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urban renewal中文翻译,urban renewal是什么意思,urban renewal发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

urban renewal中文翻译,urban renewal是什么意思,urban renewal发音、用法及例句

urban renewal

urban renewal发音

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urban renewal中文意思翻译




urban renewal双语使用场景

1、JTHD specializes in managing urban renewal , street - side shop fa ? ade design and renovation and property leasing.───我们的主营项目包括城市 商业街 翻新 、 设计改建,以及房屋租赁等.

2、Main problems of urban renewal in Changchun have been discovered through survey.───运用调查法找到了长春市城市更新所面临的主要问题.

3、Urban renewal projects have uprooted nearly a million households.───有近100万户居民因为旧城改造项目而动迁了。

4、The urban renewal is an important part for Hong Kong economic development and urban construction.───香港的旧城改造是其经济发展和城市建设的重要内容.

5、Public briefings are organised for the affected parties of the urban renewal projects.───为受市区重建项目影响的人士举行简布会.

6、Teissier is a French deputy and local mayor, who is also president of Marseille's urban renewal project.───泰西耶是法国议员、市长,也是马赛都市改造工程的领导人。

7、St. Louis has been spending millions of dollars on urban renewal even as the rate climbs.───在犯罪率攀升的同时,该市也在城市市容翻新改造上投入了不少银子.

8、Even those in favour of urban renewal think it can go too far.───甚至那些赞同市区翻新的人也认为目前的计划可能会实施过度。

9、Now our urban renewal usually adopts large - scale renewal mode that austerely challenge social justice.───旧城改造是城市发展不可缺少的环节,现阶段我国通常采用大规模改造模式.

10、The LDC was replaced by the Urban Renewal Authority on May 1, 2001.───二零零一年五月一日, 土地发展公司由市区重建局取代.

urban renewal相似词语短语

1、urban renewals───城市更新;都市美化

2、cell renewal───细胞更新

3、urban areas───城市地区


5、urban clearway───城市干道

6、urban centre───城市中心

7、urban area───城市地区


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