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in the way中文翻译,in the way是什么意思,in the way发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

in the way中文翻译,in the way是什么意思,in the way发音、用法及例句

in the way

in the way发音

英:  美:

in the way中文意思翻译


妨碍; 挡道


in the way双语使用场景

1、Is there much in the way of nightlife around here?───这附近的夜生活丰富 吗 ?

2、The wardrobe is in the way.───大立柜挡住了道.

3、There is much to see in the way of castles, curiosities, and museums.───可以看到很多城堡、奇珍异品和博物馆。

4、There was something peculiar in the way he smiled.───他笑起来有点怪。

5、The affectations in the way she speaks annoyed me.───她说话时装腔作势的样子惹我恼火.

6、She's not very consistent in the way she treats her children.───她对待孩子反复无常。

7、He put me in the way of a job.───他使我有机会得到一份工作.

8、I don't see any vast turnarounds in the way we do business.───我认为我们的经营方式不会有任何大的改变。

9、In the way you go on, you are inevitably coming apart.───照你们这样下去, 毫无疑问是会散伙的.

10、Several pitfalls remain in the way of an agreement.───在达成协议的进程中还有几个隐藏的困难.

11、I left them alone, as I felt I was in the way.───我留下他们单独在一起,因为我觉得我碍他们的事。

12、They complained of injustice in the way they had been treated.───他们抱怨受到不公平的对待.

13、"You're standing in the way," she said. "Would you mind moving aside"───.。。“你挡着道了,”她说,“麻烦你让一下。”

14、There is some similarity in the way they sing.───他们的演唱风格有点像。

15、The travelers wandered in the way.───旅行者们在途中迷了路.

16、We are together in the way we're looking at this situation.───我们对这一形势的看法是一致的.

17、There was elegance and simple dignity in the way he bore himself.───他举止优雅而庄重。

in the way相似词语短语

1、by the way───顺便说说,顺便问一下;在途中

2、on the way───adj.在……途中

3、in the way of───妨碍;关于…方面

4、in the wars───在战争中

5、in the bag───十拿九稳的;稳操胜券的

6、in the can───**杀青

7、all the way───一路上;自始至终

8、in the raw───处于自然状态;未开化的;裸体

9、end the war───结束战争

to the way 和in the way 的区别?


1.in the way意思:阻碍,挡道

2.to the way意思:通往


1.in the way用法:in表地点时,指在某一立体空间范围内。

2.to the way用法:to表地点时,指某物与另一物表面相接触,或与某地方接壤等。


1.in the way侧重点:有挡道、妨碍的意味。

2.to the way侧重点:若表示在去某地的途中,其后要用介词to接地点名词表示目的地,若目的地是副词

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