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sought to do中文翻译,sought to do是什么意思,sought to do发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

sought to do中文翻译,sought to do是什么意思,sought to do发音、用法及例句

sought to do

sought to do发音

英:  美:

sought to do中文意思翻译



sought to do双语使用场景

1、BP has sought to do just that as it captures crude from its breached well, some of the gas has escaped containment efforts and has wound up in the water.───在提取原油时,BP公司力求将油井漏出的甲烷收集或烧掉,但还是有些气体泄漏逃离,融入到水中。

2、Engineers have long sought to do away with slow and messy electronics when building computers and instead to rely on light, which is far faster and does not get hot.───工程师们长久以来都在寻求摆脱制造计算机所依赖的缓慢与杂乱的电子学,相反现在依赖于光——因为它的速度更快而且不会生热。

3、sought to do joint inspections with other countries’ regulators, and has done them in a number of countries, including Britain, Norway and Australia.───试图与其他国家的管理机构共同检查,并且已经和许多的国家这样做了,包括英国、挪威和澳大利亚。

sought to do相似词语短语

1、bought into───v.买进;入股

2、fought down───v.克服;努力抑制

3、brought to───使恢复知觉;停船

4、sought out───找出;搜出;想获得

5、fought off───不允许接近

6、bought out───买下…的全部产权;出钱使…放弃地位

7、bought off───v.收买;出钱以摆脱

结语:1、Therearefivepairs,百度搜索“英语过去式单词表”,有很多答案供参考(摘录一种):英语不规则动词过去式、过去分词表 (1)AAA型(动词原形、过去式、过去分词同形) cost(花费) cost cost cut(割) c 百度搜索“英语过去式单词表”,,DAADBDCBBA,The Goat and the (Sheppard) 山羊与牧羊人 有()的地方都是改过的 A (sheppard) (sought) to bring a stray goat (back) to his flock.He whistled and sounded his horn,( The Goat and the (Sheppard) 山羊与牧羊人 有()的地方都是改过的 A (sheppard) (sought) to bring a stray goat (back) to his flock.He whistled and sounded his horn,( Goat and the (Sheppard) 山羊与牧羊人 有()的地方都是改过的 A (sheppard) (sought) to bring a stray goat (back) to his flock.

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