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hot potato的中文意思(hot potato中文翻译,hot potato是什么意思,hot potato发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

hot potato的中文意思(hot potato中文翻译,hot potato是什么意思,hot potato发音、用法及例句)

hot potato

hot potato发音

英:  美:

hot potato中文意思翻译

n.棘手的人[问题]; 烫手的山芋


hot potato双语使用场景

1、S . dollars . Bank chief executive officer Robert Steele is known as the " hot potato. "───银行首席执行官罗伯特·斯蒂尔则称之为 “ 烫手山芋 ”.

2、This situation is a real hot potato.───这种情况实在棘手.

3、It's a political hot potato.───它是个棘手的政治问题.

4、Consequently the brain drain has become a hot potato which needs to solve.───人才流失问题已成为山西邮政亟待解决的重要问题.

5、The subject of abortion become a political hot potato.───堕胎的事已经成为棘手的烫手山芋.

6、The unemployment is a real hot potato.───失业真是个棘手的问题.

7、The second step is to apply heat to pour oil, oil into hot potato.───第二步是倒适量油于炸锅中, 油热后放入土豆.

8、Analysis and investigation of client quality complains is a hot potato for many cement enterprises.───摘要顾客质量投诉的原因分析与调查,是困扰许多水泥厂的一个难题.

9、Eventually those dollars will come home, they have to, as a function of math. In the meantime, passing the buck like a hot potato does not work.───数学的功能上说,最终这些美元将必须回到美国。同时,将美元像个烫手山芋一样推出去是做不到的。

10、Mon operating strategy, a hot potato? Do not do it in the bird cage.───周一操作策略, 烫手的山芋谁来接? 不要去做笼中鸟.

11、The issue became a hot potato for the government.───该问题已成为政府的棘手问题.

12、The tariff issue is a hot potato in our department; no one deals with it.───关税问题在我们部门是一个棘手问题, 没有人能处理.

13、meantime, passing the buck like a hot potato does not work.───同时,将美元像个烫手山芋一样推出去是做不到的。

14、How to solve the problem is a hot potato.───如何解决这个问题,倒是一个烫手山芋.

15、When we learned of the conviction, we dropped him like a hot potato.───听说他判了罪, 我们立即和他中断了往来.

16、The confidence wasn't there . Once I started hot potato it wasn't there.───球迷们对我没有信心,一旦我开始表现的糟糕就不会对我有信心了.

17、Now it is turning into a political hot potato with potentially big implications for bank profits.───如今,它在变成一块政治上的烫手山芋,对银行利润可能产生巨大影响.

18、However, the dollar is a hot potato, tasteless but wasteful to discard.───但是, 现在的美元是烫手的山芋, 食之无味,弃之可惜.

19、Is social capital a delicious meal or a hot potato?───社会资本是“美味佳肴”还是“烫手的山芋”?

20、Many school boards found segregation a hot potato in the early 1960 s.───在60年代初,许多学校部门都觉得按水平分班是一个棘手的问题.

21、The issue of abortion has been a hot potato in America for a long time.───很长时间以来,人工流产在美国一直是一件很棘手的事.

22、Every one can see how the boss looks when he handles a hot potato.───老板处理难题时,每个人都看出他是什么表情.

23、The racial discrimination issue is a political hot potato.───种族歧视问题是政治上的棘手问题.

24、Steve: It'sure is. If you were broke, she'd drop you like a hot potato.───史蒂夫: 当然啊! 如果你口袋没钱了, 你就会像烫手山芋一样被她甩掉.

25、If I were you, I'd drop that client a hot potato.───假如我是你的话, 我就把那个难以应付的顾客马上甩掉.

26、The Mideast conflict is really a hot potato for all politicians around the world.───中东问题对世界所有的政治家来说都是个烫手的山芋.

27、Money policy is fast becoming a hot potato.───货币政策很快地成为一个棘手难题.

28、Warm up with a hot potato.───用一个热土豆来取暖。

29、You should adopt another way to deal with this hot potato.───你应该采取另外的方式处理这种棘手的情况.

30、Ceding sovereignty to Europe is a political hot potato in Britain.───但是一项试图重启早已受挫的欧盟部分下发草案的计划正在进行.

31、He dropped the topic like a hot potato.───他放弃了这个棘手的话题.

hot potato相似词语短语

1、air potato───黄独

2、hot pot───火锅;干锅,干煸类

3、a hot potato───烫手山芋(棘手的问题)

4、hot pots───火锅;干锅,干煸类

5、white potato───n.马铃薯;土豆

6、hot plate───n.[分化][电]电热板;轻便电炉;餐厅出售的热食

7、hot potatoes───烫手山芋(喻指棘手的问题);(英)烤土豆


hot potato英 [hɔt pəˈteitəu] 美 [hɑt pəˈteto] n. 棘手的人[问题]; 烫手的山芋;

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