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human resources中文翻译,human resources是什么意思,human resources发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

human resources中文翻译,human resources是什么意思,human resources发音、用法及例句

1、human resources

human resources发音

英:  美:

human resources中文意思翻译



human resources双语使用场景

1、The assistance human resources department processes some personnel service.───协助人事部处理一些人事工作.

2、Tianjin human resources information network.───天津人才信息网.

3、The reasonable disposition of human resources is the guarantee of the long prosperity of enterprise.───知识经济时代,人力资源的合理配置是企业长盛不衰的保证.

4、This country is short of natural resources but rich in human resources.───这个国家缺乏自然资源, 却有着丰富的人力资源。

5、Consequently, human resources management strategy is very important for the Southadministrating department.───因此, 研究临管处的人力资源管理战略就显得十分必要.

6、I shall inform Human Resources as soon as practicable of any changes to the data.───本人同意上述资料如有任何变更,亦会及时通知人力资源部以作更改.

7、Powerful human resources flow flowcapital flow and trade flow have integrated and cohered all around.───强大的人才流、信息流、资金流、贸易流全方位交汇贯通.

8、Attendance Tracking Management is an integral part of effective human resources management.───考勤管理是有效人力资源管理的重要环节.

9、To help the Human Resources Manager for increasing the efficiency of administration of HR.───协助人力资源部经理提高人力资源部工作的高效性.

10、Professionals resorted to variations and experimentation utilizing a variety of human resources, according to availability.───根据可用性,利用不同人员, 专业人员经常进行实验.

11、Half of dozon sponsors had pledged more than $ 300,000 to back the Human Resources Corporation.───六个赞助者担保了三十万元以上的数目来支持人力资源公司.

12、To manage the human resources and motivate the staff within prodoction.───管理本部门人力资源并激励员工.

13、Though the country is poor in natural resources, it is rich in human resources.───该国自然资源匮乏,但其人力资源充足。

14、We pay more attention to human resources development while dedicating the business expansion.───公司在鼎力拓展业务的同时,也同样重视人力资源的开发.

15、We should also consider human resources.───我们同时还要考虑人力资源问题.

16、Huaxing adopts effective ways in its introduction, training and incentive systems in respect of human resources.───华兴实业集团在人才的引进 、 培育、激励机制采取了行之有效的办法.

17、the human resources director───人事部主管

18、He just wanted to grab a phone to call the Human Resources Department, but he didn't have their numbers.───他只是想拿个电话打给人力资源部,但他没有他们的电话号码。

19、Before joining Suncor in 1996, Sue was vice president of human resources at TransAlta Corporation.───之前于1996年加入森科尔, 苏是人力资源的副总裁在公司的财务科.

20、The coming knowledge economy age creates a historical opportunity for human resources accounting to extend.───知识经济时代的到来也为人力资源会计的推广创造了历史性的契机.

21、Objective To exploit and manage the human resources effectively in central sterile supply department.───目的有效开发及管理消毒供应中心人力资源.

22、So, the rule of human resources management of university teachers lies in the personification management.───因此, 高校教师人力资源管理的法则在于人格化管理.

23、Regulatory agencies are: human resources, engineering, purchasing department, department, quality control department.───管理机构有: 人力资源部 、 工程部 、 采购部 、 生产部 、 品控部.

24、Earnestly implementing the strategy of tapping human resources.───认真实施人才政策.

25、Concluded: human resources costs of the assets, allowing human resources involved in distribution of profits.───得出结论: 将人力资源费用资产化, 允许人力资源参与利润分配.

26、Inputs data in the Human Resources information records.───在人力资源信息表格中录入数据.

27、The human resources department is responsible for approving leave applications from staff.───人力资源部负责批准员工的休假申请.

28、All these difficulties are due to the imperfect human resources management mechanism.───这些困难主要是由培训机构不完善的人力资源管理机制造成的.

29、Therefore, the study of human resources management never stops.───为此, 对人力资源管理的研究从未停止.

30、It is also a set of software system which at the need of human resources department.───教学辅助管理系统是典型的信息管理系统(MIS),也是一套针对学校里教学部门需要的软件系统.

31、Handles Human Resources administration of expatriate staff.───负责外籍员工的人力资源管理.

32、Enlightened companies include its human resources in their estimation of the firm's worth.───有见识的公司将人力资源包括在公司价值评估中。

human resources相似词语短语

1、human natures───人性;人类本性


3、heat sources───热源

4、use resources───使用资源

5、human services───人类服务;公共事业;社会工作

6、natural resources───[环境]自然资源,天然资源

7、human genomes───人类基因组

8、human races───人类

9、shared resources───共享资源










1、humanity:humanity education 人文教育 ; Humanity United 人类联合组织;Humanity Asset 人类财产。

2、human:Human Resources 人力资源 ; human body 人体 ;Human Anatomy人体解剖学 。

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