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global market中文翻译,global market是什么意思,global market发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

global market中文翻译,global market是什么意思,global market发音、用法及例句

1、global market

global market发音

英:  美:

global market中文意思翻译



global market双语使用场景

1、Its influence but fast is rising along with the global market expansion.───其影响力正随着全球市场的扩张而快速上升.

2、The exported tyre cord fabric wins high reputation in the global market.───公司出口的帘子布在国际市场上享有很高的信誉.

3、I think this a global market.───我认为这是一个全球性的市场。

4、Degussa is the global market leader in specialty chemicals.───德固赛集团是世界领先的特种化工公司.

5、But its global market share stands at about 15 per cent.───但它的全球市场份额只有约15%.

6、Pharmaceutical shares have underperformed the global market this year.───今年,医药股票的表现不如全球市场.

7、Markets consist of people and global market is no exception.───市场是由人组成的,全球市场也不例外.

8、Lenovo is aiming to claw back global market share.───联想正力求夺回全球市场份额.

9、Small capital, Big and global market.───小资金, 大市场.

10、TheG 3 X phone is the most compact elevator telephone on the global market.───G3X电话是全球市场上最紧凑的电梯电话.

11、They're reaching a global market at normal cost.───他们不用增加成本就取得了在全世界的市场地位.

12、China's labor - intensive products enjoy unique comparative advantages in the global market.───中国的劳动密集型产品在国际上有着自己的比较优势.

13、The global market brings about more fierce competition.───国际市场带来更大的竞争.

14、This is an extension of global market competitions.───这是全球范围市场竞争的延伸。

15、The global market for liquid crystal display products is booming.───液晶显示产品的全球市场需求正在急速上升.

16、Focuses resources on global market opportunities and threats.───聚焦资源在全球市场的机会和威胁.

17、Its global market share is approaching 50% (see chart).───它在全球市场的份额已接近50%(见图表)。

global market相似词语短语

1、labor market───劳动市场;劳工市场

2、growth market───成长型市场

3、global sales───全球销售

4、global fame───全球知名度

5、job market───就业市场;[劳经]工作市场;求职广场

6、social market───n.社会市场

7、global searches───全程搜索

8、flea market───跳蚤市场;廉价市场

9、gray market───(美)灰市;半合法市场

2、maple syrup怎么读

maple syrup读音:美[ˈmeɪpəl sɪrəp]。





1、There are about 400 maple syrup houses of this kind in Quebec.


2、Serve the pancakes hot off the griddle with warm strawberry syrup or maple syrup.


3、Want to impress your friends with your very own handmade maple syrup?


4、This month, students are making their own sugar and maple syrup.


5、Puree with flour and maple syrup to make a soft ball.


6、The Canadian maple syrup has 85 % of the global market.


7、Let's see … hotcakes and maple syrup, with scrambled eggs.


8、'The real puzzler is the maple syrup, ' he says.


9、The northeastern state of Vermont is the leading producer of maple syrup in the United States.


10、It's really deep and red. So garlic the adobo and chiles maple syrup, salt and pepper.


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