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stroke医学是什么意思(medical practice中文翻译,medical practice是什么意思,medical practice发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

stroke医学是什么意思(medical practice中文翻译,medical practice是什么意思,medical practice发音、用法及例句)

1、medical practice

medical practice发音

英:  美:

medical practice中文意思翻译



medical practice双语使用场景

1、How much territory does this medical practice cover?───这一医疗服务包括的地区有多大?

2、Its conclusions directly challenge existing medical practice.───该结论是对现有医疗实践的直接性挑战.

3、Still, the insinuation endures that medical practice lacks a basis in science.───然而, 这也提示以往的医学实践确实缺乏一种基于科学的模式.

4、I eventually realized I had to change my attitude toward medical practice.───我终于认识到自己不得不改变对医务工作的看法。

5、However, there is still a lack of understanding it in medical practice.───然而在现实的医疗实践中人们对这一内容的理解和认识还存在一定的偏差.

6、The combination point of the medical practice and guidelines. how to grasp?───指南与医疗实践的结合点在哪里? 如何把握?

7、Evidence - based medical practice and practice steps to be followed in principle.───循证医学实践步骤和实践过程中应遵循的原则.

8、In medical practice, procedure cases due to misdiagnosis and mistherapy are tending to increase.───在医疗实践中, 因误诊误治所引发的诉讼案例呈增加趋势.

9、It must be remembered that the use of X - rays in medical practice is of great value.───在医疗上使用 X 线是非常有价值的,这一点不能忽视.

10、Peckham, himself a cancer specialist, is well aware of the wide variations in medical practice.───佩卡姆本人就是个癌症专家,非常清楚医疗实践中的广泛差异。

11、Reports that stating can help prevent stroke recurrence are already affecting medical practice, he said.───Giannopoulos说关于他汀类能有助于预防卒中再发的报道已经对临床实践有所影响.

12、He is a pioneer in modern medical practice.───他是现代医学实践的先驱.

13、Intuition is an essential component of personal health and appropriate medical practice.───直觉是个人健康和适当的医疗行动的基础.

14、I eventually realized I had to change my attitude towards medical practice.───我终于认识到我得改变我对医务工作的态度。

15、Medical decision - making is the primary problem of medical practice due to commercialization of medicine.───因医疗日益商业化使得医疗决策成为医疗实践中的首要问题.

16、A genuinely comprehensive medical practice does not have to include leeches, the eye of newt, or dragon dung.───真正全面的医学实践并不一定要包括水蛭、蝾螈之眼或龙粪。

17、If this is true, their medical practice would be illegal.───如果报道属实, 那么其医疗行为属于违法.

18、Peckham, himself a cancer specialist, is well aware of the wide variations in medical practice.───佩卡姆本人是一名癌症专家,他非常了解不同治疗方法之间的巨大差异。

medical practice相似词语短语

1、general practice───全科医师的医务;一般医师

2、medical procedure───医疗程序

3、general practices───普通医师的医业

4、medical practitioner───医师,开业医师

5、medical practitioners───医师,开业医师

6、medical advice───医嘱;医务

7、dental practice───牙科诊治;牙科诊所


"practice" 是一个多义词,可以作为名词或动词使用,具有不同的含义和用法。以下是 "practice" 的一些常见用法:


1. 指行业、职业或领域中的实践、做法或惯例。

- It is common practice to arrive at least 10 minutes early for a job interview.


- The medical practice has been serving the community for over 20 years.


2. 具体指某个人或团体的日常活动、工作或业务。

- She has her own dental practice in the city centre.


- The band rehearses in the studio every evening to improve their musical practice.


3. 表示实际行动或执行某种技能或知识的过程。

- Regular practice is essential for mastering a musical instrument.


- The more you practice speaking a language, the better you become.



1. 指进行实践、实施或执行某种活动。

- He practices the piano for two hours every day.


- The doctor practices medicine at a renowned hospital.


2. 指进行特定技能、知识或信仰的练习,以提高技能或增进知识。

- She practices yoga and meditation to maintain physical and mental well-being.


- Many people practice their religious beliefs through prayer and rituals.


需要根据具体的语境来确定 "practice" 的意思和用法。该词可以指一种习惯、行为方式、日常工作,也可以表示对某个技能或知识的练习和实践。

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