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be better什么意思啊(be better中文翻译,be better是什么意思,be better发音、用法及例句)

04-13 投稿

be better什么意思啊(be better中文翻译,be better是什么意思,be better发音、用法及例句)

be better

be better发音

英:  美:

be better中文意思翻译



be better双语使用场景

1、They argue that it would be better to do nothing now, wait for an old-fashioned fiscal crisis to force the issue, and then start again.───他们争论道,现在最好什么也不做,而等待一个老式的财政危机去解决问题,然后重新开始。

2、Nevertheless, in my view, the first job should be better to maintain at least half a year or more.───不过个人觉得第一份工作还是要至少维持在半年以上为好,经常性的跳槽对自己的职业生涯很不利。

3、If we were to use a similar mediation in a production environment, it would be better to configure the mediation using context properties.───如果我们在生产环境中使用类似的中介,则使用上下文属性来配置中介效果会更好一些。

4、You'd be better going by bus.───你坐公共汽车去会更好些。

5、Many children at his age have had various English lessons, anyway, lessons cannot be better than English circumstances.───周围的孩子已有不少上各种英语课的,但无论报多少个英语班都不如在家经常说。

6、I could be better than Britney "- Avril Lavigne" It was the biggest rush of my life.───我可能比布兰妮更好“-艾薇儿拉维尼:”这是我一生中最大的匆忙。

7、This is an experimentation problem: how much do you need to see of a man's behaviour before deciding you'd be better off without him?───这是一个实验问题:你对一个男人的行为需要有多了解,才能断定没有他你会更快乐?

8、Wouldn't it be better putting a time-limit on the task?───任务定个截止期限不是更好吗?

9、Perhaps it would be better if you came back tomorrow.───如果你明天回来,也许更好。

be better相似词语短语



3、the better───越好

4、fare better───过得更好

5、to better───为了更好



nothing could better句型用法?

Nothing could be better than 表示没有比……更好的了。Nothing could be better than a cup of water when you feel thirsty.

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