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feel down中文翻译,feel down是什么意思,feel down发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

feel down中文翻译,feel down是什么意思,feel down发音、用法及例句

1、feel down

feel down发音

英:  美:

feel down中文意思翻译



感到沮丧; 情绪消沉

feel down双语使用场景

1、If this should happen, the speaker might feel down in the mouth.───如果发生这种情况, 这个发言者可能会感到沮丧.

2、At such time you feel happier and prouder than you can ever feel down below!───在那个时候,你将前所未有地感觉到比山下时更高兴和自豪!

3、I feel down in the dumps.───我感到沮丧透了.

4、I burned midnight oil yesterday. So I feel down in the dumps today.───昨天我开了夜车, 因此我今天感觉精神不太好.

5、If this should the speaker might feel down in the mouth.───话句话说他们会为说错话感到难过.

6、you feel down more often than you feel good?───你是否感觉沮丧的时候比惬意的时候多?

7、The crowded, noisy city, always make me feel down.───拥挤 、 喧闹的城市总让我感到情绪低落.

8、Seek help if you feel down.───心情不好时,寻求帮助。

9、Understand that it's okay to feel down every now and then.───明白时不时地感觉失落是很正常的。

feel down相似词语短语

1、faces down───v.正面朝下;压倒;降服

2、keeps down───v.控制;镇压;缩减

3、faced down───以自信的神色使人窘迫

4、deep down───实际上;在心底

5、fall down───跌倒;失败;倒塌

6、fell down───倒下;感到闷闷不乐

7、sheet down───床单向下

8、falls down───跌倒;失败;倒塌

9、keep down───v.控制;镇压;缩减



1. 组成: "Feeldown"由"feel"与"down"组合而成,"down"表示情绪低落、沮丧的状态。而"Feelof"由"feel"与"of"组合而成,"of"用来表示具体的情感对象或归属关系。

2. 意义: "Feeldown"表示一种情绪低落或消沉的状态,通常用来形容人们感到悲伤、沮丧、失落等。例如,"I'm in a feeldown mood today."(我今天情绪低落。)

"Feelof"则表示对某种情感对象或特定事物感受的表达。例如,"I can feel the warmth of the sunshine."(我能感受到阳光的温暖。)


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