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trimmed mean中文翻译,trimmed mean是什么意思,trimmed mean发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

trimmed mean中文翻译,trimmed mean是什么意思,trimmed mean发音、用法及例句

trimmed mean

trimmed mean发音

英:  美:

trimmed mean中文意思翻译




trimmed mean双语使用场景

1、For a kind of population, the asymptotic best property of trimmed mean is discussed. Then, a expression of the best trimmed estimate of population parameters is given.───对一类总体讨论了截尾均值的渐近最优性,然后给出了更一般情形总体参数最优截尾估计的一个表达式。

2、The “trimmed-mean PCE deflator”, calculated by the Dallas Fed, which excludes those prices that have risen and fallen the most before taking a weighted average of the rest, is up 2.4%.───由达拉斯联储计算的“切尾均值个人消费品支出平减指数”上升了2.4%,该指数在做加权平均前,去除了上涨和下跌最多的那些价格。

3、This is obvious from Graph 3 which shows the average fitted values of four of these models, along with the trimmed mean measure of underlying inflation.───从图3显示的其中四个这种模型的平均拟合值,与截尾平均法测量值在一起的对比,可以看出这是非常明显的。

4、Robust and Efficient Trimmed Mean Approach to Valuation Multiples───稳健高效的切尾均值乘数估值技术

trimmed mean相似词语短语

1、trimmed away───将...削减掉

2、to misdemean───轻罪

3、trimmed off───修剪

4、skimmed milk───脱脂奶(等于skinmilk);脱脂乳

5、arithmetic mean───算术均数;等差中项

6、red men───n.美洲印第安人;n.(Redman)(美、英)雷德曼(人名)

7、tried on───耍弄

8、red meat───红色肉类(牛肉,羊肉等)

9、slimmed down───消瘦


关于这个问题,可以通过在计算标准差时排除最大值和最小值来减少它们对标准差的影响。这种方法称为修剪平均值(Trimmed Mean)。


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