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girls day什么意思(girls day中文翻译,girls day是什么意思,girls day发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

girls day什么意思(girls day中文翻译,girls day是什么意思,girls day发音、用法及例句)

girls day

girls day发音

英:  美:

girls day中文意思翻译



girls day双语使用场景

1、Japanese people do to celebrate Girls' Day?───日本人会如何庆祝女儿节?

2、Oxford High School is one of the jewels in the crown of the Girls' Day School Trust.───牛津高中是英国女子日校信托委员会的皇冠上的璀璨明珠中的一颗…

3、About 15, 000 dolls were displayed for the Big Hina Festival, celebrating the traditional Girls' Day on March 3.───该中心展出约一万五千个用于雏祭典的娃娃,以庆祝三月三日传统的女儿节。

4、Girls' Day is connected to an old custom that used dolls to get rid of evil.───女儿节与一个利用人偶来避邪的古老习俗有关。

5、Every year on March 3, the Japanese celebrate Girls' Day by praying for their young daughters' health and future happiness.───每年的三月三日,日本人会为他们年幼的女儿祈求健康及将来的幸福,藉此庆祝女儿节。

6、You can have a girls' day out enjoying lunch or a coffee, and then go get your makeup done together.───你可以和女儿一起享受一天女孩时代的生活,一起吃饭、喝咖啡,然后一起去化妆。

7、Girls' Day is also called the Doll Festival because people arrange special dolls on a staircase-like shelf a few weeks before March 3.───女儿节又称为人偶节,这是因为人们在三月三日的数周前就会在阶梯状的架子上摆设特别的人偶。

8、In the distant past, girls would take this occasion to pray to heaven for skillful hands and a happy marriage, which is why Qixi is also called Qiqiao (day of begging) or Girls' Day.───在古代,女孩们会在七夕节祈祷上天赐给他们灵巧的双手和幸福的婚姻,因此七夕节也被称为“乞巧节”或“少女节”。

9、In the end, she grew up of her own free will a day quicker than other girls.───最后,出于她的自愿,她比其他女孩更早一天长大了。

girls day相似词语短语

1、First day───n.星期日

2、gala day───庆祝日

3、field day───体育比赛日;野外实习日

4、single day───单日;光棍节

5、sports day───运动会,运动日

6、girl Friday───忠诚能干的女助手

7、girl Fridays───女孩星期五

Girls Day是什么意思?


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