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poring over中文翻译,poring over是什么意思,poring over发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

poring over中文翻译,poring over是什么意思,poring over发音、用法及例句

1、poring over

poring over发音

英:  美:

poring over中文意思翻译



poring over双语使用场景

1、On one of her first assignments abroad, she spent countless days poring over the books of a struggling Kenyan microfinance firm.───在她最早被任命到海外的一项任务中,她夜以继日地研读分析挣扎中的肯尼亚小额信贷公司的书。

2、The two scientists have spent the last few days poring over maps and deciding which features they want to explore along the GSC.───两位科学家几天以来一直在钻研地图,选择他们想在加拉帕戈斯扩张中心考察的地貌。

3、His lawyers are poring over the small print in the contract.───他的律师们正在审阅合同上的小号字。

4、Or you may spend hours poring over the details and trying to figure out what kind of tests you need to add to your test harness.───或者您可以花费数小时时间研究细节,并试着弄清您需要为您的测试工具添加什么类型的测试。

5、We spent hours poring over travel brochures.───我们花了几个小时仔细研究旅游宣传册。

6、I saw her in corners, in spots with merely the faintest glimmer of light, poring over her books like a rat gnawing at something.───在角落里,在只有一点灯光的地方,我都看到过她,好像老鼠在啮嚼什么东西似地读起单字来。

7、Before you start poring over the grid in the table, though, you'll need a little bit of background.───可是,在开始研究表中的网格时,需要一点背景知识。

8、There he sat poring over an open book when suddenly he raised his eyes to her smiled and said A cognac please.───他坐在那儿,展卷读书,突然接头看见了她,微笑着说:“请来一杯白兰地。”

poring over相似词语短语

1、coming over───过来;顺便来访;抓住

2、doing over───重做;粉刷

3、rowing over───v.从容胜过;一路领先

4、working over───加工处理

5、bring over───使相信;说服;把…带来

6、moving over───挪开

7、papering over───隐瞒;掩饰

8、forking over───付出;支付

9、going over───彻底审查;痛打

2、pore over是什么意思

pore over的意思是盯着,凝视;集中精神地阅读;注视,凝视。

pore n.(皮肤上的)毛孔,(植物的)气孔,孔隙 v.[I] 熟读,熟视,细想,钻研,沉思

over adv. 1. 从直立位置向外和向下 2. 从一边到另一边 3. 穿过, 横过(街道、开阔地等) 4. 再, 又 5. 剩余,余下 6. 加上7. 结束, 完结

下面列举出pore over造的句子。

She was poring over an old map of the area.她正在仔细查阅该地区的旧地图。

The child spends hours poring over her books.那孩子用了几个小时仔细阅读她的那些书。

What is the book you are poring over this afternoon?今天下午你读的什么书?

He had spent several hours in the library poring over those musty documents.他一连好几个小时呆在图书馆里仔细翻阅那些发霉味的文献资料。

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