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geometric sequence中文翻译,geometric sequence是什么意思,geometric sequence发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

geometric sequence中文翻译,geometric sequence是什么意思,geometric sequence发音、用法及例句

1、geometric sequence

geometric sequence发音

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geometric sequence中文意思翻译



geometric sequence双语使用场景

1、In either case, the sequence of probabilities is a geometric sequence.───无论在哪一种情况下,概率的数列都是一个几何数列。

2、The geometric correction is substantially the process to get a non-uniform sequence by interpolation from a uniform sequence.───几何校正过程实质上是由均匀采样序列插值得到非均匀采样序列的过程。

3、is proposed in this paper that the geometric architectures of sequences could reveal the process of sequence dynamics, the deposition property and evolution process of the basin.───序几何构型是层序动力学过程的反映,可揭示盆地的沉积特征和演化过程。

4、The results indicates the grow rates sequence of the simulation of NFGM model is a geometric sequence.───结果表明NFGM模型的模拟序列增长率是等比序列;

5、if there is one term falling between two given terms of an geometric sequence, it's called geometric mean.───如果某一个项落在一个几何序列的两个给定值之间,称为“几何平均数”。

6、The graphic coding of DNA sequence is the geometric representation of DNA sequences by means of different notes and line segments in different positions.───DNA的图形编码是在几何意义下,在不同位置,用不同的标记符号及不同的方向线段,对DNA的序列进行编码。

geometric sequence相似词语短语

1、gene sequence───基因序列;基因顺序

2、geometric series───n.[数]几何级数;[数]等比级数

3、sedimentary sequences───沉积层序

4、domestic science───家政学

5、geometric pace───n.步距

6、gene sequences───基因序列;基因顺序

7、genome sequence───基因组序列

8、geometric means───[数]几何平均数,等比中项

9、geometric mean───[数]几何平均数,等比中项


1等差数列,arithmetic progression

2等比数列,geometric progression

3数列求和,find the sum of the progression

4公比,common ratio

5公差,common difference

6首项,first term

7通项公式,formula for general term

8最大项,maximum term

9最小项,minimum term

10递增数列,increasing sequence

11递减数列,decreasing sequence

12第n项,n-th term

13取值范围 value range

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