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closed caption中文翻译,closed caption是什么意思,closed caption发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

closed caption中文翻译,closed caption是什么意思,closed caption发音、用法及例句

closed caption

closed caption发音

英:  美:

closed caption中文意思翻译



closed caption双语使用场景

1、Decoded closed caption data cannot be shown.───未能显示解码显示字幕数据。

2、option panelchanges to display video related options, such duration, publication date, quality, and only closed caption (i. e. with subtitles). choosing blogs will return only blog posts.───选项面板变为展示 视频相关的选项,比如时长、发布日期、质量和带字幕(例如:带字幕)。

3、The closed caption text on the slide is displayed to the user.───幻灯片上的隐藏式字幕会显示给用户。

4、d. To time a closed caption, click the header of the caption that displays the start and end time, and drag the play head in the audio clip.───要指定隐藏式字幕的时间,单击标题头上显示的开始时间和结束时间,并拖动声音剪辑的播放头。

5、closed caption text on the slide is displayed to the user.───幻灯片上的隐藏式字幕会显示给用户。

6、Closed Caption with bigger size characters───更大字符的显示字幕

7、But the experts are already talking about the next thing - programs to automatically digest broadcast and closed-caption television.───但是专家们已经在谈论下一步的事情——程序自动摘录广播和闭路电视。

closed caption相似词语短语

1、closed gentians───封闭龙胆


3、closed corporations───不公开上市的公司

4、crossed section───[数]横截面;样品;有代表性的实例

5、closed corporation───封闭式公司

6、closed chain───[数]闭链;闭锁链条

7、closed gentian───龙胆



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