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advanced materials中文翻译,advanced materials是什么意思,advanced materials发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

advanced materials中文翻译,advanced materials是什么意思,advanced materials发音、用法及例句

advanced materials

advanced materials发音

英:  美:

advanced materials中文意思翻译



advanced materials双语使用场景

1、In designing new products, firms in emerging markets are leapfrogging to the latest technologies, such as miniaturisation, mobile communications and advanced materials.───从明年开始,用高级材料制造的据说能够帮助选手获取世界纪录的泳衣可能被禁止。

2、Advanced materials and cutlery production.───工模具材料及刀具生产.

3、SAES is the industry leader in vacuum technology and advanced materials. Previously Mr.───赛斯公司是真空技术和高级材料领域的领导者.

4、Advanced materials include anticorrosive materials, magnetic materials, high - tech functional materials and Nano materials etc.───新材料主要是防腐材料 、 磁性材料 、 高技术陶瓷材料及纳米材料等.

5、Microwave dielectric ceramics ( MWDC ) is a kind of key advanced materials for modern mobile communication technology.───微波介质陶瓷是现代移动通信技术中被广泛应用的关键新材料.

6、comes to prospecting for advanced materials, the animal kingdom rarely comes to mind.───高级材料研究角度来看,动物王国很少受到青睐。

7、Life - Cycle Assessment ( LCA ) is a newly and rapidly developed research field for advanced materials.───材料的生态循环评估是国际上正在 兴起 并迅速发展的新材料研究中的新领域.

8、Johnson Matthey is a speciality chemicals company and a world leader in advanced materials technology.───庄信万丰是一家专业化学品公司,同时也是全球高新材料技术的领先者.

advanced materials相似词语短语

1、Advanced levels───n.(英)普通教育证书高级程度(考试)

2、advance parties───预付款方

3、waste materials───废料

4、source materials───原始资源

5、advanced credits───高级学分

6、advance notices───预先通知

7、advance ratios───进程比;相对进距

Advanced Materials 多久送审

Advanced Materials


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