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pass on中文翻译,pass on是什么意思,pass on发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

pass on中文翻译,pass on是什么意思,pass on发音、用法及例句

1、pass on

pass on发音

英:  美:

pass on中文意思翻译


传递; 去世; 前进; 对…发表(意见)


pass on双语使用场景

1、Thanks. I'm going to pass on dessert, if you don't mind.───谢谢,您若不介意,我就免了饭后甜点吧。

2、Tenants remain liable if they pass on their lease.───如果房客将房子转租,他们仍承担责任。

3、I think I'll pass on the hiking next time.───我想远足的事下次再说吧。

4、It is an education I feel obliged to pass on to my fellow men.───我觉得我有义务把我学到的这一课讲给其他人听.

5、We should pass on the fine tradition of hard struggle from generation to generation.───我们应该把艰苦奋斗的优良传统一代一代传下去.

6、They have come to us to pass on their valuable experience.───他们给我们传经送宝来了.

7、There are still a few travellors who rashly attempt to cross the pass on foot.───有些旅行者还是莽撞地企图步行穿过山口.

8、Everyone was struck by their readiness to pass on all they knew.───他们很愿意把自己的知识传给别人,这给每个人都留下深刻印象.

9、They pass on their cost of borrowing and add it to their profit margin.───他们将借款成本转嫁,将其算到利润率里面。

10、Please pass on the message to your classmates.───请把消息告诉你的同学.

11、The experienced artisan would pass on the tricks of the trade to the apprentice.───这位经验丰富的工匠会把诀窍传给徒弟.

12、They weave in and out of traffic, and they pass on the right.───他们在通行时进出摇晃, 他们从右面超过.

13、He has written a note asking me to pass on his thanks.───他写了张便条让我转达他的谢意。

14、Tom gave him a free pass on the railway.───汤姆给了他一张火车免费乘车券.

15、May I trouble you to pass on a message to her?───烦您给她捎个信儿.

16、Only by word of mouth, from mind to mind, could they pass on the secret.───他们只有靠用嘴巴才能把他们头脑中的秘密传来传去.

17、I think I'll pass on the swimming.───我想我不会去游泳。

pass on相似词语短语


2、plans on───vt.打算,计划


4、passed on───度过;通过

5、passes on───传递;继续;去世

6、pass off───停止;完成;忽视

7、pass out───昏倒,失去知觉;分发

8、pass for───冒充,假扮;被认为

9、casts on───v.急忙披上(衣服等)





Make known; pass on, of information.




In future work, it is important to increase pass forward and raise the efficiency of attack.


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