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teddy怎么读(a teddy中文翻译,a teddy是什么意思,a teddy发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

teddy怎么读(a teddy中文翻译,a teddy是什么意思,a teddy发音、用法及例句)

1、a teddy

a teddy发音

英:  美:

a teddy中文意思翻译



a teddy双语使用场景

1、Give me a teddy bear, soft and could be make any pose, and I could make it as my pillow.───买一个熊送我,软软的,可以摆成任何姿势那种,我骑着睡觉。

2、and then he lowered his hand. The shape in the crib was a teddy bear. There was no child.───然后,他把手放了下来。躺在婴儿床中的是个玩具泰迪熊。没有孩子。

3、The koala is one of Australia is most famous and best loved animals. It has a peaceful character and looks like a teddy bear.───考拉是澳大利亚最著名最可爱的动物之一。它有着温顺的性格,看起来就像玩具熊。

4、I used to hug one in bed instead of a teddy.───我曾经搂着一本书,而不是泰迪熊入睡。

5、Round and round the garden Like a teddy bear; One step, two step, Tickle you under there.───花园里面徜徉,玩具狗熊一样;一步两步走来,给你挠挠痒痒。

6、Her little son has a teddy bear.───她的小儿子有一只熊玩具。

7、She was buried in a white coffin, with a teddy bear made of purple flowers.───她被安葬在一具白色棺材里,陪伴她的是一只由紫色花朵拼成的玩具熊。

8、They saw a honey squeeze bottle shaped like a teddy bear as a "must buy" as long as it was refillable .───他们看到了一瓶蜂蜜挤压形状像一个玩具熊的“必须购买”只要有人充装。

9、Jim: Don't get a toy. Get a teddy bear.───吉姆:别买这种玩具了,买个玩具熊,他会很喜欢的。

a teddy相似词语短语




4、a tad───一点点


6、a tempo───原速,回原速(以原来的速度)

7、a tergo───adv.(拉)从背后;在后面




Teddy bear美 [ber]英 ['tedi beə(r)]n.(软的)玩具熊泰迪熊;抱抱熊;小熊例句1.Teddy Bear, teddy bear, switch off the light.泰迪熊,泰迪熊,关上灯。

2.He held on tight to his teddy bear.他紧抱住他的泰迪熊。

3.It has a peaceful character and looks like a teddy bear.它个性温顺,看起来象只泰迪熊4.Until finally, he was the only teddy bear left in the entire store.到最后,整个商店就剩下他一只熊。5.She had a teddy-bear, both of whose eyes were missing.她有一个玩具熊,它的两只眼睛都丢了

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