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broke into(broken into中文翻译,broken into是什么意思,broken into发音、用法及例句)

04-11 投稿

broke into(broken into中文翻译,broken into是什么意思,broken into发音、用法及例句)

broken into

broken into发音

英:  美:

broken into中文意思翻译



broken into双语使用场景

1、That growth has also made it a target for criminals and hackers, some of whom have broken into user accounts, among other exploits.───强劲的增长势头也使得该网站成为了犯罪分子和黑客的攻击目标,促使一些人采取攻破用户帐号等攻击行为。

2、On her drive back to college, she'd suddenly broken into a cold sweat and had to pull over to vomit.───当她开车回到大学,她突然出了一身冷汗,然后猛地呕吐起来。

3、The player had not been answering his mobile phone and the flat had to be broken into, sources close to him said.───他不回电话,他的公寓不得不被闯入。

4、Civilians had broken into the building, apparently in the belief that it contained food.───老百姓已闯入这栋大楼,很明显他们错误地相信这儿有食物。

5、As noted earlier, a large project is often broken into smaller sub-projects.───就像之前提到的,一个大型的项目通过被分解成多个小项目。

6、The conflict, which has broken into rare public view, seems to be mainly between China's central bank and its Commerce Ministry.───这种分歧,——罕见地出现在了公众的视野,看起来集中体现在中国央行与商务部之间。

7、We had our car broken into last week.───我们的车上周被撬了。

8、Youths had broken into the bar and smashed the place up.───一群年轻人闯进酒吧,把里面砸了个乱七八糟。

9、I won't reinvent the wheel as you can find all of his information on his site but everything is broken into easy to follow BABY STEPS.───我不会推倒重来,你可以在他的网站找到他的所有信息,但一切如果遵循小步都将会变得不容易。

broken into相似词语短语

1、broken in───打断;闯入;训练;使逐渐习惯

2、blown into───吹进某处;突然来到某处

3、broke into───闯入;破门而入

4、booked into───签到;登记

5、booking into───签到;登记

6、broken winds───喘气;放屁

7、books into───签到;登记

8、broken lines───断线;破裂线

9、book into───签到;登记

break into和break out区别?

break into和break out含义不同。

break into指的是闯入、侵入,常用于负面场合,比如闯入别人家中或破解密码系统等。

而break out则表示爆发、突围,常用于描述良好的事物,如音乐、笑声、自由等。



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