL is at the core of the digital nervous system for intelligent device management software.───EDDL是智能设备管理软件数字神经系统的核心.

29、Stimulation of the autonomic nervous system can occur owing to hypoxia or hypercarbia from depressed ventilation.───自主神经系统兴奋作用的发生是由于通气受阻而导致的低氧血症和高碳酸血症引起的.

30、possible that the symptoms will not finally go until your nervous system is in a better state.───可能这些症状不会彻底消失,除非你的神经系统有所改善。

31、Objective To study the regulative function of Anshenzengzhi grain to central nervous system of mouse.───目的探讨安神增智颗粒对小鼠中枢神经系统的调节作用.

nervous system相似词语短语

1、nervous systems───[解剖]神经系统

2、servo system───[自]伺服系统,[自]随动系统

3、Bedaux system───贝多系统

4、inertial system───[物]惯性系(统),惯性坐标系

5、periodic system───[化学][数]周期系,[数]周期系统

6、Torrens system───托伦斯登记制

7、merit system───n.(美)考绩制;文官录用制度

8、servo systems───[自]伺服系统,[自]随动系统

9、exhaust system───[动力]排气系统



1. 词性: "Nervous"是形容词,表示某种状态或情感。

2. 同义词: "Anxious"、"Worried"、"Tense"、"Jittery"、"Apprehensive"等。

3. 用法:"Nervous"可以用来形容人、动物或事物的状态。例如,"He is nervous about the exam"(他对考试感到紧张不安);"The dog is nervous around strangers"(这只狗在陌生人周围感到神经过敏)等。

4. 衍生词: "Nervously" 是 "nervous" 的副词形式。

5. 用法注意事项: "Nervous"的一个常见误用是与 "Nauseous"混淆。"Nauseous"表示恶心或令人作呕的感觉,而"Nervous"则表示紧张或焦虑的状态。

6. 相关短语: "Nervous breakdown"意为神经崩溃, "Nervous system"意为神经系统。

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