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有资格的英语(qualified as中文翻译,qualified as是什么意思,qualified as发音、用法及例句)

04-12 投稿

有资格的英语(qualified as中文翻译,qualified as是什么意思,qualified as发音、用法及例句)

qualified as

qualified as发音

英:  美:

qualified as中文意思翻译



qualified as双语使用场景

1、I assume it was because his message is so clear, and he qualified as a persecuted person because he had to flee for his personal safety.───我想这是因为他的表达是如此明确,他作为一个高品质受迫害的人,他经逃离祖国为他的人身安全。

2、This time we have qualified as the only non-English team, and in the last 20 years we have always been there; it makes me very proud.───这次我们成为了非英格兰的唯一俱乐部,在过去20年我们经常到达这里,这使我们很自豪。

3、And I flew as a co-pilot for a couple of years and then I got qualified as a what's called the White House Aircraft Commander: Chi huy.───我作为副驾驶员飞行了几年,然后我成为一名合格白宫飞行官。

4、qualified as an expert by knowledge, skill, experience, training, or education, may testify thereto in the form of an opinion or otherwise.───那么满足作为专家要求的知识、技能、经验、训练或者教育的证人就可以专家意见或者其他形式作证。

5、He qualified as a doctor last year.───他去年获得了医生的资格。

6、Women who qualified as accountants or lawyers do not generally have MBAs: others got into a fast-paced career and never looked back.───拿过会计师或律师资格的女CEO一般没有MBA学位:其他人进入一个快速上升的职业通道,从不回头。

7、A typical form of indirect promotion and thus to be qualified as commercial communication.───一个间接推广的典型形式并且从而有资格成为商业流通。

8、Four months after the twins were born, Margaret qualified as a barrister specializing in tax and patent law.───在双胞胎出生4个月之后,玛格·丽特成功成为税务和专利方面的律师。

9、They qualified as one of the wild card teams so the Saints will have to open defense of their title in Seattle instead of at home.───他们是外卡队伍之一,因此要奔赴西雅图而不是坐镇主场捍卫球队的荣誉。

qualified as相似词语短语

1、qualified nurse───合格护士


3、qualified staff───称职的职员;合格的员工





8、qualified coach───合格教练

9、qualified adviser───合格顾问

be qualified with和be qualified for的区别?

qualified是有资质的,符合要求的,be qualified with指的是拥有…条件资质,be qualified指符合…的条件,有条件担当…。

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