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shutting down中文翻译,shutting down是什么意思,shutting down发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

shutting down中文翻译,shutting down是什么意思,shutting down发音、用法及例句

shutting down

shutting down发音

英:  美:

shutting down中文意思翻译


停工; 停下


shutting down双语使用场景

1、shutting down of their reproductive phase.───它们的生殖阶段完全停止下来。

2、That pretty much did it as far as shutting down Yao goes.───这几乎就像把姚明的动力关掉了.

3、The server machine is shutting down.───服务器已关机.

4、Tried restarting, shutting down and booting back up, still there.───试着重新启动, 关闭和启动备份, 还在那儿.

5、Occurs when the user is logging off or shutting down the system.───当用户注销或关闭系统时发生.

6、But asked whether he would consider shutting down the course, he stiffened.───询及是否考虑关闭球场, 阿布杜神色变得坚定.

7、Why you never are my shutting down step?───为何他从不为我停下脚步?

8、The cluster software is shutting down.───群集软件正关闭.

9、your inner helicopter isn't easy.───你内心的直升机熄火并不容易。

10、Best result are obtained by shutting down on a non - TPU resin like polyethylene.───最佳的成果是停止使用 非 聚氨酯树胶,如聚乙烯.

11、When I do not know shutting down ware.───我不知道什么时候关机器.

12、But random ports seem to be shutting down intermittently.───但某些随机端口却似乎间歇性地在关闭.

13、This directory server is shutting down, and cannot take ownership of new floating single - master operation roles.───这个目录服务器已关闭, 并且不能接受新的浮动单主机操作角色的所有权.

14、You're talking about shutting down a major metropolitan police force!───你现在在说的是解散整个城市的警察.

15、Total systems failure . Defense protocols breached. Leviathan UnIt'shutting down.───体系宕机. 防御部分被损坏.烈焰海兽关机.

16、Total systems failure . Defense breached. Leviathan UnIt'shutting down.───系统宕机. 防御部分被破坏.烈焰海兽关机.

17、Finally, what happened with the shutting down time?───最后,关机时间上的表现呢?

18、The cluster node is shutting down.───群集节点正在关闭.

shutting down相似词语短语

1、cutting down───研磨修整

2、sitting down───坐下;扎营

3、hunting down───穷追直至抓获

4、sheeting down───压片

5、putting down───v.着陆;羞辱;放下;写下;付定金;镇压(暴动、叛乱)

6、shifting down───变慢;换档减速

7、shooting down───击落;驳倒,否决

8、shouting down───大声喊叫以压倒对方

9、setting down───放下;记下;看做;确定

CS1.6断开连接`你与服务器的连接以被断开``原因是:Server shutting down


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