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shower gel中文翻译,shower gel是什么意思,shower gel发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

shower gel中文翻译,shower gel是什么意思,shower gel发音、用法及例句

shower gel

shower gel发音

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shower gel中文意思翻译




shower gel双语使用场景

1、shower gel containing plant extracts that have a stimulating effect on the skin───含有对皮肤有益的植物精华的沐浴凝胶

2、That is why organic moisturizing soap or shower gel uses fully natural ingredients.───那就是有机滋润型肥皂和沐浴露使用纯天然原料的原因。

3、Bottled Water , Refridgerator, Brush Sets , Hairdryer, Towels, Shower Gel, Shampoo are included in all rooms.───全部房型包括矿泉水,冰箱,牙刷牙膏,吹风机, 大浴巾, 沐浴乳, 洗发精.

4、Soaps Bubble Bath, Shower Gel, Shampoo, Body Lotion, Gift Sets, Bathroom Accessories.───采购产品肥皂泡沫浴缸, 淋浴房,凝胶剂, 洗发水, 身体洗剂, 礼品套装, 浴室配件.

5、As people develop their higher levels of disposable income, they want to treat themselves," he said, "They do not want to just buy Tesco Value shower gel.───随着人们可支配收入层次的提高,他们想要款待自己。”他说:“他们不想仅仅购买乐购品牌的沐浴露。”

6、Don NOT use saliva, creams, oil, Vaseline, soap or shower gel as lube.───不要使用唾液 、 护肤霜 、 油脂 、 凡士林 、 肥皂以及沐浴露来代替润滑剂.

7、How about replacing the dish detergent with shampoo ? Shower gel ? Liquid hand soap?───如果用洗发精、沐浴乳、洗手乳取代洗碗精,结果又会 怎样?

8、Fa Tropical Mix Shower Gel provides the freshness of lemon and mint extract with a fascinating.───发热带混合沐浴提供了新鲜的柠檬和薄荷提取物的魅力所在.

9、That's why a lot of companies design special moisturizing soap or shower gel to help with skin issues, such as body acne or dry skin issues.───这就是为什么很多公司设计特别的滋润型浴皂和沐浴露,来帮助处理皮肤问题,比如身体粉刺或皮肤干燥问题。

10、Osmanthus Fragrance Shower Gel contain nature osmanthus oil and different carely essence of plant.───本品富含天然桂花香熏精油以及多种植物营养精华.

shower gel相似词语短语

1、shower head───喷头;淋浴头

2、shower heads───喷头;淋浴头


4、shower teas───淋浴茶

5、shower cap───n.淋浴时用的塑胶浴帽


7、shower gels───沐浴露;胶状沐浴乳

8、shower tea───淋浴茶



1)全称应该是Herbal Acne Treatment或者Herbal Acne Cure。


2)herbal:adj.药草的; 草本的

3)acne:n.痤疮,粉刺; 青春美丽痘; 粉剌

4)treatment:n.治疗,疗法; 处理; 待遇,对待

5)cure:n.治愈; 药物; 疗法; 措施

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