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last forever中文翻译,last forever是什么意思,last forever发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

last forever中文翻译,last forever是什么意思,last forever发音、用法及例句

last forever

last forever发音

英:  美:

last forever中文意思翻译




last forever双语使用场景

1、Camp memories last forever! We make sure are unforgettable!───营地的影象是永远的, 也是难忘的!

2、Always I thought things were gonna last forever, but it never did.───巴黎是不会感伤的,因为夜夜笙歌, 一成不变,便以为什么都会永远.

3、Just keep telling yourself that it won't last forever.───要不停地提醒自己,这不会永世长存的。

4、Although they're expensive, they last forever and never go out of style.───尽管价格昂贵,但它们经久耐用,永不过时。

5、May our love last forever!───愿我们的爱直到永远.

6、Love, although this may only be temporary, the memory will last forever.───爱, 虽然这可能只是暂时的, 记忆将永远持续下去.

7、All the energy we could ever use won't last forever.───我们可以使用的所有能量都不会永远持续下去。

8、I thought that love would last forever. But I was wrong.───我曾经相信我们的爱情会到永远, 但是我错了.

9、True love should last forever.───真正的爱情是永恒的.

10、And history teaches us that enmities between nations, as between individuals, do not last forever.───历史告诉我们国与国的仇恨如同人与人的仇恨, 并不是永远不消的.

11、Books do not last forever.───图书不能永久保存.

12、Money didn't last forever but neither was one immortal!───钱有花完的那一天,人可是也不会永远活着!

13、Good looks don't last forever, nor does wealth or fame.───美貌不能永在, 财富和名誉也是如此.

14、It will last forever.───它将永垂不朽.

15、Unlike metal, plastics never rust, scale , or pit - they virtually last forever.───与金属不同, 塑料不会生锈 、 生水垢或凹陷,实际上塑料使用寿命更长.

16、Our love will last forever.───我们的爱直到永远.

17、It's something that will last forever.───这是一种会永远持续下去的东西。

18、Ooh ooh child, what'd you think the cold winter's gonna last forever?───奥奥孩子, 什么让你觉得寒冬会一直持续?

last forever相似词语短语

1、Lassa fever───n.[医]拉沙热

2、East River───东河(美国纽约州东南部的海峡,位于曼哈顿岛与长岛之间)

3、fast follower───n.快速跟随者


5、Malta fever───波状热;马尔他热

6、mast cover───桅杆盖板

7、as ever───一直,依旧


no pain will last forever没有永远的痛苦

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