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row a boat怎么读(rowing a boat中文翻译,rowing a boat是什么意思,rowing a boat发音、用法及例句)

04-09 投稿

row a boat怎么读(rowing a boat中文翻译,rowing a boat是什么意思,rowing a boat发音、用法及例句)

rowing a boat

rowing a boat发音

英:  美:

rowing a boat中文意思翻译



rowing a boat双语使用场景

1、Four young members of the Madison Square Boy's Club rowing a boat in a rooftop pool, Manhattan skyscrapers in the background, Feb.───四个男孩麦迪逊广场的划艇俱乐部在一个屋顶泳池,在后台,1950年2月曼哈顿摩天大楼船年轻的成员。

2、What if several Robin Hoods were rowing a boat to steal on tankers near the Horn of Africa?───如果有几个罗宾汉划着小船在非洲之角附近的油轮上行窃呢?

3、As you're exhaling the "s" , contract those muscles n the vital triangle as though you were rowing a boat, pulling the oars back and up.───当你呼气说“嘶”时,致命三角的那些肌肉被收缩了起来,就好象你在划船时前后推挪着船桨。

4、What is Amy doing? She is rowing a boat.───埃米在做什么?她正划船。

5、Jim is rowing a boat.───吉姆在划船。

6、He is rowing a boat in the park.───他正在公园里划船。

7、We climbed Wanshoushan, rowing a boat on Kunming Lake.───我们登万寿山,在昆明湖划船。

8、The process is just like rowing a boat. And then, the driving arm return to the primary position by the pulling from the spring.───之后驱动臂通过弹簧拉动返回初始位置,此时驱动臂下面的小轮是滚动返回的,不产生相反的摩擦力。

rowing a boat相似词语短语

1、bowing out───退出,辞职

2、growing apart───往不同方向生长,合不到一起;产生隔阂;朝不同方向生长,变行有隔阂

3、growing out───出,发芽;拉架子

4、flying boat───飞船,水上飞机

5、throwing about───到处扔;舞动

6、growing threat───日益增长的威胁

7、rowing boat───划艇;小划子,游艇

8、rowing boats───划艇(rowingboat的名词复数)


结语:Rowingaboat我正在划船.英文,I am boating.划着小船英文是什,Rowingaboat takeboatingrowingaboat.Iamreadinganenglingbook.改否定句,Cherisn';t(not) drawingapicture. Theyaren';t(not) rowingaboat.Iamn';t(not)readinganenglingbook Cherisn';t(not) drawingapicture. Theyaren';t(not) rowingaboat.

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